Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 364: 'Stay at home' Traveling at home

"They said they are willing to raise 300 million yuan for you to calm down this storm."

Xiao Qingxuan said truthfully.


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "300 million yuan? Do I look like a beggar?!"


Xiao Qingxuan couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Okay, let them wait for the lawyer's letter and the police at home."

Ye Yang waved his hand.

How can a mere 300 million yuan calm his anger?

He just sent a red envelope in the live broadcast room for 300 million yuan.

"Okay, I'll reply to them right away!"

Xiao Qingxuan nodded repeatedly, holding back her smile and began to notify them one by one.

I guess these domineering old bad guys must be so scared when they see Ye Yang's reply, right?

This matter did not end with the banning of these Internet celebrities. That night, the evidence and the lawyer team were fully prepared, and one message after another came.

The fans knew that the promise made by Ye Yang was being fulfilled!

All the Internet celebrities who participated in slandering him and tried to make themselves famous by erasing others and making rumors and slanders were imprisoned one after another. Even those with minor degrees of slander were fined a lot!

Now, they can be said to have fully felt Ye Yang's energy and determination.

The popularity of this matter has continued to be the first on the hot list. Even the hot searches of Wang Feng's new song and Wang Feng's new song can't be on the hot search list are suppressed and can't be on the hot search list...

Taking advantage of this wave, Ye Yang has gained another wave of fans.

Now the fans of Douyin are approaching 36 million and are about to enter the 40 million mark.

Seeing that the fans are so enthusiastic, Ye Yang also boasted for a while at the beginning of the broadcast, and then sent a red envelope of 100 million Chinese yuan. The live broadcast room was full of jubilation, causing the hot search that was about to go down to be pushed up by the fans...

"These live treasures."

Ye Yang shook his head with a smile.

However, he didn't care too much about it. It would be nice to let the hot search on the list help him attract more fans.

Just as he was about to go to the Imperial Kitchen for lunch, the system's voice rang.

"It was detected that the host made special consumption to maintain his image, and received a special reward in the 'face' category, worth 10 billion: the ownership of the Dongxia Island."


Ye Yang was stunned. Just give an island?

What the hell is Dongxia Island? What is the face category?

Does it mean that being an island owner is very face-saving? Or is there a face fruit on the island?

He opened Qiandu repeatedly and searched.

You don't know until you search. Once you search, you will be shocked. This Dongxia Island is an independent island, one of the islands in the Chinese sea area that is allowed to be traded commercially.

It only takes a few hundred million to buy a deserted island.

However, the first buyer of Dongxia Island made a major transformation on the island, invested billions of dollars, developed tourism, and transformed the island.

Today's Dongxia Island is already a Chinese AAAAA-level scenic spot, which is the legendary 5A scenic spot.

"The system is valued at 10 billion, so it seems that its annual profit is very high."

As for how much profit it makes, Ye Yang is too lazy to check it. The information found on the Internet may not be accurate. Anyway, he is the owner of the island. He can just go for a patrol in a few days and ask the island's operating supervisor.

He opened WeChat and found that Wang Xiaocong had sent an invitation to play.

"Private boat racing? The rich second generation really knows how to play."

Ye Yang touched his chin, but speaking of private yachts... he happened to have a good one.

"Boss, what do you mean?!"

Xiao Qingxuan looked at Ye Yang's smirk and couldn't help but think of something.

"That's right, drive it over."

Ye Yang nodded slightly: "Let those rich second generations see what a 'private boat' is"


After Xiao Qingxuan saluted in a formal manner, he turned around and went to work.

The next two days were a comfortable holiday at the Wang Mansion.

Although he said he was staying at home, the Prince Gong Mansion was too big. Two days was just enough for Ye Yang to get familiar with it and take a detailed tour. It couldn't be more appropriate to say that he was traveling at home...

This "staying at home" lasted for two days. After two days, the heat had gradually subsided. After all, in the Internet age, no matter how popular the information is, it is difficult to stay popular for a long time.


Ye Yang, who had a very refreshing sleep, stretched his arms and patted Xiao Qingxuan's hips who was still sleeping next to him: "Wake up, little lazy pig."

"You are the little lazy pig!"

Xiao Qingxuan rubbed her eyes and snorted: "The boss's skills have improved! He is more powerful than before when we spar at night! If this continues, I'm afraid that few normal girls can resist."


Ye Yang looked at Xiao Qingxuan's half-smile and said: "Then I will spar with you more in the future?"

"I'm glad that the boss understands."

Xiao Qingxuan laughed and nodded with satisfaction.

"Haha, ok, pack up. I've been watching Douyin for two days in the palace because of the popularity. It's time to go out and have some fun today."

Ye Yang glanced at the WeChat message. It happened that Wang Xiaocong asked him to go out two days ago, and the time was set for today.

Bai Xiaojing's mother has recovered well. There was a nurse who could take care of the follow-up today, but Bai Xiaojing was worried and went there in person.

"Sister Xiaojing is really filial."

Xu Jiaojiao smiled.


Ye Yang nodded slightly and then waved: "Wang Xiaocong is treating us today. He said he would take us to see the real happiness of the rich second generation. Raise your hand if you are interested?"

He Muzi, who has always been cold and arrogant, seemed a little distracted today: "Boss, I still stay in the palace to study bartending. I have some new ideas recently and want to try them out."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, without forcing it, and gave a thumbs up: "Then I'm waiting to drink the new work you created?"

"Hmph...the boss really likes being a guinea pig!"

He Muzi teased and walked into the wine shop specially prepared for her.

"...Women are so unfathomable that it's impossible to fathom their thoughts!"

Ye Yang scratched his head and had no idea why He Muzi seemed so abnormal today.

"I am the boss's personal driver. I go wherever the boss goes."

Xu Jiaojiao was the first to raise her hand.

"And you?"

Ye Yang teased and asked Xiao Qingxuan, who was watching He Muzi leave with a frown.

"Something's wrong, something's wrong..."

"What are you mumbling about?"

Ye Yang flicked Xiao Qingxuan's little head.


Xiao Qingxuan came back to her senses: "It's okay, I am now both your personal secretary and your personal bodyguard, and I finally managed to get into your car two days ago. You can't get rid of me!"


Ye Yang's old face turned red. Although he turned defensive in the end, it was the first time he was pushed back. Looking back, he still felt a little embarrassed.

(First update)

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