"Get out of the way."

Ye Yang said calmly.

"Get out of the way? But what if my feet don't listen to me?"

The man with the Rolex inset sneered.

The customers around him all looked over here, especially many men, who had been coveting Lin Xueer for a long time. Naturally, they were extremely jealous that Ye Yang had such a beautiful girlfriend at such a young age. They wished someone would teach him a lesson.

"The society is dangerous. Haha. This little brother, this is probably the first time he has seen this situation."

"Who made him find such a beautiful girlfriend?"


Ye Yang smiled, but there was a hint of murderous intent in this smile.

"If you can't walk, I'll make you crawl out from here."

"Yo? You are quite arrogant! ?"

The man with the Rolex in his hand shook the Rolex at Ye Yang proudly:"Boy, open your eyes and take a good look, what is this?"

"Rolex Green Submariner! My god, this guy is really a rich man!"

"The price of this thing has been hyped up to 300,000 yuan, right? Buying a watch for 300,000 yuan, you really have a lot of money……"

The people who come here to drink coffee are at least white-collar workers, and they naturally know the price of luxury goods.

"Tsk tsk, is this the old drama of love meeting money? I just wonder who this girl will choose in real life! ?"

Today, Ye Yang was wearing a low-key luxury outfit. Although his outfit cost hundreds of thousands, most people couldn't recognize the brand of his low-key luxury outfit.

Therefore, they all thought that he was just a kid from an ordinary family.

"Of course, I would choose money. How many girls today don’t love money?"

"Haha… I can spend 300,000 yuan on a watch. If I follow this boss, I will probably have a good life. Why should I suffer with this poor boy? Shouldn’t women treat themselves better? ?"

Some gold diggers have already started to promote their own values in a sarcastic way.

"Did you hear that?"

Li Chaoyang, the man with pigeon-toed Rolex, smiled smugly and said,"You are not qualified to show off to me... Yo? His eyes turned fierce, haha, you want to fight?"

"I tell you, my uncle is the chairman of Chonglie! He is worth hundreds of billions! If you dare to attack me, I will put you in jail and keep you there forever!"

"Hiss…Re-Hunter Company! Is that the financial giant in Shanghai? The company’s market value is tens of billions! No wonder this guy is so crazy!……"


Many people were frightened by the name of the Re-Hunting Company, and the eyes of those gold-digging women lit up even more.


Ye Yang chuckled, comforted Lin Xueer who was about to stand up, and looked at Li Chaoyang again:"I was thinking that it would be a bit cheap to teach you a lesson myself, but I didn't expect that you would just give me your face to slap."

"Huh?! Boy, you didn’t hear what I said!? Chonglie! Chonglie Investment Company, which is worth tens of billions of dollars in the Empire Financial Building!"

Li Chaoyang looked at Ye Yang sarcastically:"Now, what confidence do you have to ask me to get out?"

"On the contrary, if you get out of here and leave your girlfriend here, I can consider letting bygones be bygones for what happened today."


Ye Yang sneered:"I said, if I ask you to crawl out of here today, you have to crawl out of here."

"Hiss... You are really too young... You already know the other party's background, but you are still so arrogant!"

"Hehe, I won't be so arrogant anymore after being humiliated by others."


The customers beside him were all shaking their heads.

"You guys!"

Lin Xueer gritted her teeth and said,"You guys are not qualified to comment on Brother Ye! ?"


Seeing the goddess was angry, the men dared not to mock her anymore, but they still did not change their original thoughts.

Ye Yang smiled and ignored her:"I will let your uncle personally order you to get out."


The customers almost spit out their coffee. Why is this guy so arrogant?

Does he know what it means to be worth tens of billions?

"Yo? Hahaha...Okay, come on, I want to see if you have what it takes to get me, Li Chaoyang, out of here?!"

Li Chaoyang was admiring his Rolex without fear.

He called Fang Xiao's cell phone directly.

"Hello? Is this Boss Fang?"

Fang Xiao was startled when he saw the number. Ye Yang was a big shot, he would never contact him casually.

What happened...

He had a bad feeling in his heart, and asked nervously

"You have a nephew named Li Chaoyang?"

Ye Yang asked in a cold voice.


Fang Xiao stood up from the stool at once, his heart trembling:"Did this kid do something wrong to offend you?"

"It didn't offend me directly.……"

Ye Yang said calmly

"Phew… That’s good, that’s good."

Fang Xiao just breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Yang added:"However, he is now flirting with my girlfriend in front of me and wants me to get out of here.……"


Fang Xiao just breathed a sigh of relief, and the contraction and expansion of the breath almost caused him a heart attack. A few days ago, he laughed at Zhang Wanmin for having a stupid butler named Gao under his command, and today he encountered this bad luck.……

"This little bastard actually dared to disrespect you, Mr. Ye! Mr. Ye, tell me how to deal with him. Fang Xiao will never dare to disobey."

Fang Xiao said repeatedly, whether it is compensation or something else.

A financial company cannot offend this super big man who may have hundreds of billions of funds behind him!

The power of such a person is too terrible.

If he really offends him, just a trip up his head can cause his company to suffer huge losses!

"Disposal? Let him kneel down and slap himself ten times, and then get out of here."

Ye Yang deliberately emphasized the tone of the word"get out".

"good good good good……"

Fang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. As long as there was a way to solve it, there was nothing that couldn't be done.

"I'll call this kid right now!"

Ye Yang put down the phone.

"Yo? Boy? You are so imposing? You are pretending well! ? Haha, what a pity, a young boy like you can command a big shot like my uncle! ? Haha, do you think I believe it?"

Li Chaoyang sneered and mocked.

Ye Yang shrugged:"What if I can do it?"

"There is no such thing as a chance! If what you said is true, I will eat my ass right now.……!"

Before he could utter the word"give", Li Chaoyang's cell phone rang.


When he saw the caller ID, cold sweat instantly broke out on his back!

"Could it be that this young man……"

"Do you really know the chairman of Chonglie?"

Seeing Li Chaoyang's reaction, all the customers were a little confused.


Li Chaoyang was out of breath and answered the call with doubt.

""Hello! ? You little brat! What trouble have you caused me outside again?"

Fang Xiao's angry voice came from the phone.

"Do you know that whether the old subsidiary company will get out of the Empire State Building is a matter of Boss Ye’s decision! ?"

"I really want to kick you to death right now!"

Because Fang Xiao was furious and couldn't control his emotions, many customers heard his words, and the whole place was silent for a moment...

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