Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 360 I’m afraid you’ll doubt your life after reading this

"Welcome home, Master~"

Originally, there were managers and housekeepers in the Prince Gong Mansion. Now that the Prince Gong Mansion belongs to Ye Yang, they naturally belong to Ye Yang as well.


Ye Yang nodded slightly, smiled faintly, and was a little surprised. This system is really awesome. Everything has been arranged properly.

I thought it would be strange for the first time.

"I am Zhu Zhuzhu, the housekeeper here. Master, please follow me."

Zhu Zhuzhu smiled sweetly and performed a standard court etiquette to several people. With her ancient clothes and sweet appearance, she was directly fascinated.

"What a great housekeeper!"

Wang Silin and others were all amazed. Such a well-behaved and decent female housekeeper was what they dreamed of!

"Let's go."

Ye Yang laughed. After all, he was a human being. When he was envied by others, he would still feel a little happy. Especially when he was envied by wealthy people like Wang Silin and Zhuge Yuanmou, whose net worth was at least hundreds of billions, he would be even happier.

Surrounded by a group of "palace maids", Ye Yang and his party also walked into the Prince Gong's Mansion.

And this process was also "secretly" photographed by a group of reporters and onlookers present.

"Oh my god...what's going on? Shouldn't the Prince Gong Mansion be closed at this time?"

"These big guys are of high status, so they should have special ways to get in, right? It's understandable that they use their connections..."

"Bullshit! I know the woman who came out to greet us. She was the female supervisor who was in charge of the Prince Gong Mansion before. Looking at her attitude towards Ye Shenhao and his group just now, does she treat them like tourists?"

"It seems to be true! Oh my god, it's terrifying to think about it! Could it be..."

At this time, an absurd and somewhat terrifying guess came to the minds of most people...

"Could it be that this Prince Gong Mansion...belongs to Ye Shenhao or one of these big guys!?"

"How is this possible!"

"Isn't it said that a golden nanmu pillar in the Prince Gong Mansion is valued at more than 3 billion? How much would it cost if all of them were bought? Wouldn't it be enough to buy 100 billion or 200 billion? This is too outrageous!"

"Maybe it's outrageous... I'm used to what Ye Shenhao does, one thing after another is more outrageous than another."

"Hiss... If that's true, it's too scary, right?!"

"It's unbelievable."

"Forget it, stop spreading rumors. Maybe the reality is not like this? It's you who spread rumors that caused marketing accounts to write so many outrageous news."

"That's right..."

The fans were all shocked and discussed enthusiastically.

And these reporters' eyes were full of light.

They, the entertainment gossip reporters, don't care whether it's a rumor or not, it's the truth, it's none of their business...

They only need to extract a hot spot from the photos they took and the information they learned, and then write a shocking title to stir up the topic, so that everyone can discuss this matter enthusiastically, that's enough.

As for whether this is the truth, what does it have to do with them?

Of course, they make headlines based on how popular it is.

This impetuous era of the entertainment industry has made these paparazzi reporters forget their original duties, which are to defend the truth.

This type of reporter is no longer worthy of being called a reporter!

However, they don't care how others call them, they are just excitedly conceiving their own popular news headlines.

"Shocking! Prince Gong's Mansion has become a private plaything of the rich! Is this a distortion of morality or a loss of humanity?!"

"The latest revelation!!! The Prince Gong's Mansion, worth 300 billion, is actually the personal property of China's hidden rich!"

"Shocking my mother for 30 years! The rich are no longer satisfied with the sky-high villas of 10 billion, and have begun to live in the palace of 100 billion!!! Our reporters will continue to pay attention to this matter, please click on the details..."


Soon, these reporters drafted all the titles and contents, contacted the web editor directly, and started to post articles.

The relevant articles soon became popular on the Internet.

In this era, all information related to the rich will become popular quickly as if they were cast by magic...

And living in Prince Gong's Mansion is countless times more arrogant than Wang Silin's original statement that "100 million is a small goal."

The comments below quickly gathered various people.

"Damn, it's fake! This... has it been verified? Or is it a marketing account?"

"It's a marketing account at first glance. No one knows Prince Gong's Mansion better than me! I have checked it out. If you want to buy Prince Gong's Mansion, you need at least 100 billion or 200 billion. There is no such a powerful person in China! There may be such a big man in the world, but it is impossible for him to be allowed to buy Prince Gong's Mansion!"

"I have a conflict of interest, so I'm hiding it. I'm an insider. Let me tell you that the ownership of Prince Gong's Mansion has indeed changed. This revelation is very likely to be true!"

"Oh my god, Ye Shenhao! I've been following him for a long time! He hasn't done a live broadcast for a long time, I miss him..."

"Do you miss him or the 300 million red envelopes he sent?"

"Uh, both, both, hehe..."

"The palace can still be bought and sold? Is it fake? Haha, it's obvious that they found some pictures online and are bragging! If this is true, I'll stand upside down and eat cow dung, okay?"

"Upstairs, I saw you cheating on food and drink in several comment areas!"


The popularity of various revelations and the speed of becoming popular are unimaginable.

Soon, it was on the hot list of various operating platforms again.

The popularity lasted for a long time, and many of Ye Yang's fans excitedly sent private messages to Ye Yang, or frantically @Ye Shenhao under related topics and videos.

However, Ye Yang was obviously unaware of the online craze. He just followed the butler, with a calm face, and walked in a panic.

Although I pretended that this was just my usual residence, it was his first time here after all...

Only when I actually walked in did I know how ridiculously large this famous Chinese Prince Gong's Mansion was...

Even the small part open to tourists is enough for tourists to visit for half a day without repeating themselves.

The toilet farthest from the main residential area to the palace, riding a bicycle and walking through the streets of the palace, I am afraid it will take more than ten minutes to get there.

If you don't have a map and are not familiar with the road conditions, you will easily get lost in your own home...

"This is the main living room. It has been renovated according to the owner's requirements. It is very modern. There are many high-tech features with Chinese characteristics. Living in it, you can enjoy the generosity of ancient princes and the convenience brought by modern technology."

After a tour, Ye Yang finally understood why most of the palaces are not displayed to the public...

Too luxurious!

This is because they are afraid that ordinary people will lose confidence in life and feel completely disappointed when they see this extremely luxurious furnishings...

(First update)

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