Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 362: Suddenly being blacklisted by the entire network?

Rubbing for a while, enjoying the touch and the aroma of the cocktail.

After drinking the nightcap cocktail, Ye Yang looked at He Muzi, who was pursing his lips and didn't know whether to stay or go, and smiled faintly: "I've finished the wine, I'm tired, you should rest early too."


He Muzi was entangled, but after seeing Ye Yang's sincere eyes, he smiled slightly, got up clearly, and left with the wine utensils.

As long as the girl is beautiful and has a good personality, Ye Yang basically likes them.

He also knows that with everything he has now, it may not be difficult to get these girls easily.

But he doesn't allow himself to do this, this is his bottom line.

No matter how rich or powerful he is, he will not refuse to have many girls. But the premise is that he must make sure that every girl is really attracted to him and likes him before he will accept them.

This mentality can be called the bottom line, or it can be called Ye Yang's own little arrogance in terms of feelings.

He Muzi's appreciation and affection for him can be easily understood, but it is obvious that when it comes to being moved and truly liking him, it is obviously not yet at the right time. As for those things, we will talk about it when the time comes.

A forced melon will never be sweet.

Ye Yang shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

He Muzi's nightcap was really effective, and soon, Ye Yang fell asleep peacefully.

He slept very sweetly and beautifully, and there was everything in his dream.

It was just not as rich as in reality.

The next day, Ye Yang woke up refreshed, washed up, and was dragged by Xiao Qingxuan to watch the hot searches.

I didn't expect that the paparazzi reporters who followed the Prince Gong's Mansion last night actually took a few seemingly true photos and made up many stories in a realistic way.

In order to create a hot spot, a lot of unfounded black materials were also written.

What Ye Yang sacrificed his body for a female leader in exchange for a deal, what he reached a dirty and unspeakable deal with a senior official, and then he obtained the property rights of Prince Gong's Mansion, blah blah blah...

There is no evidence at all, just talking nonsense.

Whatever they say is true.

The key is that many viewers are extremely unhappy in reality, just waiting to see unfair things on the Internet to criticize.

As a result, when they see these news fabricated by marketing accounts, they don't even think about verifying whether there is such a thing, and they just start to criticize.

The heat is so high.

"In fact, boss, you were on the hot search last night, but the wind direction was still normal at that time. Many fans on Douyin came to ask you if this is true."

"But starting from the early morning this morning, marketing accounts that set the pace for their own interests appeared, which pissed me off! If I meet them in real life, I will give them a set of Foshan Shadowless Kick and Lushan Shenglongba!"

Xiao Qingxuan gritted her teeth in anger.


Ye Yang smiled indifferently. He had many solutions for this kind of malicious slander.

Since he was confident, he would not be furious with the clown.

He opened Douyin casually and saw someone promoting these unfounded black materials, and the so-called knowledge broadcaster, Internet celebrity, pretending to be pretentious, explaining in a vivid and colorful way, like telling a story.

A bunch of people liked, commented and forwarded it below, and then swore, and the scene was chaotic.

"How can they do this! They made up things out of thin air and said they were true!"

Xiao Qingxuan gritted her teeth and was furious.

"These people are for hot spots, not for the truth. There are too few people who really have conscience."

Ye Yang shook his head. Occasionally, he could see videos calling on the audience to look at this matter rationally, indicating that these marketing accounts have no evidence and should not be believed indiscriminately.

However, this kind of video generally has a low number of likes. After all, there are still too few rational people in the Internet world.

"What should I do now?"

Xiao Qingxuan asked.

Ye Yang shrugged, not panicking at all: "Wait for me to make two calls."

"Hello? Xiao Zhang? I'm Ye Yang, yes, that's right, look at the hot searches, all the meritorious and demerits are recorded in the roster, don't move after checking, wait until I tell you how to deal with it, then deal with it."

Ye Yang said a few words casually and then hung up the phone.

"Boss, this is?"

Xiao Qingxuan asked in confusion.

"Zhang Ming, the current executive director of Zijie."

Ye Yang replied casually, now the entire Zijie jump is his, these people are blacking him on Douyin, that's really a fool's mother opening the door to a fool - stupid to the end.

Of course, this matter is still quite a big deal. In addition to Douyin, there are also many people in the Tengxun system who have similar voices.

"Hello, Xiao Ma, yes, I'm Ye Yang...well, it's still the same old routine, meritorious should be recorded, demerits should be recorded, and what to do should be done. Tell me after the details are clarified, and I will deal with it when I tell you to deal with it."

Ye Yang said lightly.

"Boss, this again?"

Xiao Qingxuan blinked.

"Mark King, the current CEO of Tengxun."

Ye Yang replied.


Xiao Qingxuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and the only thing left in her mind was the four words "the boss is awesome"!

"Okay, the next step is to post the video."

Ye Yang casually turned on the camera and spread all the certificates and property certificates, transaction certificates, contracts, etc. that the system had placed in his space on the table.

"As for me, I just bought a house openly, without any black material. All the relevant certificates are on the table, and you can see for yourself."

Ye Yang spread his hands: "And this is my transfer record."

Of course, this is also provided by the system.

"Real evidence."

Ye Yang's smile was restrained after this sentence, and a few murderous eyes appeared: "The reason why I said this is to explain to my fans. For those who like me, I can't let them misunderstand me."

"As for the second half of this video..."

He sneered: "Many capable public figures choose to be fake good people after being bullied online. After being fabricated with all kinds of unfounded black materials, they don't retaliate against them."

"This has led to more and more chaos on the Internet. It is precisely because of the inaction of you people that the cost of spreading rumors is getting lower and lower, making these evil forces more and more rampant."

"But I, Ye Yang, am different. I hereby announce to the entire network that anyone who slanders and slanders me out of thin air will not escape legal sanctions. You want to make money by stepping on others, blackening others, and killing others, right?

I can't control others. If you mess with me, Ye Yang, you must pay a hundred times the price you should have paid!

Remember, it's anyone."

After saying that, he released the video without any scruples.

With a fan base of more than 30 million, and this being the biggest hot topic in the past two days, this response video instantly became popular and jumped to the top of all the hot lists!

The number of likes on Douyin alone exceeded 6 million in a very short period of time!

(First update)

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