Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 365: Driving a Ferrari and pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger?

"What car are you getting in?"

Xu Jiaojiao next to her was confused after hearing this, and asked with some doubts.

"Children don't ask questions if they don't understand."

Ye Yang waved his hand: "It's time for us to set off."

Regarding Wang Xiaocong, Ye Yang has good senses in his heart and is straightforward. The key is that his style is completely different from that of the girl he likes, so there is no biggest conflict that may arise between men.

In addition, he has sent him so many welfare videos, and today he invites himself to participate in a friendly match, so of course it is obligatory.

This gathering was at Tianjin Port, so naturally we didn’t drive there.

Ye Yang directly took a few girls on the private plane.

On the G950, the flight attendants were still in perfect shape and had a respectful attitude. However, since Beijing was close to Jincheng, the plane landed soon and there was no time to refuel in the air, which was a little regretful.

At Tianjin Port, Wang Xiaocong and his party have been waiting here for a long time.

"Brother Cong, who are you waiting for? Is there any second generation in China worthy of letting you wait for such a long time?"

The female internet celebrity in his arms caressed him and said sweetly.

"Naturally, there is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world."

Wang Xiaocong didn't have anything to avoid. He shrugged and said, "This man is a super big shot today. If he weren't of the same age, I wouldn't dare to hang out with him."

"What? A big shot that even you, Brother Cong, are in awe of?!"

"I have to take a closer look at this."

The eyes of two internet celebrity girls were hugging each other. They were held by Wang Xiaocong for money. Since it was all about money, why not sit in the arms of a richer person?

Regarding this point, Wang Xiaocong knew better than these two Internet celebrity girls, and couldn't help but sneer: "You two should restrain your thoughts, people are not interested in the faces of Internet celebrities."


The twin Internet celebrities looked at each other awkwardly and smiled coquettishly. In fact, they wanted to ask the big shot Wang Xiaocong said about his taste... After all, we can have plastic surgery to make him look like what he likes!

Anyway, their current appearance is also after plastic surgery and is not their original appearance.

Just having fun with this kind of Internet celebrity girl, Wang Xiaocong didn't bother to pay attention to what these two people were thinking now.

However, the rich second-generation followers who often followed him around had their eyes widened: "No, Brother Cong, even you..."


Wang Xiaocong waved his hand and waved repeatedly when he saw Mo Zhengzheng jumping into the field.

Although he would smile politely when he saw Mo Zhengzheng before, he would not be so enthusiastic. But Mo Zhengzheng now has that kind of relationship with Ye Yang. If the two of them really get married in the future, he will always establish a good relationship in advance. Can't go wrong.

Although he is straight-tempered, it does not mean that he is a fool.

Basic business acumen is still there.

"Brother Xiao Cong! We meet again!"

Mo Zhengzheng waved her hand in surprise, and then looked at the two Internet celebrity girls in his arms with a suspicious frown, making the two girls look very panicked.

"Brother Xiao Cong, did you leave the club alone just because of these two young ladies that day and ran away on your own?"

Mo Zhengzheng asked.

"Uh, no, no, no, please listen to my wasn't them that day."

Wang Xiaocong wanted to explain, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he found that he was getting darker and darker.

Mo Zhengzheng was also stunned, and gave Wang Xiaocong a thumbs-up sign repeatedly: "Good guy!"

"Ahem, by the way, today is a yacht race... Girl Zhengzheng also likes to sail boats?"

Wang Xiaocong was a little surprised and asked by the way to change the topic.

It stands to reason that sailing, driving, racing for rankings, etc. are all boys' favorite sports. Have you never heard that Mo Zhengzheng likes this stuff?

"Dad heard that the master would come this time, so he couldn't help but force someone to take me out of the guzheng room and throw me here."

Mo Zhengzheng chuckled: "Actually, if he had made it clear earlier, I would have come over on my own initiative."

"...Good guy!"

This time it was Wang Xiaocong's turn to give Mo Zhengzheng a thumbs up, and he cursed in his heart, Uncle Mo, even if you want to give your daughter away, there is no need to be so hasty!

Is Miss Zhengzheng really your biological child? ?

While he was complaining, a four-seater Ferrari made a beautiful swerve and stopped in front of Wang Xiaocong and others.

"Here I go, this driving skill is awesome!"

The eyes of the wealthy second-generation car-savvy people next to me all shone with this drifting technique. They looked like experienced drivers at first glance!

“It’s great to drive a supercar!”

Xu Jiaojiao walked out of the car very happily, closed the car door handsomely, stretched her waist, and looked like she was still unfinished.

"Still a female driver!"

Several rich second generations are all greedy. What they dream of is a female driver with such awesome driving skills!

I didn't want to encounter it today.

"Sister, how much does your boss charge you? I'll give you ten times the price!"

Several wealthy second-generation people were whistling frivolously.

The four-seater Ferrari, which only costs over 10 million, is not considered a luxury car in the eyes of these rich second-generation people who hang out with Wang Sicong, so they don't know that the 'big shot' Wang Sicong has been waiting for is in the car.

"One hundred thousand a day?"

Xu Jiaojiao asked.


Several rich second-generation people who were extremely confident at first were suddenly choked to death.

"That's crazy. Paying a driver 10,000 yuan a day... If I had known better, I would have said ten times more if I didn't pretend..."

Giving the driver 100,000 yuan a day, even they feel a little distressed. Their father is very rich, but this just means that they are not qualified to squander the family at will.

The family education of the real super-rich families is quite strict.

For specific activities, they will be given specific funds, and they must report to their families every month. If their families know that they spend 3 million to support a driver, they will not be able to get living expenses next month.

However, there are still some people who particularly like Xu Jiaojiao. The second-generation rich who have started their own business and have money sneered: "100,000 a day, so what? Today I will let you see what a domineering CEO is... Ouch! Brother Cong, what are you doing!?"

The CEO just said half of the word "cut" when he was hit on the head and bit his tongue directly. Zheng Peng grimaced in pain, but when he saw that it was Wang Xiaocong, he didn't dare to get angry, but just asked.

"This is the personal driver of the big shot I mentioned! You are going to die!"

Wang Xiaocong glared at these followers.

"Ahem, I... this... Brother Xiaocong, you are such a big shot, but you are too low-key!"

"That's right, driving a junky car worth more than 10 million yuan to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, who would recognize it!"


Wang Xiaocong shook his head, ignoring these complaints, and ran forward to welcome Ye Yang...

(Second update)

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