Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 383 Mr. Ye’s arrival brings glory to the carnival


Brother Rich and Queen Cheng were both filled with anger.

People are afraid of comparison. If someone drives a better sports car and pulls up next to them, it will appear that they are worthless. How can they create their own successful persona! ?

"This stinky man actually dares to deny you face! Queen Cheng, don't you fight him?"

"That's right! We are independent women in the new era. Why should we tolerate these disgusting men? It's fine if we don't let them kneel down and kowtow. How dare we kick our noses in our faces? This is outrageous!"

Poisonous Chicken Soup Queen Cheng’s fans are clamoring.

"Rich brother, can you bear this? You are a big shot! A successful person! Fuck him!"

"That is, if you have money, use your money to kill him!"

Fans of Brother Rich also followed suit.

Ye Yang glanced at it and found that most of the fans of this poisonous chicken soup female internet celebrity were extremely ugly people who looked like they were poor and couldn't afford to eat.

If they don't work hard and have a bad life, they start to dream. If they don't check whether they are worthy of a good life, as long as others create an illusion, they can fall asleep in their dreams and don't want to wake up.

As for Rich Brother’s fans, most of them are dressed up as little gangsters, doing nothing, not having a job every day, drinking heavily, smoking heavily, gambling, going home, lying in bed daydreaming, waiting for when pie will fall from the sky. guy.

These two people are a perfect match, so why not have a group wedding on the spot.

These people probably can’t afford carnival tickets either.

No wonder these two chose to show off their luxury cars in the parking lot outside.


Fans on both sides booed, and Brother Qian and Queen Cheng were also riding a tiger.

In the end, Brother Rich snorted coldly, and could only hold his arms and pretend to be cool: "Apologise to both of us, and this matter will be over."

"Apologise? Why? Because the car I drive is better than yours?"

Ye Yang shrugged and said in a confused tone: "You two haven't graduated from elementary school, right? Can you say this?"

But it's not difficult to figure out his fan audience. If he didn't have this kind of IQ, he wouldn't be able to fool those stupid fans.

After all, birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together.

Yu Momo also walked up: "If you two don't get out of the way and delay the boss's time, I'm afraid you won't be able to afford it."

"Damn, I'm a successful man. I can make millions every minute? Do you understand millions? Can't afford to delay? Believe it or not, I will kill you with money?"

The rich brother said extremely arrogantly.

"That's right."

Queen Cheng also looked proud at the side.


Ye Yang smiled and killed himself with money? This is the most outrageous thing he has heard this year.

"Rich brother is awesome!"



These two anchors are usually too preoccupied with thinking about how to deceive their fans and have no energy to care about other things. They only know that Ye Yang is also an anchor who has become popular with his "shenhao" personality.

Subconsciously, he regarded Ye Yang as the same type of guy who relied on his concave personality, talked about poisonous chicken soup, and sold courses just like them.

So he was extremely tough at this time.

"Everyone knows what's going on with each other. Don't pretend to be so cool. I'm warning you! Be careful, I'll expose all your secrets!"

The rich brother sneered, obviously he was convinced of Ye Yang and was not afraid at all.

"Is it?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "I would like to hear what you call your old story."

"Haha, do you insist on breaking out?"

Queen Cheng also hardened up at this time, puffed out her chest, and sneered like a queen, and her eyes with heavy makeup showed unfounded pride.

"You are not worthy enough to talk to me about breaking up."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and shook his head, then waved to Yu Momo.

After Yu Momo understood, he dialed the phone directly.

"It made me laugh so hard, the acting looks so similar."

Rich Brother turned around and said to his fans: "Don't be deceived by his appearance, he is garbage! We are all in the anchor industry, how can I not know? He is just a traffic account with a concave personality ! There’s no money at all! You’re so powerful!”

"That's right, you drive a luxury car worth more than 100 million, why do you still want to be a host? It's so ridiculous!"

Queen Cheng said repeatedly.


Ye Yang almost wanted to applaud these two clowns, good guys, they were just scolding themselves in front of everyone!

"What? Ye Shenhao is actually a traffic account!"

"It's indeed a lie! Brother Rich must be right!"

Fans of Brother Rich said repeatedly.

"Haha, I've seen this Ye Shenhao. He is just a trashy straight man. Straight men are guilty! How can such a sinner be rich! Rich people must be prince charmings, and they must all fall in love with me at first sight!"

"That's right. One day, one of my sisters was interviewed by him on the street. My sister who weighed 300 pounds only wanted a gift of five million yuan. Looking at his poor face and unwilling to give it, he also laughed at her for not being from the earth. ! This is so awesome! It makes me laugh!

"that is!"

A bunch of fake independent women whose brains have been soaked in poisonous chicken soup are also ridiculing.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, remembering that day on the street, there was a female Titan who was interviewed on the street about asking for a five-million-dollar gift. There was actually her sister here...

Thinking of this, I can't help but laugh and cry. It's really a bastard looking for a turtle, and a stinky fish looking for a rotten shrimp - it's not like everyone along the way is trying to get together!

Just when Brother Qian and Queen Cheng were talking nonsense.

Several middle-aged men in suits and ties ran out of the carnival venue.

"Let me go, isn't this Mr. Gao, the general manager of Douyin anchors? Why is he here!"

"I'm going to see all these super bosses come out!"

"Executives from big companies like this are the ones who are successful. At least their annual salary is several million! Plus dividends, I can't imagine it!"

"It seems to be coming towards us..."

"what happened?"


These fans who were joining in the fun felt something was wrong when they saw Manager Gao leading his people towards this side.

"I guess you're here to meet Brother Chenggong and Queen Cheng, right?"

"Yes, he is a successful person after all! A big boss with an annual income of several million and assets of over 100 million must come out to greet him."

"Haha, I'm not here to greet the marketing account Ye Yang anyway."


The fans of both families also talked to each other, and it was very lively.

When Brother Rich and Queen Cheng heard this, they both straightened their backs and greeted her with smiles.

However, the senior manager simply ignored the two of them as shit.

With a smile on his face, he stretched out his hands and walked towards Ye Yang: "Mr. Ye, you are here! I didn't expect that I invited you to the venue with the mentality of giving it a try. I didn't expect that you actually came. It really gave us face. ! The carnival is so bright because of your arrival! ”

(Second update)

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