Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 370 You can set any conditions. I will satisfy you in any way.

The welcome hall that has been booked is the most high-end one on Dongxia Island.

It is a five-star hotel for island resorts.

Standing on the second-floor viewing platform, you can see the trees, beaches, seagulls and the ocean in the distance on the island, and feel the subtle feeling of the sea breeze.

The warm sunlight at noon shines on him, and there is a wonderful feeling.

The scenery is scattered and orderly, and it can indeed be called a beautiful scenery on earth.

No wonder it can be rated as a five-star scenic spot.

"Island owner, Dongxia Island has invested about 7.8 billion in construction so far, and has been built into many special units such as hot spring area, resort area, hotel area, amusement area, special entertainment area, etc."

"Now the annual net turnover can reach about 2.5 billion."

Xia Dongcheng reported diligently: "I have asked my assistant to get the relevant financial reports and statements."


Ye Yang nodded slightly. It was also very sudden to know that he was coming here this time. He didn't come to inspect the situation or look at the financial report. He mainly came here to play.

Xiao Qingxuan looked at Ye Yang's expression and felt bitter in her heart, knowing that these reports would most likely be handled by her again.

"Alas... I now understand why Sister Momo is always so busy! Sister Momo has a hard time..."

Xiao Qingxuan felt a headache when she thought about looking at a bunch of reports. Her sister Xiao Xiaozhu was better at handling these, but her sister was now following Yu Momo to discuss business.

"I shouldn't have volunteered to be the boss's personal secretary..."

Xiao Qingxuan pursed her lips, but the next moment she denied her idea: "No! I still have to come, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to get on the boss's car! Although this journey is more difficult, at least I have realized my long-cherished wish!"

As she thought about it, Xiao Qingxuan laughed geigeigei.

"...Are you okay?"

Ye Yang was amused by this weird laugh and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Ah? It's okay, it's okay! No matter how many reports you have, just come!"

Xiao Qingxuan patted her chest and promised forcefully.

Ye Yang looked at his chest that was undulating due to being slapped, and his heart was also rippled.

"Uh... Boss, do you want to exchange some skills on the spot?!"

Xiao Qingxuan licked the corner of her mouth and smiled.

"Uh uh..."

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Before Xiao Qingxuan didn't express her feelings, she was the best at hiding them. After being exposed, she simply developed a second attribute and played more freely than anyone else!

Xiao Qingxuan was reviewing the report, and Ye Yang was drinking tea and chatting with a few girls.

Xia Dongcheng and several high-level people on the island were trembling and serving tea and water on the side, but in the end they didn't understand what the new island owner was thinking.

"This new boss is not simple. Although he is young, he has a deep mind and doesn't show it on his face. I can't guess what he is thinking at all."

Xia Dongcheng's mind has been running speculations. Although on the surface Ye Yang is just here to play, he doesn't believe that such a big boss, how can he act and speak so simply! ?

If Ye Yang knew about their idea, he would be amused. He didn't think about anything, it's strange that you can guess it...

Just like that, Xiao Qingxuan almost reviewed all the reports.

The news that Wang Xiaocong came to the island came.

"It's so slow. Isn't his ship worth more than 100 million? It runs as slow as a tractor."

Ye Yang complained.


Xia Dongcheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In fact, the time Wang Xiaocong took was very short, but compared with the F1000 spacecraft that Ye Yang drove, which was ahead of its time, it was a small matter.

"Huh? Agent Xia, you are here too."

Wang Xiaocong was a little surprised. He remembered that everything was arranged. There would only be a welcoming team responsible for the reception of this competition?

This Xia Dongcheng was so concerned about him that he was waiting for him in the lobby in person?

But soon, he found that something was wrong.

Thinking about it again, he realized that Xia Dongcheng was here because of Mr. Ye.

But even if Xia Dongcheng wanted to express the welcome of Dongxia Island, he didn't need to bring out all the senior executives of Dongxia Island, right?

He looked around, and basically all the heads and executives of each district of Dongxia Island were here...

"Mr. Xiaocong, you have to say this in full in the future. Fortunately, I asked more questions today. Otherwise, I wouldn't know that the island owner was here, and I wouldn't come out to greet him. Wouldn't that be a big sin!"

Xia Dongcheng smiled bitterly and said repeatedly.

"Island owner...!?"

Wang Xiaocong blinked and looked at Ye Yang.

Ye Yang smiled and nodded, but didn't deny it.


Wang Xiaocong was speechless. Since he met Ye Yang, wherever he went, it seemed to belong to him.

The Centurion Club belongs to him, the Prince Gong Mansion belongs to him, and now the race randomly selected a small island as the end point, but this island also belongs to him...

Oh my god...

Isn't this too scary! ?

Isn't it terrifying to think about it? !

What other industry is not yours! ?

Wang Xiaocong originally thought that Ye Yang was extremely powerful, but now he felt that he was so powerful that it was a little scary.


Ye Yang was also helpless. Who knew why it was such a coincidence that the place he randomly chose was his own industry?

Perhaps it was really because he had too many industries! ?


Just when Wang Xiaocong was stunned with surprise and didn't know what to say.

A nimble figure rushed into the hall.

I saw clearly that the person coming was none other than Chu Haijiao cosplaying as the pirate captain.

"As expected, they are all well-known rich second generations in Beijing circles."

Xia Dongcheng said with emotion that he also knew Chu Haijiao. The princess of the Chinese Chu Shipping Group, Chu Shipping, had a very transcendent status in the shipping industry. Although the market value was only two to three hundred billion, due to her special status and functions, she was very popular in the Beijing circle. The right to speak is also very important.

"You're faster than me! You cheated!"

Seeing that Wang Xiaocong had arrived earlier than her, Chu Haijiao shrugged her nose, and her cheerful little face suddenly became unhappy.

"My boat is better than yours. Isn't it normal to arrive a little earlier than you? How can I say it's cheating!"

Wang Xiaocong recovered from the shock and asked inexplicably.

"No reason! My sailing skills are top-notch!"

Chu Haijiao raised her snow-white chin proudly: "But I am in a good mood today, so I won't argue with you."

After that, he skipped to Ye Yang's side, rubbed his hands, and squeezed in next to Xu Jiaojiao with a smile.

"Um...Miss Chu, do you have something to do with me?"

Ye Yang was a little confused when he saw the eager anticipation in Chu Haijiao's eye that was not covered by the pirate blindfold.

He suddenly noticed that Chu Haijiao's eyes were black and blue, and her facial features were very three-dimensional. She might be of mixed race.

"Hmm, let me discuss something with you?"

Chu Haijiao blinked her big blue eyes and asked

"Discussing things?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "What are we discussing?"

After that, he picked up the teacup and prepared to drink tea.

"Lend me your spaceship and fly it!"

Chu Haijiao rubbed her hands: "I won't do it for you in vain. You can set whatever conditions you want. I will satisfy you with anything!"

(First update)

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