Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 357 Buy a 10 billion villa and get a 100 billion palace for free?


Wang Silin was stunned when asked.

After hearing Ye Yang's explanation, he suddenly realized, and couldn't help but said angrily: "The team I sent out is so incompetent! You are here, and you are asked to condescend to stay in a hotel! How outrageous!"

"Then the hotel is actually pretty good, so there's no need to blame it too much."

Ye Yang waved his hand: "If there are too many gifts, you have to find a place with a warehouse to put them."


Bai Xiaojing and Xu Jiaojiao on the side were trembling as they listened to the big boss's conversation. That hotel is okay! ?

The house they live in in their dreams is not as luxurious and gorgeous as that hotel, right?

That's the Royal Capital Hotel, where a night's stay costs 200,000 to 300,000 yuan, a domestic suite!

It’s even more awesome than the presidential suite on the Bund in Shanghai!

"Director Ye, it's all my fault for not doing things well! I've made you suffer!"

Wang Silin blamed himself very much, and repeatedly said to his personal secretary: "Check immediately, Yida's best villa property in Beijing, buy it immediately for our Director Ye, and use my account."

When Ye Yang heard that Wang Silin was rushing to spend money for him, he waved his hand, how could he not let him spend money! ?

How can you make money without spending money!

He still has to work hard to earn money to achieve his goal of getting rich!

"Dong Ye is so generous!"

Wang Silin thought Ye Yang was afraid that he would spend money, and was extremely moved. How could such a good boss not work wholeheartedly for him! ! !


Ye Yang didn't think much about it at all. If he knew what Wang Silin was thinking at this time, he would probably be labeled as a imaginary monster again.

"Director Wang, we have found out that Yida's most luxurious property in the capital is Galaxy No. 1 in the central villa area. The subscription price is 1.5 billion."

The secretary was very efficient and found it quickly.

"1.5 billion? It's not much. Well, just go to my account. You can handle the other chores. I'll check in tonight."

Ye Yang said lightly.

The 1.5 billion villa is considered to be the best in China. The Star Emperor's Mansion that was auctioned in my hometown was actually sold at a premium because of the auction. Otherwise, it would have been almost the same price, or even lower than this.


The personal secretary took the Centurion Black Gold Card with great care and deducted 1.5 billion from it.

"Ding, it was detected that the host spent 1500000000 Chinese coins to purchase a medium-sized property, triggering a critical hit reward and giving away a high-end property with an estimated value of 99900000000 Chinese coins: the ownership of Prince Gong's Mansion in Beijing."


Ye Yang was stunned, what's going on?

Buy a villa and send it to the palace?

Good guy.

He had also heard of the name of Prince Gong's Mansion. The land alone was valued at sixty-seven billion, not to mention the priceless decorations and artistic antiques inside.

It is said that just one big golden nanmu pillar inside is valued at more than 3 billion!

It can be regarded as a mansion among mansions, a palace among palaces!

Even in ancient times, apart from the Forbidden City where the emperor lived, this one was the most majestic and largest in existence.

If compared with the dozen or so other existing royal palaces, they are really not on the same level as this Prince Gong's palace.

"This system is so awesome, it can even obtain the property rights of the prince's palace."

Ye Yang couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, the secret system was so terrifying.

No one can afford this kind of palace. The property rights once belonged to a public school, so tickets are open for sale on weekdays.

But in theory, he can buy it.

The reason why it has not been sold has nothing to do with what most voices predict, that it requires a very good ‘relationship’.

After all, most people who can afford more than 100 billion to buy a real estate at once have great connections.

The fundamental reason for not being able to sell is very simple and simple...

It's just purely expensive.

No one can afford it!

Based on Ye Yang's observation of the system for so long, the valuation of the system itself is basically the lowest price. In reality, if you want to buy Prince Gong's Mansion, it will cost more than 99.9 billion. I'm afraid you won't be able to buy it with more than 100 billion. Come down.

Who can afford this money?

Those top Chinese businessmen with a net worth of trillions may be able to afford it, but they will almost go bankrupt after buying it.

The company has a market value of trillions, and if it directly spends 100 billion to purchase real estate without commercial returns, the company will be finished in a few days due to a broken capital chain.

As for the super financial giants who control international capital, the super international rich with trillions of dollars in assets may really be able to afford it.

But how could the royal palace of China allow an outsider to live there?

Therefore, Prince Gong's Mansion has been idle as a tourist attraction for many years.

"The purchase is completed. Just send the gift after today."

The secretary smiled and said, the world of rich people is so simple and efficient.

Ordinary people have to run around to buy a commercial house, but the procedure for subscribing to this kind of super villa is extremely simple. At least if you buy it here, you can move in the next day...

"Well, it seems that Brother Zhuge's gift will have to be delivered tomorrow..."

Wang Silin said with a smile.

"Ahem, no need to go to such trouble, I seem to have suddenly remembered something."

Ye Yang waved his hand.

"Does Mr. Ye have anything else you want to give?"

the personal secretary asked with a wink.

"No, no, no, I just suddenly remembered that I actually have a property in Beijing. Just send it to my place directly."

Ye Yang told Zhuge Yuanmou the address.

The system was beyond comprehension. It informed him that there was a Prince Gong Mansion and he could move in immediately.

When he got there, he would find that everything had been handled properly.

Just waiting for him to move in with his bag.

"This address is very rare."

Zhuge Yuanmou scratched his eyebrows: "If I remember correctly, isn't this the address at the foot of the Forbidden City... There are no villas there."

"Uh, not a villa."

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had to admit: "Actually it's a palace."


"This address at the foot of the Forbidden City..."

Wang Silin pondered for a moment, and immediately exclaimed: "Prince Gong Mansion!!!?"

The reason why he reacted so quickly was because he had thought about it before, but after learning about the price, he gave up. For a businessman like him, it would cost 150 billion to buy it, and he would have to pay an additional 100 billion in property taxes to the country.

Only then can the higher authorities approve his right to live there, and he only has the right to live there for 50 years.

All in all, it would cost 250 billion to buy it...

It wasn't until that day that he understood that the so-called former richest man in China was just a poor guy who couldn't afford a house.

"Yes, that's right."

Ye Yang nodded and admitted.

"Damn! My dear father! Did you forget about Prince Gong's Mansion?!"

Wang Silin almost fainted on the spot...


Wang Xiaocong's face turned black, and he complained in his heart, "You are surprised, but why did you directly demote me to the grandson of Mr. Ye?"

(Second update)

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