
Li Chaoyang was completely stunned. He looked at Ye Yang in disbelief. At this time, the way he looked at the other person was different, and his mentality was different. Naturally, he could discover many different details.

"This... Zegna's low-key luxury custom-made interior! ?"

"Gulu... this watch……"

"Vacheron Constantin Pavilion Artisan series...Look at the workmanship, the serial number is at the front... The price is at least 10 million……"

His hands began to tremble.

He didn't take the young man seriously at first, just thinking about showing off in front of the beauty.

Even if he saw the Vacheron Constantin, he would never think it was real.

Attitude determines judgment.

At this time, he learned the other party's true identity from his uncle, and he came to his senses. Today, he has provoked a super boss!

"Uncle... Uncle San San San, you have to save me!"

Li Chaoyang is a bully who only bullies the weak and fears the strong. Once he knows that he has met a real tough guy, he will give in.

"Save you! You should think about how to make Boss Ye happy! Why don't you kneel down and slap your face to apologize! ?"

Fang���He shouted angrily.

Today's matter is a dispute over face. As long as his nephew loses face, Boss Ye will not really pursue the matter too much.

"Kneel down... kneel down and apologize! ?"

When has Li Chaoyang ever suffered such a loss? When he heard this, his eyes turned red.

"Do you want to die?"

Fang Xiao roared on the other side, how could his nephew be so unreasonable!?


Li Chaoyang knelt down and shouted,"Boss Ye! I was blind! I was blind! Please forgive me!!!"

This made the waiters and customers stunned.

This young man is not arrogant! ? He really has the capital!

His background is so strong that even Fang Xiao, the chairman of Chonglie, has to be in awe! ?


Ye Yang looked calm:"You are harassing my woman, kowtow to her and apologize."

"Yes Yes Yes Yes……"

Li Chaoyang turned around and kowtowed to Lin Xueer:"I was wrong! Please forgive me for being such a bastard!"

"Slap yourself! I want to hear the sound every time!"

Fang Xiao urged repeatedly on the phone.


Li Chaoyang hesitated

"Hurry up!!!"

Fang Xiao roared


Li Chaoyang slapped himself directly on the face, and a bright red slap mark appeared.

"Not loud enough!"

Fang Xiao urged,"Keep hitting! Hit until Boss Ye is satisfied!""


"Not loud enough!"




After more than a dozen slaps, Li Chaoyang's nose and face were swollen and his mouth was bleeding.

With a big pig head, his eyes were blurry.

""Okay, get out of here."

Ye Yang waved his hand casually. If he hit him a few more times, the blood would be seen, which would ruin his mood of drinking coffee.

"Thank you, Boss Ye! Thank you, goddess!"

Li Chaoyang kowtowed to each of them several times before he really rolled out of the coffee shop. On the way, his head hit the table leg once, causing him to scream in pain.

After seeing the other party completely roll out of the coffee shop, Ye Yang retracted his gaze.


When Ye Yang's eyes swept over, the people who had just mocked him lowered their heads quickly, feeling the burning pain on their faces.

They also wanted to pay the bill and leave quickly, but the pressure brought by Ye Yang was too great, and they were so scared that their legs were shaking. For a moment, they really didn't dare to get up and leave.

The women present looked at Ye Yang shyly.

This is the man I should admire!

Young, rich, and so domineering!!!

Too perfect!

"Brother Ye……"

Lin Xueer looked at Ye Yang with admiration.

Ye Yang smiled casually:"It's just a trivial matter, let's continue drinking coffee?"


Lin Xueer nodded obediently and ordered the cakes in the store skillfully.

It seemed that in order to welcome him, the little girl had also made a lot of careful preparations.

Just like that, in the eyes of awe or envy.

In the leisurely afternoon sunshine, Ye Yang and Lin Xueer had a wonderful afternoon tea. As for the little episode just now, Ye Yang obviously didn't take it to heart at all. With his current status, a small character like Li Chaoyang was obviously not worthy of his attention.

"Okay, the payment is complete!"

Lin Xueer came back from the checkout counter:"Let's go?"

Ye Yang pinched her little face and said with a smile:"Come with me"

"What are you doing?"

Lin Xueer was a little confused.

"You will know when you come."

Ye Yang brought Lin Xueer to the front of Koenigsegg One1

"Huh? Did you buy a new car?"

As a girl, I am not very sensitive to luxury cars, but I can still feel that this car is extraordinary.

"This kind of sports car must be worth several million, right?"

Ye Yang said with a smile,"I won't drive a junky car worth several million."

After that, he opened the car door and looked at Lin Xueer who was halfway in the car and curiously looked at the car. He raised his mouth and said,"This car is not expensive, just over 100 million."


When Lin Xueer heard this, her waist almost sprained. She turned around and said in surprise:"Isn't this expensive? You can buy a villa with it!"

"Haha, it's okay."

Ye Yang patted her little head and got in the car:"Let's go, I'll take you shopping."

"Huh? Why do you suddenly want to go shopping... Is there anything missing at home?"

Lin Xueer asked

"No, I'm buying something for you."

Ye Yang turned his head and looked at Lin Xueer.


Lin Xueer was about to speak.

Ye Yang stretched out a finger and sealed her soft lips:"I know what you are going to say, and I know what you are thinking. You have to accept this gift today whether you want it or not."


Lin Xueer blushed, embarrassed by Ye Yang's sudden dominance.


Koenigsegg started.

Ye Yang knew that Lin Xueer didn't want him to think that she liked him just to get his money. She has always been a good girl.

But judging from what happened today.

If he didn't buy Xueer something worthy of her status, wouldn't anyone dare to approach his woman in the future!?

"I want everyone in the world to feel so inferior when they see you that they dare not come up to talk to you."

Ye Yang smiled and stroked Lin Xueer's hair:"I want my woman to be the most dazzling and unattainable princess in the world."

"Brother Ye is so bad!!!

Lin Xueer's face turned even redder.

Obviously, the feeling of being valued by her lover made her feel very emotional.

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang laughed loudly, stepped on the accelerator, and the Koenigsegg One1 rushed towards the nearest luxury goods area like a dragon that had broken free from its reins...

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