Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 373: Silence is Golden System

"Three hundred and ten million."

"Three hundred and fifteen million."


The bids continued, and in the end, the bloodstone was sold for 325 million.

The man who called himself Lu Daozai laughed and made a strange squeaking sound like a baboon, and excitedly went to do a private transaction with the old man who had just made the bid.

"Master, what is this? It looks so exciting!"

Mo Zhengzheng kept saying.


Is this the legendary gambling stone?

Ye Yang shook his head dumbfounded. Although he had heard of its name in many places, this was the first time he had seen it in reality.

Really exciting.

But isn’t this guy who calls himself Uncle Lu really a bastard?!

How could such a large piece of rough stone be sold for only 500 yuan? A top-quality bloodstone worth 300 million was also released, which was so funny.

But after all, he was a layman and didn't know much. He just felt it was a bit outrageous. He felt that the venue attracted so many people and did such an eye-catching thing, so he was afraid that he was planning something evil.

As expected, then, a middle-aged man with glasses and a curvy mouth, who looked like a butler and had pointed ears, walked up. He held up a microphone and said repeatedly: "Everyone has seen that the stone gambling industry represents opportunity. And get rich! As long as you dare to fight, you can create a super myth of winning 300 million yuan from 500 yuan!”

"Yes, it does make my blood boil."

"Haha, look at it again, it makes me want to buy some and try it..."

"Well, that's right. Didn't that Uncle Lu lose his temper just now?"

"My net worth is only over 40 million, and a stone costs 300 million?"

"Are you an amateur? Brother? That's the best soapstone. If such a big piece of raw stone is cut and processed and carved into a sculpture or something, the value will be doubled!"

"Oh, you're so awesome. I'm just here to travel, not just for this. I don't understand much, just a layman!"


There was a climax of discussion in the audience, and some insiders were also explaining something to these newly arrived laymen.

Ye Yang looked at these people with interest, and with his current experience and vision, he also noticed some unusual auras.

"Sounds great!"

Mo Zhengzheng rubbed her hands, obviously a little excited.

"It's all a lie. Those who cut leeks probably chose the bloodstone first, and then found someone to buy it. After it was opened, they made a fuss to exaggerate the atmosphere and get others to buy it, but the next stone , most of them are carefully selected by experts, and it is basically impossible to find any top quality ones. ”

Xiao Qingxuan was well-informed, shrugged and explained.

"Is that so?"

Mo Zhengzheng nodded, but still couldn't hide her desire to give it a try.

"Go and play if you want to. I'm just here to have fun anyway."

Ye Yang shrugged indifferently.

Although the remaining stones have been carefully selected by experts who have determined that there are no good goods in them, experts are also human beings and are not clairvoyants. No one knows whether there are any good goods in the stones before they are opened.

There might be some dusty relics inside.

It is precisely the rough stones that even professionals can fool, the real gems hidden inside, that are the real astronomical price.

Of course, not everyone can have this kind of luck.

"Okay, okay!"

Mo Zhengzheng smiled and nodded after being encouraged.

Step forward.

There are many large and small rough stones on the stone gambling stall.

The prices are all low.

Probably less than a thousand yuan.

After Mo Zhengzheng thought about it, she picked a big stone priced at 999 Chinese coins: "I want this big one."

"My little sister is really discerning. Such a large stone, even if it contains the lowest grade of jade, is still worth a lot of money."

The stall owner's eyes lit up and he complimented him repeatedly.

After hearing what he said, the tourists on the side expressed their willingness to pay a higher price to buy it.

After a lot of fighting, the price was raised to 30,000.

"How could they do was obviously Zhengzheng who liked it first..."

Mo Zhengzheng pouted and called out the price again without giving up.

Ye Yang frowned. He originally wanted to give his apprentice a few hundred dollars to have fun, but when the auction started, he realized something was wrong.

Whenever no one in the field wants to continue bidding, the few insiders who claim to be 'experts' will raise the price at the right time.

Judging from the reaction of the stall owner, he was not surprised at all.

Judging from Ye Yang's keen observation and insight, he can basically judge these few, which is also trustworthy.

It’s just to heighten the atmosphere and drive up prices to defraud money.

This made him feel angry. How could these black-hearted profiteers be willing to deceive such a cute girl like their apprentice!

It wasn't until the price reached 100,000 that no one asked for more.

Mo Zhengzheng watched the process of cutting the stone with anxiety. One hundred thousand was not a big sum of money to her, but if it was all in vain, she would still feel bad. After all, she is a thrifty person!

In addition, I had a falling out with my dad a few years ago, so I insisted on learning guzheng, which helped my living expenses drop again and again.

Now Kali doesn’t even have ten million left.

If he lost 100,000 yuan, of course he would still feel bad.

"There must be a big gem! Balala magic! Black and dark, Abba Abba!"

Mo Zhengzheng murmured in a low voice, talking nonsense and didn't know what he was talking about.

But it was obvious that the professionals were unlikely to be wrong. After cutting the big stone several times, it was finally confirmed that there was no jade inside. It was just an ordinary broken stone...


Thinking that she had actually spent 100,000 yuan to buy a broken stone, Mo Zhengzheng wanted to cry but had no tears. Her cute little face wrinkled.

"Don't be discouraged, little sister. These are all carefully selected good stones! Look at this one again. There is a high possibility of gems in it!"

The stall owner picked up a stone at random and prepared to coax Mo Zhengzheng to buy more waste stones again.

"That's right, do you want to buy it or not? This one looks very good. If you don't buy it, I will buy it!"

The surrounding people started to make a fuss.


The little girl was confused by this scene for a while.

Ye Yang frowned and prepared to teach these guys a lesson. Why coax anyone else? He actually coaxed his cute little apprentice! ?

Before he asked in his heart,

The system answered: "The host's intention is detected. You can spend 100 face points to open related abilities and solve the current dilemma."

"Face value?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"As the name suggests, every time the host does something face-saving, such as making big people envious, showing off their financial strength, accumulating fans, etc., they can get face value. Face value can be exchanged for rewards such as the number of draws, special abilities, etc."


"Then why did you say it now!"

Ye Yang complained.

"Silence is golden. The host did not have similar needs before, and the system would not explain it by itself."

The system responded.

(Second update)

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