Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 359 Fans were shocked. Driving directly to Prince Gong’s Mansion?

"Wow, as a bystander, I can only say that I'm jealous..."

"Yeah, 80 million for a car, damn... when will I ever get one in this life... Forget it, I don't deserve it, I'd better be reborn in a good life next time."

"As expected, he is a super figure who can make the boss of Zhuge Group bow down, he looks different at first glance."

"... But he is too young..."

Wang Silin, Wang Xiaocong, Mo Dongshan, Zhuge Yuanmou and others present knew each other, and the only one who was a little unfamiliar walking side by side with them was Ye Yang.

The others followed behind and served honestly.

"Oh my god, isn't this Ye Shenhao!"

"What Ye Shenhao?"

"The super rich man who became popular on Douyin! He was the super rich man who promoted Chinese martial arts a few days ago and won Jin Yi by betting 100 billion!"

"Oh my god... I remember it, it's really him! It's just that he's too far away and can't see clearly, but he's the only one who's so handsome! He looks even more handsome in real life than in live broadcast! I really didn't follow the wrong person..."

"What are you talking about..."


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He didn't expect to meet a few of his wild fans on the street. It seems that he is really popular.

You know, there are more than one billion people in China. If you want to go anywhere, there will be two people who know you. At least, there must be 100 million people who have heard your name and know what you look like, and remember your deeds.

With only more than 30 million fans, he can achieve this step, which is enough to prove how deeply Ye Yang's things that have become popular on the Internet have been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

However, Ye Yang doesn't think so. He thinks that fans remember him so clearly, purely because... he is so handsome! ! !


Ye Yang waved his hand.

Just like that, several super luxury cars led the way.

The Zhuge family's convoy followed behind.

"Come and see! Don't stop me from chasing stars!!!"

"Yes, Ye Shenhao, I like his money... No, his person! Finally I met my idol, I must catch up and take a good look!"

"... What are you talking about, but it sounds very powerful, follow up and see!"


The spectators were all very enthusiastic, and some fanatical fans took a taxi to follow.

As for the reporters, they were even more fanatical.

For the spectators, it was just chasing stars at most. For them, if they could dig out something worth exposing along the way, it would be enough for them to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars, and they would be so happy that they couldn't sleep for a few days. The opportunity to get rich overnight is right in front of them... How could they give up! ?


"Taxi, I'll pay 1,000 to catch up with the car in front!"

"Get lost, I stopped it first, fuck, I'll pay 2,000, take me, don't take him!"

"Do you want to fight!?"

"Fight me if you want! Am I afraid of you?"

"Hey, you man, are you so fierce?"


There are only so many taxis, and not many Didi taxis that can be called at once.

All the reporters were fighting for who could get on the car, and those with bad tempers had already fought and meleeed together...

In this way, the Rolls-Royce Silver Soul led the way, and three super luxury cars followed behind to support the team, and the Zhuge Group formed the middle.

Hundreds of taxis and Didi taxis followed the team, forming a fierce tide.

The traffic police who were directing traffic around were stunned.

What's going on! ?

The taxi drivers who were driving normally around were also confused. They thought they were just overtaken by one car, but they didn't expect that there was a long convoy of one or two hundred cars passing by one by one...

"What happened tonight? A car marathon? Why didn't I know about it?"

The taxi driver complained depressedly.

Many curious car owners also joined the tail of the convoy to see what was going on.

The convoy became longer and more spectacular.

Just like that, they drove all the way.

When they drove to the vicinity of Prince Gong's Mansion, the convoy stretched for one or two kilometers.

"Oh my god, there are no houses ahead?"

"This... the Low German map navigation shows that the Forbidden City is just ahead..."

"Are we going to the Forbidden City? But at this time, the Forbidden City is closed..."

"No, in this direction, at the foot of the Forbidden City, there is a building complex... Let me see... Damn, it's Prince Gong's Mansion!"

"Isn't that also a tourist attraction... And it's closed at this time? There's no place to live there..."

It's late now, and it's weird that so many big guys are driving to the Forbidden City together.

"I was just chasing stars in a moment of excitement, but it seems that there is a big melon to eat!"

Some fans already have a hunch.

"Could it be that the big guys have some secret gathering!?"

"Actually, what special organization are they? The meeting place of the organization is in the Forbidden City or Prince Gong's Mansion. They gathered together tonight... to perform some mysterious ceremony?"

"Maybe they gathered together to discuss cultivation! They are all descendants of ancient cultivation families! That's why they have a lot of resources in modern times and can be so rich! This is what is written in novels."

"Yours is a novel! It's unrealistic. I guess... they are actually lizard people or aliens!? Otherwise, how can they make so much money..."

"... Damn it, yours is not a novel?"

"Uh... mine is science fiction, yours is fantasy, I am more real than you!"

"Get out of here!"

These imaginative reporters become more and more outrageous as their speculations get more outrageous. It would be a pity not to write novels.

Finally, the leading Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost stopped.

"It finally stopped. I want to take a closer look at why these big guys got together and drove towards the Forbidden City at night."

"Is this the entrance to Prince Gong's Mansion?"

"It seems that their goal is not the Forbidden City... Then why are they here? They can't get in..."

Everyone present was puzzled, and many reporters secretly took out their cameras, preparing to capture the wonderful moment.


Just when everyone was watching, the door to Prince Gong's Mansion suddenly opened.

"My day, what's going on?"

From Prince Gong's residence, several guys who looked like housekeepers and servants came out. As soon as they went out, they bowed to Ye Shenhao who was leading the way.

"This posture... looks like the master is returning home..."

"What a resemblance, it looks so real."

A group of people and reporters were dumbfounded.

"What on earth is going on?!"

(Second update)

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