Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 356: Poor and can only stay in a hotel every night

"I come today with sincerity."

Zhuge Yuanmou smiled lightly: "The traitor Zhuge Zhu has offended you. I have now expelled him from my house. From now on, he will have nothing to do with the Zhuge Group."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, a little surprised. This first news made such a big splash. Zhuge Yuanmou really spent a lot of money.

Wang Silin and Mo Dongshan standing next to him stood up in surprise. Zhuge Yuanmou was really willing to give up!

If my own son says he is kicked out of the house, he will be kicked out of the house.

In the final analysis, the relationship between Ye Yang and Zhuge Zhuge is all personal grudges. Now that the Zhuge Group has eliminated Zhuge Zhuge, there is no relationship between Ye Yang and the Zhuge Group.

Even if I think about blaming him, there is no reason.

"Expelling the traitor is my personal statement towards Mr. Ye. In addition, I am going to give 20% of the shares of Zhuge Group to Mr. Ye to express the group's apology."

Zhuge Yuanmou once again dropped a bombshell.

Wang Silin and Mo Dongshan were both extremely surprised.

The market value of Zhuge Group is close to 600 billion, and 20% of the shares is worth more than 100 billion!

This is a huge investment! ! !

"Well, Mr. Zhuge has thought about it very carefully."

Ye Yang didn't mean to refuse. After all, more than 100 billion was not much to him. There was nothing wrong with using it to apologize.

Moreover, it seems that what Zhuge Yuanmou wants today is not a simple apology. Why not just accept this gift and see what tricks he will use next.

"I heard that Mr. Ye is now the real controlling director of Yida Group?"

Zhuge Yuanmou asked with a faint smile.


Ye Yang did not deny it. Wang Silin had just said this outside. Now all the Centurion black card members in the conference hall should already know it.

At least he could get this information by asking a little bit, so he was not surprised that Zhuge Yuanmou said this.

"Mr. Ye, alas...I won't hide anything from you. Over the years, Zhuge Group, Mo Group and Yu Group have competed for position in the capital's business district."

"Now that the Yu Group has declined, and the Mo family is relying on the super power of Yida, we, the Zhuge Group, also know that the struggle is hopeless, so we have long wanted to cling to the big tree of Yida."

"Originally, I wanted to promote a marriage between the young people of both parties, and it was also because of this, but in the end, I didn't want to offend Mr. Ye."

"Ha ha……"

Zhuge Yuanmou once again cupped his hands and expressed his apology.

Ye Yang suddenly realized that giving such a heavy gift was not only to apologize, but also to seek refuge.

"My motorcade has brought many treasures accumulated by the Zhuge family over the years. If you agree, Mr. Ye, I will immediately send these treasures to your house. I guarantee that any one of them will be priceless. The main reason is that it is extremely precious and difficult to Got it.”

Zhuge Yuanmou smiled and said sincerely.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, this was really a waste of money.

Zhuge Group's ambitions are obviously more than just a business community in the Beijing area. The reason why they are willing to spend such a large amount of money is mainly because they want to use Yida's influence to expand their business nationwide.

There was nothing Ye Yang could do to stop this.

Zhuge Yuanmou focused his attention on the whole country and thought he was very big. But now his industries are spread all over the world. The next step may be to look at the universe and the stars. The pattern and realm are already beyond Zhuge Yuanmou's understanding.

Since he sincerely seeks development, it doesn't hurt to give him a chance.

"Mr. Ye, what do you think?"

Zhuge Yuanmou asked cautiously, he has done all this to the extreme, this is the best way out for Zhuge Group, but whether there is this opportunity depends on Ye Yang's attitude.

His words can determine the rise or fall of the Zhuge Group, a giant company with a market value of 600 billion.

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

Now he holds 20% of the shares of Zhuge Group. After all, if Zhuge Group does well, he can also get more money.

"Thank you so much."

Zhuge Yuanmou breathed a sigh of relief and was overjoyed. He stood up directly and drank three glasses of wine. This was the first time in his life that he was so happy to give a gift.

I'm not afraid that Ye Yang wants it, but I'm afraid that others won't bother to want it!

Even Ye Yang nodded, so Wang Silin naturally had no room to speak and could only clap and applaud.


From this moment on, the four top people in the Beijing business community present were standing on a united front.

With Ye Yang as the core of connection, they are also happy with each other.

The previous unhappiness quickly disintegrated. After all, there are no eternal enemies in the business world, only eternal interests.

Now that we are all partners and making money together, we immediately become as close as brothers.

Bai Xiaojing and Xu Jiaojiao on the side looked at each other in shock.

"Didn't I say that the relationship between the Zhuge family and the Mo family was not very good before? In these few words, they started to call each other brothers..."

"Oh, I don't understand the world of bosses!"

"Anyway, the truth behind it is very profound. We don't need to understand it. Just eat and drink well and that's it."

He Muzi smiled, picked up a piece of crystal crab meat, and hummed with satisfaction.

"That's right, that's right, hehe."

Several girls began to feast again.

Although everyone wants to stay in shape, who can resist the temptation when encountering such a wonderful thing in the world?

Wang Xiaocong, who pretended to be cynical, looked at the four people drinking next to him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Although he gave people the impression of being an encyclopedia of Internet celebrities and a playboy.

But it doesn't mean that he really knows nothing. On the contrary, being born in such a wealthy family, he knows everything better than anyone else.

"The combination of the three strongest forces in the Beijing business circle means that there will be a great change in the future! The confluence of trillions of assets will expand its influence to all walks of life and affect countless people..."

And the beginning of all this is just because of Ye Yang's words "Nothing is impossible."

This meal was a great pleasure for both the host and the guests. After eating, they were ready to go home.

"Mr. Ye, where do you think I should send you this fleet of good things?"

Zhuge Yuanmou asked.

Ye Yang touched his chin. If there is a place to put a lot of things, the domestic suite is really not enough.

"Alas... I miscalculated. I've been in Beijing for so many days, but I haven't even bought a villa yet. I live in a hotel every night! It's too shabby..."

When Ye Yang thought of this, he sighed for himself and turned to ask Wang Silin: "Does our group have any good villas in Beijing?"

Yida Group itself is in the real estate business, so it naturally has high-end villas.

(First update)

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