Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 363: My Direct and Righteous Light


“Fuck, that’s awesome!”

“He’s worthy of being my fan! He’s a real man!!!”

“Once Ye Shenhao got angry, those rubbish marketing accounts that spread rumors and rely on capital to support them and kill others to fatten themselves up will probably have trouble sleeping and eating.”

“Haha, that’s right!”

When fans saw Ye Shenhao finally post a video in response, they straightened their backs instantly and kept cheering for Ye Yang under the relevant videos and explaining the situation.

How much Ye Yang loved his fans in the past, now these fans are more protective of Ye Yang.

"All these formal documents are available, what about the hidden rules!"

"People actually took away that much money, so awesome! Fuck, I'm so jealous..."

"One hundred billion!!! Damn, pure one hundred billion!"

"Just buy a place to live!"

"Too awesome, fuck, I'm kneeling!"

"Ye Shenhao is Ye Shenhao, super awesome, Las!"

"This response is the most domineering I've seen in all these years!"

"That's right, who dared to reply so hardcore before? Who wasn't afraid of the future and the future?"

"That's right..."

Many public figures who were hacked and cheated not only did not fight against it, but were afraid of trouble, and then used money to seek peace, encouraging unhealthy trends.

None of them had a strong backbone, which made netizens with a positive outlook angry.

"We should be like Ye Shenhao, fighting to the end! Anyway, after this wave, I am a die-hard fan of Ye Shenhao! If anyone dares to blacken him, I will chase him to his grave and perform a grave dance for him!"

"Haha... Brother, you are awesome, you are just full of artistic bacteria!"


"Haha, it's useless. Do you think those public figures before wanted to spend money to settle the matter? The evil forces are in the dark, and they are in the light... It's easy to block the open gun, but it's hard to defend against the hidden arrow! It's better to provoke a gentleman than a villain!"

"Yes, this Ye Yang is too arrogant. Does he really think that he can do it just because he has a little money? He can do everything? How is he better than those public figures? It's just a little more money?! What's wrong? I don't believe he can deal with all the Internet celebrities who have joined forces to blacken him!"

"That's right, I think he will most likely surrender in the end, and then spend money to settle the matter. Haha, I've seen a lot of this."

Internet experts have appeared in the comment area to show their wisdom that they have already seen through the rules of society.


"The people above, it is because of people like you that the social atmosphere is not right!"

"Bad guys are always a small part. What makes bad guys gain power? It is because there are too many mediocre people who have been indoctrinated by bad guys into the idea that "if you resist bad guys, you will definitely lose."

These mediocre people are brainwashed by themselves without knowing it, but are complacent and call it the truth.

In the process of justice winning, the biggest source of resistance is often not bad guys, but these mediocre people!"

"Haha, just watch if you don't believe it."

"What can he do to these internet celebrities and bloggers? I am spiraling and eating shit in the same place, okay?"

"It is impossible for those who are framed to defeat the black hands behind them. This is reality, haha..."


Fans were indignant and rushed directly to the internet celebrities and bloggers and public big V accounts who had spread rumors before to reason with them.

These big internet celebrities and big Vs responded one after another not long after.

"Haha, what can we do? We have done this kind of thing so many times over the years. Who has done anything to us? He wants to make trouble?"

"These are all unspoken rules. Everyone agrees that if he doesn't respect the rules, he will pay the price! Let's wait and see. He has produced evidence this time, so we lose. But it is impossible for a person to not make mistakes in his life. We will keep an eye on him in the future, haha. When he is dead, you will know who holds the 'truth'!"


The mediocre people, Ye Yang's fans, the Internet celebrity and his brainwashed audience, the three forces, quarreled and argued endlessly, making the heat of this matter more and more outrageous.

"It's time."

Ye Yang smiled slightly and called Xiao Zhang and Xiao Ma directly: "It's time to close the net."

Everything ended at twelve noon.

As if it was agreed.

Zijie Tiaodong and Tengxun banned all the internet celebrities and big Vs involved at the same time, and sent a lawyer's letter to them on behalf of Ye Yang, and said that they would send a professional lawyer team and prosecute all those who spread rumors and slandered and caused serious consequences.

The reason why Ye Yang did not rush to close the net was that he wanted to make the consequences bigger.

The greater the adverse consequences, the longer these troublemakers will spend in prison.

I guess the rubbish who led the most fierce shouting in this wave will have to spend at least ten years in prison before they can get out...

"Damn it! No way! Am I dreaming? At the same second! Zijie Tiaodong and Tengxun seemed to have discussed it beforehand, and at the same time banned all the anchors and big Vs involved, and also said that they would be held criminally responsible! Oh my god..."

"This is...too awesome, right? Is this Ye Shenhao?"

"Didn't they say that these two companies are competitors and have a bad relationship... How come this is like they discussed it behind the scenes?"

"It's too coincidental, it's like the bosses of these two companies are Ye Shenhao, this is too face-giving... I heard that those little internet celebrities who thought they were fine, who took advantage of the traffic to spread rumors and slander, were all arrested."

"Fuck! It's so fucking satisfying, right!?"

"I'm the light of the righteous path!!!"


The Internet experts were completely out of control and could not say anything. They just felt a burning pain on their faces.

They would never have thought that Ye Yang could be so awesome!

“Boss, many Internet celebrities have sent private messages to you to plead for mercy? And many of the capital groups behind them have also contacted us to seek reconciliation.”

Xiao Qingxuan witnessed the whole process of the incident. At this time, her blood was boiling and her eyes were different when she looked at Ye Yang.

This is too righteous…

“Capital group?”

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

“Yes, entertainment capital that specializes in injecting funds to spread rumors and dig up black materials.”

Xiao Qingxuan said: “This is a recognized black industry in the entertainment industry. According to the normal process, they should show up and blackmail us at this time. Now, they come out to seek reconciliation with us. Haha…”

Ye Yang was also very happy: “Send it to the door by themselves? There is such a good thing?”

It would take some effort to investigate them. Now, they come to the door by themselves and explode.

After all, it cost them a lot of money to create a few big internet celebrities, and they don't want to lose these internet celebrities and public big Vs so easily.

"But I'm more curious... how much did they say they would give?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked.

(Second update)

Search for Yi Jiuyang on Douyin, and follow the author's personal operating account~

Check out the free gifts and urging videos! The light of righteousness!

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