Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 374 Automatic Treasure Hunting Gold Finger

"Okay, you're really good at it!"

Ye Yang gave a thumbs up in his heart, this system is really lazy!

Silence is golden, it means laziness!

"Then how much face value do I have now?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Fifty sixty-seven thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine."


Ye Yang felt that this number seemed a bit too random, and it felt like it was compiled by the system.

But he was too lazy to think about it. Solving the problem at hand was the most important thing.

"Exchange it for one hundred face value."

He didn't hesitate anymore and said it directly.

"Ding! One hundred face points have been spent to start the treasure hunting golden finger!"

"With the treasure-hunting golden finger, the host will have the ability to hunt for treasures on its own. The rarer the treasure, the greater the value, and the greater the golden finger's response."

After a few casual explanations, the system became silent.

"I'll go and explain how to use it... I'm really lazy."

Ye Yang shook his head and then looked at his fingers.

The little finger on my right hand seems to have a slightly different color.

"Is this the legendary golden finger that is unique to the protagonist in the novel?"

Ye Yang's heart moved slightly, and he felt quite strange. When he was a child, he dreamed that he would have a golden finger someday, and this came true.


He stood directly in front of Mo Zhengzheng.

"Sir, what, do you also want to choose rough stones?"

The stall owner's eyes lit up and he asked again and again.

"I'll help you choose one."

Ye Yang was too lazy to talk to the stall owner and smiled directly at Mo Zhengzheng.


Mo Zhengzheng's eyes lit up and she nodded repeatedly.


The stall owner took a look at Ye Yang. Although he didn't look weak in his dress, he was still too young, and he didn't seem to be an insider. He probably wasn't that powerful, so he just thought of him as a fool like Mo Zhengzheng. The rich second generation is fooled.

"Haha, sir, these rough stones are carefully selected. Please enjoy your selection, right?"

The stall owner rubbed his hands and said with a smile.

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth and tried to touch the original stone in front of him.

"Haha, there's something decent..."

The stall owner sneered inwardly, these stones were carefully selected and there would be no gems among them!

Ye Yang looked like an amateur at first glance, and this decent selection seemed very funny to him.

Several of the trustees on the side almost laughed out loud.

"Do you think this guy can deliver good products?"

"What the hell, if I can figure it out, all these years of my life have been in vain. I'll pluck out my eyeballs and give them to him as shoe mats!"

"I'll go, I'm so confident, even Mr. Dong said so, then there's probably no hope, haha..."

Everyone present was talking a lot.

Ye Yang picked up a piece, but there was no reaction in his hand, so he threw it aside.

The stall owner frowned, this young man seemed to be here to cause trouble! ?

"Sir, these are good pieces. Are you sure you don't want to buy them?"

The stall owner kept cheating.

"Don't bother our boss to pick something, or I'll pull your tongue out!"

Xiao Qingxuan said coldly.


The stall owner looked at the coldness in Xiao Qingxuan's eyes. He looked like a ruthless character, and he didn't dare to provoke her. He had to shrink his neck, chuckle, and didn't dare to say anything more.

Ye Yang frowned and picked up one, but there was no response. He even doubted whether the system was reliable.

After touching dozens of stones, there was finally a big stone that gave Ye Yang a slight warm feeling on his fingers.


Finally a reaction!

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, feeling quite happy in his heart.

"Here, take it."

Ye Yang knocked on the stone in front of him.

"I think this stone is pretty good. If you want to take it..."

Tuo next to him began to prepare to disrupt the situation again.

"If you like it, just take it. I'm just picking and playing with it anyway."

Ye Yang spread his hands, looking like he didn't care at all.

"Um, cough...I suddenly felt that this stone is not that good again. If you like it, just take it, haha..."

The skinny man in charge gave a wry smile and spread his hands. This guy was obviously much smarter than that girl, and he couldn't even raise the price even if he wanted to.

"Are you sure not? Don't you think it's good?"

Ye Yang kept saying.

"No, no, no, a gentleman does not take what others like! I am a gentleman, hehe!"

The skinny man waved his hands and refused.

"You don't want this for yourself, don't regret it for a while."

Ye Yang sneered, touched all the rough stones on the field, and picked out three rough stones that could make his fingers react.

"That's three dollars."

Ye Yang smiled lightly, nodded, and said to the stone gambling stall owner.



After the stone gambling stall owner confirmed it, he said repeatedly: "Three yuan, three thousand yuan."

After Ye Yang scanned the QR code and paid, he had a good time watching them cutting stones.

To the stall owner, these were ordinary stones that were considered waste stones by industry insiders. They were originally worthless, but now they are making money by selling them. He was very happy with the three thousand dollars.

However, on the surface, he still has to pretend that he has suffered a loss, with a sad face and a sad look.

But only a few of his followers in the audience knew how happy the stall owner was now.

"Chi chi chi..."

The machine that cuts the rough stone first cuts it into small pieces.

"Chi chi chi..."

Water splashes accompanied by stone powder flying, cutting the raw stone, now most of them still use water jet technology.

After water jet cutting, a touch of pink soon appeared in everyone's eyes.

"What is this!?"


"It seems that it is not a piece of waste stone!"

"This is impossible, my eyesight is not wrong! I personally helped him to carefully select it, it is impossible for it to be a jade raw stone!"

Old Dong blinked his eyes and said in disbelief.

"Yes, Old Dong's vision is very good, how could he be wrong!"

The other several supporters also said repeatedly.

"What's the big deal about a touch of color, it may just be a piece of colorful garbage."

Old Dong comforted himself.


However, the fantasy will always be broken quickly.

After the water jet cut, the pure pink cross-section cut was revealed.

The professional lighting master came forward to light and identify it. After the identification, the whole person was dumbfounded on the spot.

"What kind of jade is it? Master, please say something!"

"It's just... we are so impatient waiting here."

"It looks crystal clear, like a pink and purple crystal, very beautiful, it should be worth a lot of money!"


The audience was talking and urging the appraiser to tell the appraisal result quickly.

"Master is really amazing, he found a colored jade right away!"

Mo Zhengzheng jumped up happily and shook Ye Yang's arm excitedly.

"Calm down, haha."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head: "These are all basic operations."

"Master, you are so handsome!"

Mo Zhengzheng laughed.

The appraiser swallowed his saliva and solemnly announced his appraisal result: "After appraisal, this is a piece of pure, pure color, violet jade rough stone!!!"

(First update)

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