Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 361: Things in the Entertainment Industry


People like Wang Silin, Zhuge Yuanmou and Mo Dongshan, who are used to luxury and enjoy mansions, are like Granny Liu entering the Grand View Garden when they walk here. They blink their eyes and don’t know what to say.

“This is the storage room.”

Zhu Zhuzhu smiled and pointed to the small courtyard next to her: “This treasure house is a place in Prince Gong’s Mansion where important treasures are specially displayed. There are many important treasures on display. The treasures brought by Mr. Zhuge can also be placed in it.”


Zhuge Yuanmou didn’t know for a moment whether the treasure he gave to Ye Yang was qualified to be placed here.

After all, the things he saw along the way were too incredible.

The stairs paved with white marble, the benches inlaid with gold in the courtyard, and even a bunch of calligraphy and antiques that could not be named, all looked very old and valuable.

Of course, he also saw the extremely famous golden nanmu pillar with an estimated value of more than 3 billion yuan.

This is more precious than gold...

"Fuck you... I'm jealous, is this a rich person!"

Mo Dongshan and Zhuge Yuanmou looked at each other and saw the feelings in each other's eyes.

"Compared with the rich, we are so poor!"



Mo Zhengzheng also looked around and was surprised. Today, his master brought him too many surprises. This Prince Gong's Mansion is not a place for people to live. It is simply a place where gods live!

Wang Xiaocong scratched his head. He felt that he had no pursuit for other things except for Internet celebrities. At this time, his eyes suddenly had a light.

It turned out that he was just a poor frog in the well!

He suddenly had the motivation to work hard!

After putting all the gifts from Zhuge Group in it.

Ye Yang, who was in a good mood, also set a table of delicious food. Under the moonlight, he sat at a table inlaid with gems, tasted wine, ate snacks, and talked for a long time.

Until the moon rose above the willows, Wang Silin and others left with reluctance.

Seeing Wang Silin's reluctant eyes, Ye Yang shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "If you like, come and visit more often. Anyway, such a large palace will attract more people if more people come to visit."


Wang Silin's eyes were also filled with surprise, and he was very grateful: "Thank you so much, boss!!!"

Such a large Gongwang Mansion, in just a few hours, plus the time for wine tasting and moon watching, it is impossible to visit it all.


After seeing off Wang Silin and others.

Ye Yang also asked someone to drive all the luxury cars parked in the Imperial Capital Hotel over, and brought the luggage over.

"By the way, Master, since you are here, will the daily open area tour of the palace continue?"

Zhu Zhuzhu asked with a smile: "If you choose to close these areas and classify them as private use, you can also renovate those areas..."

"Uh, forget it."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head. This palace is too big. Without more people, it feels a bit empty to live in.

He also lives in so many courtyards and rooms...

No, let alone living there, even if he wants to stroll around, he can't even walk around...

It's better to give an area to these tourists who are interested in ancient cultural buildings to visit, and praise himself as the owner of Prince Gong's Mansion while expressing his feelings, haha...

"Okay, Master~"

Zhu Zhuzhu bowed again.


Ye Yang looked at Zhu Zhuzhu, a typical classical beauty, who was polite and courteous, and had the style of a housekeeper in the inner room.

In the future, Yu Momo will manage the trivial matters of his own company outside, and the family affairs may be left to her.

"Master, why do you look at Zhuzhu like this~"

Zhu Zhuzhu asked in confusion.

"It's okay."

Ye Yang laughed and waved his hand: "I'm tired after a day of hard work, and I'm going to bed."

"Okay, I'll live in the side room. If the master has something to do, just shake the bell at the head of the bed, and Zhuzhu will be there at any time~"

Zhu Zhuzhu bowed again politely and turned away.


Ye Yang scratched his head. Ring the bell, ready at any time?

Why does this sound a bit wrong!

Hey, sister, explain it clearly before you leave!

As soon as he lay down on the expensive and comfortable silkworm bed, WeChat rang.

Ye Yang opened it and saw the compressed file package sent by Wang Xiaocong.


Seeing the title, Ye Yang sat up again unconsciously.

Document name: Things in the entertainment industry

Document size after decompression: 1T...


Ye Yang still remembered that during the day, Wang Xiaocong said that he would reveal the inside story of the entertainment industry over the years to him, and he would send it to him at night.

At that time, I thought he was joking, but I didn't expect that this was really true...

Moreover, it was illustrated with pictures and texts, and some of them were even equipped with related videos...

"Fuck, bullshit!"

Ye Yang was not interested in the trivial things of celebrities in the entertainment industry, but this was illustrated with pictures and texts, and there were short videos to watch, so he was interested.

"Hiss... sting... exciting!"

Ye Yang didn't know until he saw it. After watching it, he realized that the entertainment industry is not only chaotic, but it is simply too chaotic!

In front of people, they are super-powerful people who are sought after by fans. They have cold faces and seem to be such noble people.

Behind the scenes, they act like this. They are just a group of playthings!

Not only female stars, there are also many videos of male stars being sexually exploited, but this is a bit too eye-catching. After watching for a while, Ye Yang quit directly.

"It's amazing."

Ye Yang enjoyed it with great interest.

If any piece of news here is leaked out, it will be on Weibo hot search, which is too easy.

It seems that everyone has gossip, just see who is exposed first...

However, there are still some well-known actors with both virtue and art, who have no black material, but these people generally don't go on hot searches. They act or sing well in front of the stage, and live a stable life behind the stage.

"Boss, what are you looking at~ You are laughing so happily."

He Muzi walked in pushing a bartender cart.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "What is this?"

"Muzi's special nightcap cocktail, very good for sleep~"

He Muzi skillfully mixed the wine.

Ye Yang looked at her graceful figure, perfect bartending skills, and the surging waves in front of her as she mixed the wine.

Thinking of the video just now, my lips couldn't help but dry.

After He Muzi mixed the wine, he sat directly at the head of Ye Yang's bed and fed Ye Yang.

"If it were in ancient times, with your figure and appearance, you would at least be Su Daji."

Ye Yang teased.

"Muzi dare not confuse the boss."

He Muzi tilted his head: "On the contrary, Muzi is fascinated by the boss~"


Ye Yang stretched out his hand and held her in his arms. At that moment, the feeling brought by the perfect figure made him feel a wonderful feeling that he had never experienced before...

(Second update)

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