Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 355: The flattery hit the horse's hoof

(The original chapter 354 was just posted as a chapter in my old book "Online Games: I Have Countless Evolution Points", and now it has been changed back. Hey, if you saw the wrong chapter just now, you can refresh and look at it again. It should be fine. . Xiaojiu is very sorry for this mistake, sorry!


"Zhuge Yuanmou is here to apologize!?"

"I'll go, is it real or fake!?"

"What kind of identity is Zhuge Yuanmou? He actually showed up in person to apologize, and he did so in such a big way. Obviously he didn't want to hide it at all, but wanted everyone to know!"

"I'm becoming more and more curious about the identity of the one who beat his son!"

"What is his identity? Isn't the person who beat his son a senior executive of the Centurion Club named Song Kuan!?"

"What! Who is Song Kuan? I know the people in this club, and I got first-hand information because of her!"

"So awesome! Let me go, you still know the people in this club! It doesn't matter, please protect me more from now on!"

"...Actually, I only know one sweeper in this club..."

"That's awesome. It has something to do with a big shot. Even a sweeper aunt is not better than us?! We have been treated unfairly. Even the big shots can't hear us when we scream. We are not as good as the sweeper aunt next to us!"

"That's right! Alas..."


Almost all the ordinary people who came to eat melon were frightened by Zhuge Yuanmou's words, and they all broke out into heated discussions.

Especially the reporters were extremely enthusiastic.

This is a shocking thing!

"I really admire that a super big man like Zhuge Yuanmou can show up and apologize, and he doesn't shy away from saying his apology in public. That's awesome!"

"Zhuge Yuanmou seems to be making a statement. He took the initiative to apologize, but he still had to save face. This person's identity is probably high in the sky!"

"Hey, your relative is the sweeper at the club. Tell me what's going on?"

"I'm telling you...this is what happened just now..."


It wasn't until the relative of the sweeping lady finished telling what she had just seen.

The melon-eating people present suddenly realized.

This is too outrageous!

Director of Centurion Group Holdings! ?

No wonder the Zhuge family came to apologize...

"What's the name of that director?"

"I didn't know that my aunt just caught up with the last craze and only heard that the director's surname was Ye."

"Hiss...the surname is Ye! Isn't that Chinese? What a long face!"

"Yes! In the past, directors of international super group holdings were basically foreigners. Now, there is finally a super international group controlled by Chinese people!!!"

"Yes, this Mr. Ye is really awesome!"


A group of reporters wanted to follow the ghost into the Centurion Club venue for interviews, but were stopped by the staff.

Although the words are very polite.

But every reporter can hear the subtext behind it:

"You don't even have a centurion black card. You're a bunch of poor people, and you're just interviewing me! Get out of here, or we'll drive you out by force!"

Under such a threat, these reporters did not dare to make any mistakes again and could only wait outside the club and wait for the news to come out.

Or directly interview Zhuge Yuanmou to obtain first-hand information.

Just when there was a lot of discussion outside the court.

Zhuge Yuanmou also led a group of members of the Zhuge family into the Centurion Club.

Many business tycoons in the Beijing circle greeted him and made fun of him.

Regardless of whether they came to apologize or not, there is no doubt about the Zhuge family's status in the Beijing business community.

At first, the three families were in a powerful position, but now the two families are fighting against each other.

Many relatively small merchants will more or less join these two companies in exchange for better business channels and benefits.

Everyone outside the court knew Zhuge Yuanmou's purpose.

But many of the VIPs in the club didn't know anything about it. They saw Zhuge Yuanmou leading a group of people aggressively and furiously walking inside, and they all felt that something was wrong.

"He's not here for revenge, is he?"

"No way? That Mr. Ye just now not only exposed his identity as the director of the Centurion Club, but also the dual identity of the big boss behind Yida. He is a Zhuge Yuanmou. I'm afraid he doesn't have the courage."

"Okay, stop guessing, I'm here to apologize."

"Hey, this reaction speed is really fast, but why did you bring so many people here to apologize? To kowtow to Mr. Ye collectively?"


Wang Silin has a lot of manpower, and this is Ye Yang's own territory.

The news of Zhuge Yuanmou's arrival had already reached Xiaoyuan.

At this time, the guzheng had just been put away.

When Ye Yang heard the news, he also raised his eyebrows: "The Zhuge Group's response is quite fast, but are you sure he is here to apologize?"

"That's what he told reporters."

Ren Buguan said repeatedly.


Ye Yang nodded slightly.

"He brought so many people with him, I don't know why."

Ren Bu Guan rubbed his hands: "Don't worry, boss, if he has any bad intentions, Bu Guan will be the first to stop the knife for you! I am loyal to you, and this heart can be learned by the sun and the moon, and the heaven and the earth... "


Ye Yang waved his hands impatiently, dumbfounded.

Is this old man fooling himself?

There are so many bodyguards in the Centurion Club, why are they just showing off? If there is danger, the bodyguards will definitely come first. It would be strange for this old man to meet him. He would most likely be hiding behind him and trembling.

Soon, Zhuge Yuanmou walked into the small garden.

As soon as he met Ye Yang, he made a ninety-degree bow and said with great sincerity: "Mr. Ye! I'm Zhuge Yuanmou of the Zhuge Group. I have heard about what happened before. At this time, it is purely due to my lack of discipline. Yan, you have a traitor in the Zhuge family! Now, I come here to solemnly apologize to you!"


Ye Yang nodded slightly, the response of the Zhuge Group was indeed fast enough.

But seeing that he was really sincere in apologizing, he didn't want to be so cold-hearted and so hot-tempered. He waved his hand and asked the Centurion Club's bodyguards to leave first.

"I want to stay and protect the boss!!!"

Ren Buguan looked upright and solemn.

"It works, get out of here."

Ye Yang said in a dumbfounded voice.


Ren Buguan scratched his head: "Then I'll stay outside. If anything happens, the boss will call me."

The Beijing branch had left a very bad first impression on Ye Yang. He had to find a way to make up for it, otherwise he, as the head of the branch, might not be able to continue...

However, as everyone knows, his over-the-top acting skills made his image even more negative in Ye Yang's heart...

It's just flattering the horse's hooves!

"Mr. Zhuge, please take a seat first."

Ye Yang smiled lightly, not showing any signs of calming down.

"Mr. Xie Ye..."

Zhuge Yuanmou nodded slightly and sat down.

(Second update)

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