Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 354: Mo Dongshan's uncle smiles

In the semi-open-air garden, Ye Yang and others and Wang Silin were also eating and drinking, very happy.

"Boss Ye is really versatile. Not only can he achieve such success in business at such a young age, he is also very accomplished in guzheng. I admire him."

Mo Dongshan said with a smile, he no longer dared to have any prejudice against Ye Yang.

"Dad, didn't you say before that playing the guzheng was not doing your job properly?"

Mo Zhengzheng teased with a smile.

"Uh, this..."

Mo Dongshan shook his head dumbfounded: "Didn't you understand this before? From now on, I will fully support you in playing the guzheng! You can play as long as you want!"


Mo Zhengzheng's eyes lit up and she shook Ye Yang's arm excitedly: "Thank you, Master!"


Black lines appeared on Mo Dongshan's head, and he was sweating again and again. Something seemed wrong with this daughter!

"Ha ha."

Ye Yang shook his head. This father and daughter were quite interesting.

"Can Dong Ye still play the guzheng?"

Wang Xiaocong raised his eyebrows: "He's much better than my boring dad."


Wang Silin originally had a smile on his face as he watched Mo Dongshan and his daughter pinch each other, but now his expression turned dark.

Chi Guo somehow ended up eating it on himself.


Bai Xiaojing and the other girls were so embarrassed that they had internal injuries from suppressing their laughter. The relationship between parents and children of wealthy families must be so funny! ?

"Dong Ye, why don't you play a song to open my eyes?"

Wang Xiaocong is very interested in tinkering with these different things.

"Xiao Cong, you..."

Wang Silin shouted deeply, feeling that this was a bit troublesome to Ye Yang.

"It doesn't matter, this is good."

Ye Yang nodded slightly, not coyly. Today's party is very happy. When the atmosphere is high, what's wrong with playing the piano to help the fun?

"Is there a guzheng here?"

"Centurion Club, what not?"

Seeing that Ye Yang was also very elegant, Wang Silin felt relieved and asked his personal secretary to contact someone to ask for the guzheng.

"Two of them!"

Mo Zhengzheng added.


The personal secretary also agreed repeatedly.


After a while, two fine guzhengs were carried up.

"Master, I want to play a chorus with you!"

Mo Zhengzheng kept saying.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Although I know there is a big gap between me and you, this is called growing up in difficulties!"

Mo Zhengzheng waved her fist and said with a smile.

Ye Yang shook his head: "Okay, what to play?"

"Just "Mountains and Flowing Water"!"

Mo Zhengzheng chuckled.

"High Mountains and Flowing Waters" is a famous guzheng song, and behind it is the classical story of Boya Ziqi, which has been circulated among the people for many years.

It is considered a classic among classics and is divided into two versions, an eighth-level version and a fourth-level version.

In any version, the difficulty is prohibitive for ordinary guzheng players.

"Which one do you want to play?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Challenge yourself, play the hardest."

Mo Zhengzheng waved her fist and cheered herself up.


Ye Yang didn't refuse, and just started playing the piano.

The melodious and beautiful sound of the guzheng soon echoed throughout the entire cabin.

Outside the house is blue sky and clear water, and the guzheng stretches. Inside the house, there are beautiful lakes and mountains, delicious food and wine.

If it were made into a movie, it would be a beautiful scene.

The whole song is very leisurely and plain, but in the plainness, it can create a sense of beauty.

Especially when handsome men and beautiful women are bombarded in succession.

Wang Silin and Mo Dongshan looked at me and I looked at you. The uncle's smile on their lips could no longer be hidden.

"What a perfect match."

Mo Dongshan secretly thought that if his daughter could really find this Mr. Ye as her future husband, then the entire Mo family would be in great glory!

Just thinking about it makes me extremely proud!

Thinking about the future, the uncle's smile on Mo Dongshan's lips became even stronger.

"Well, okay! Great!"

Although Wang Xiaocong doesn't know much about music, Ye Yang plays really beautifully! As long as you concentrate a little, you can feel the picture painted in the sound.

Pictures appeared in my mind, mountains and rivers, extremely beautiful...

Just like that, when the song ended, Mo Zhengzheng also stood up: "Master is indeed a master. Just playing a song with Master and being led by Master, I felt that I naturally understood a lot of things and made a lot of progress!!! "

"My daughter actually knows how to flirt with men!"

Mo Dongshan nodded with great relief.

But if Mo Zhengzheng knew that her father thought of her this way, she would be dumbfounded on the spot. She really did think so!

Dad is such a crooked old man! ! ! !

In the small garden by the lake, there were bursts of laughter and joy.

The entrance to the Centurion Club was bustling with activity at this time.

Many reporters followed the Zhuge Group all the way to the Centurion Capital Club branch.

"Are you sure Mr. Ye has not left the Centurion Club?"

Zhuge Yuanmou asked.

"Make sure, we have been waiting here. The car Mr. Ye drives is a super luxury car. We will not admit it."

Several guys arranged by the Zhuge family to keep an eye on him also agreed.


Zhuge Yuanmou nodded slightly, then glanced at the reporters behind him.

Now that you have made up your mind, face is nothing more than a bargaining chip.

The members of the Centurion Club who were playing had already received the news, and many came out to see what was going on.

Zhuge Yuanmou is a very important figure in the capital.

His son was so violently beaten that he mobilized troops to come so soon. He must have a big agenda. Who in the world doesn't like to eat melons?

Today, such a big melon is displayed here, and anyone has to come and take a good look at it.

"Mr. Zhuge, we have just received relevant news. May I ask what your purpose is in coming to the Centurion Club!?"

"Yeah yeah!"

"We also want to know what happened..."

All the reporters had their own agenda and put the microphone in Zhuge Yuanmou's face, asking eagerly.

"I, a descendant of the Zhuge family, are not sensible, but I, the Zhuge family, have always valued harmony and are very qualified."

Zhuge Yuanmou smiled lightly, and said in a loud voice, as if he had made some determination: "Today, I am here to apologize to Mr. Ye."

(First update)

(I just posted the chapters of the old book: I Have Infinite Evolution Points. Now I have contacted the editor to delete them. Xiaojiu sincerely apologizes for causing reading problems to everyone!

But, ahem, it’s really embarrassing. The author himself doesn’t even have the most basic right to delete chapters. Alas... it’s really difficult to be an author. )



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