Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 368: Only 1.8 billion, you'll make a profit if you buy it

"Because we haven't been exposed to F1000 for a long time, so we can only give a brief introduction..."

Yuan Yuanyuan was a little embarrassed. This was her dereliction of duty as the flight attendant!

Gu Dandan rolled his eyes. After finally seeing his boss again, he wanted to have a good time 'reminiscing about old times' with him and have more intimate contact with him, but it turned out that it was time to sail the boat by himself...


She sighed secretly and had no choice but to return to the cockpit honestly.

"Hey, this spaceship is indeed a top-notch black technology."

Ye Yang walked in the high-tech passage that seemed to be found in science fiction novels, feeling the simple beauty of machinery and technology.

"The hull is divided into three layers. The bottom is the material storage and fuel layer. The middle is the cockpit, crew activity area and entertainment area. The upper layer is your exclusive territory, and only those who you give permission can enter."

Yuan Yuanyuan introduced.

"In other words, you haven't even been in the past few days?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows in surprise.


Yuan Yuanyuan smiled and nodded.

Ye Yang walked to the suspended ladder leading to the highest level.

As the highest level of black technology, when he successfully purchased it, the whole body ID was bound to the fuselage system.

All you need is your iris and fingerprint to unlock all permissions for the spacecraft.

You can also grant special permissions to others as a captain.

Ye Yang naturally also entered the information of several girls around him, as well as Gu Dandan and Yuan Yuanyuan.

Originally, what he saw on the second level was shocking enough, giving Ye Yang a sense of the future and technology.

Until he walked up to the third floor.


As soon as I walked onto the third floor, I bumped into an oblate automatic sweeping robot AI that was executing a cleaning program.

"I'm sorry! (>人<;)"

The oblate robot's display screen displays cute fonts, and its voice is set to a baby-sounding lolita tone.

"What a cute robot!"

Mo Zhengzheng's girl's heart was bursting with excitement.

"Most of the people responsible for the work on the third layer are automatic AIs, each of which is input into functional programs with different purposes. The sweeping robot is just one of the models. In addition, there are cleaning AI, medical AI, library management AI, etc., which are almost fully automated. , fully intelligent.”

"These intelligent AIs use dual energy sources of electronics and sunlight. In theory, these AIs can continue to work unless there is a hundred consecutive days of gloomy weather."

Yuan Yuanyuan explained.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. It is indeed a newly launched black technology future spaceship. I feel that it is a huge profit to buy it for 1.8 billion!

The super-large Airbus A230 ordered by the Saudi prince a few years ago cost 2 billion.

Now think about it, he can buy it for 1.8 billion, maybe because he is the boss, the R\u0026D department only let him get a cost price...

If this spacecraft is actually put on the market in the future, I feel that the price should be 3 billion.

Otherwise, we would be sorry for this extremely luxurious and fully automated third floor.

Ye Yang walked inside again.

The more I look at it, the more surprised I am.

This is not a ship. It is sailing in the sea, it is a sea fortress.

Open in the sky, it is an aerial fortress!

It is fully functional and almost has its own ecological cycle system. The solar charging panels provide a large amount of electricity, and there are even vegetation and vegetable areas!

The reading area and shower area are completely wrapped by a huge deep-sea fish tank, as if you are in the deep sea. It is like directly moving the ocean zoo into it and becoming the decoration of these two areas.

The fully equipped fitness area is adjacent to the heated swimming pool.

The most outrageous thing is that we also saw a breeding area.

But there were no cattle or sheep inside, just a sign indicating a breeding area. It may be that the technology in this area has not yet been solved, or it may be that there is no demand for it, so breeding has not been started.

The master bedroom also has a large I-max movie screen. You can enjoy an awesome audio-visual feast before going to bed.

For some reason, Ye Yang suddenly thought of a science fiction novel he read as a child called "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea". The submarine fortress that once appeared in his dream: the Nautilus, is it not as advanced as this F1000?

"Can this spaceship dive?"

Ye Yang asked out of nowhere.

"We have this plan. The technology in this area has not been perfected yet. It is estimated that it will be fully realized in two years. However, there are no technical problems in diving within a thousand meters of the sea, but complete safety is not guaranteed. "

Yuan Yuanyuan obviously saw a lot of information, and her response was very smooth.


Ye Yang imagined the wonderful scene of driving an F1000 around the world in the future.

This ship basically has its own perfect ecological cycle system. It can not only traverse the sky, but also sail on the sea. The most awesome thing is that in two years, it may even be able to conduct deep dives.

Isn’t this kind of future technological fortress used to travel around the world the most romantic thing in the world?

It was obvious that he was not the only one who had this idea, the eyes of several girls were also filled with admiration.

"Sister Xiaojing and Sister Muzi didn't come today, which is a big loss!"

Xu Jiaojiao was completely unable to describe what she saw today, and even had some doubts about her previous world view.

The world of rich people is too scary!

Enjoying the technology that is almost at the level of science fiction movies in the eyes of ordinary people, living in the royal palace that only the princes and emperors in historical stories can live in.

Driving a sports car worth tens of millions or hundreds of millions, spending a lot of money just to organize a yacht race.

One thing after another, her heart, an ordinary girl, suffered countless blows.

This world is too outrageous...

After seeing this top world full of halos, she suddenly felt that she might not be able to go back...

Let her live in her rented 30-square-meter house again, ride an electric bike to drive for others every day, go in the wind and rain, when there is less work, eat instant noodles, drink milk, and have to consider whether to open a second bag...

Just thinking about it, she felt a kind of resistance from the deepest part of her heart.

She suddenly understood a sentence in the book, that the night moth could originally tolerate darkness - if it had never seen the light.

Not to mention her, an ordinary girl, even Xiao Qingxuan, who felt that she was knowledgeable, felt bright in front of her eyes and was very surprised.

The places where she had the most missions were Africa and Southeast Asia, most of which were poor and backward. She could say with absolute certainty that even the kings of those countries could not compare to Ye Yang in terms of their lives.

Compared with Ye Yang, even those African kings were probably just living a well-off life with just enough food and clothing.

Before the boat had finished its tour, the control room sent a message that it had arrived.

"So fast?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. If he remembered correctly, Dongxia Island was quite far from the port of Jincheng.

"After all, it's a 'flying' ship!"

Mo Zhengzheng made a gesture of an airplane in the air.


Ye Yang shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, but after all, the speed of this F1000 at sea was indeed very fast!

(First update)

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