Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 369: What is appearance?

When I got off the boat, I saw the crowd on the shore staring at the F1000 in amazement.

There were endless noisy voices on the shore, and it was obvious that they were all shocked by the huge and strange-shaped hull.

"Oh my god, what is this? Why is the shape a bit sci-fi, like an aircraft carrier."

"There are retractable wings on both sides. Can it fly into the sky after unfolding?"

"F1000? I've never heard of this model. Which company produced it? It looks really good. I want one too."

"With your meager assets of a few hundred million, you'd better save some. This ship must cost at least 1 billion."

"Oh, that's right, I'm too poor! Oh, oh, oh..."


"Wow, the little brother walking down the ship is so handsome!"

"They are all beautiful girls. Oh my god, their legs are so big, no, their breasts are so white! I'm so dazzled! I'm so envious that my nose is bleeding..."

"I admit, I'm jealous."

"Look, this is the real winner in life!"

"Wait, why does he look familiar to me?"


"Do you still remember Did you remember the hot topic online these days about the Prince Gong Mansion being bought by someone? "

"Of course I remember. What's the matter..."

"Gulu... Take a good look at the young man walking down."

"Wait, I'll put on my glasses... Damn! This young man! ? This this this..."

"I think I'm not mistaken, it's the Ye Shenhao!"

"Awesome, he is worthy of being able to buy the Prince Gong Mansion and drive a super yacht."

"If this can really be called a yacht..."

"What are you waiting for, take a photo! Record a video! Damn, this is the closest I've been to the trillion-dollar Shenhao since I was born! My ancestors' graves are so excited!"

"Mom, I've made it! I saw a living trillion-dollar boss!"


After recognizing Ye Yang, the reaction of the onlookers on the island became more enthusiastic, and many people waved at Ye Yang enthusiastically.

"Why is this like a celebrity press conference..."

Ye Yang shook his head with a smile. He really can be recognized wherever he goes!

He also wants to keep a low profile! He doesn't want to be a big internet celebrity! He doesn't want to stay on the hot search list every day!

But there is no way!!! His strength doesn't allow him to do that. Isn't it annoying!

People who come to Dongxia Island usually come for vacation or travel.

Occasionally, you can see some wealthy people or rich second-generations driving private yachts. The most common ones are cruise ships, carrying many tourists and buying tickets to Dongxia Island.

Ye Yang's ship is obviously not a passenger ship in operation.

Whether it is the peculiar shape or the huge size, it is enough to surprise people.

"Make way, everyone make way."

When the atmosphere on the island was extremely warm, the staff on the island appeared and opened a wide road for Ye Yang.

It was like welcoming the return of the king.

A red carpet stretched from a distance and was laid in the center of the wide road. On the red carpet, the executives and welcoming team of the island walked slowly.

"It's not long since we received the news, and we're here!"

Xia Dongcheng, the general operator of Dongxia Island, who was walking in the front, was a little nervous.

Wang Xiaocong had told him a long time ago that the second-generation rich in Beijing were organizing a yacht race and were coming to Dongxia Island.

Dongxia Island had hosted this kind of thing many times, so he had nothing to panic about.

Until today, he suddenly received news from Wang Xiaocong that there were changes in the competition situation, and there was another Mr. Ye, and it was very likely that he was the first to come to the island. Mr. Ye was of a respected status, so he asked him to receive him well.

Originally, this was nothing.

Until he asked Mr. Ye's name and Wang Xiaocong told him that Mr. Ye was Ye Yang, he was completely confused.

Ye Yang?

Isn't it the new owner who spent more than 10 billion to buy the operating rights of Dongxia Island directly from the previous owner?

The new owner is coming! ?

Damn, this damn news was only told to him today!

And not long after he told him, Ye Yang arrived!

He had no extra time to prepare, and could only put together such a barely acceptable show.

However, even if this was barely acceptable to him, the tourists watching nearby opened their eyes wide and exclaimed.

"This is too grand!"

"Damn, the top leaders of the entire Dongxia Island came out to greet him! They laid out the red carpet and lined the avenue to welcome him!"

"Fuck, too arrogant! I love it!"

"This is the super rich man!"


Ye Yang didn't care much about these things on the scene. He took a few girls out of the F1000 and walked on the red carpet.

Looking at Ye Yang's expression, Xia Dongcheng became more certain of his guess!

All this was planned by the new island owner!

It was for a surprise inspection to see how well he did his job!

As expected of a super boss who spent 10 billion to buy the entire Dongxia Island, he was meticulous and unconventional!

There was no news about him before!

"Hello, Island Master!"

Xia Dongcheng had thought too much in his mind, so he was a little nervous now. When he saw Ye Yang getting off the boat, he bowed respectfully again and again.

"Hello, Island Master!!!"

The senior executives and the welcoming team behind him also shouted in unison.

The shout made the audience around even more excited.

"Damn, did you hear what they were saying!"

"Island Master... the entire Dongxia Island is his?"

"Haha, everyone has bought the Prince Gong's Mansion worth hundreds of billions. This Dongxia Island is probably not as expensive as Prince Gong's Mansion, so there is no need to be surprised."

"What? Prince Gong's Mansion is more expensive than an island?"

"Of course, it turns out that you are not an expert in the industry and don't understand anything, huh~"

"Awesome, I would like to call you the King of Understanding in China!"


"Island Master, please follow me..."

Xia Dongcheng felt like he was sweating again and again. What did the island owner mean by the sudden visit?

It became increasingly difficult for him to guess, but if he could easily guess a big shot's thoughts, he wouldn't be called a big shot!

While trying to figure out Ye Yang's thoughts, he respectfully led the way.

"This island is well managed."

Ye Yang looked around. The density of tourists around him was obviously not low. It seemed that business was doing well.

"It's all thanks to the boss!"

Xia Dongcheng flattered him repeatedly.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. He didn't like flattering, but since this person made him feel quite comfortable, he didn't blame him too much.


Seeing Ye Yang raising his eyebrows, Xia Dongcheng's heart trembled, wondering if he had said something wrong?

I wanted to ask Ye Yang several times about the real purpose of coming to Dongxia Island, but I didn't dare to ask.

This is not something a subordinate should care about.

In fact, he didn't want to care about this. The key was that he was afraid that Ye Yang would be dismissed if he was dissatisfied...

(Second update)

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