Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 384: Only six cars are available worldwide. Would you like to rent one and try?


"What's going on?"

"The senior manager is actually so respectful to Mr. Ye?"

Fans on both sides were extremely surprised.

They are just fools who can be fooled by routine anchors. They are not the audience of Ye Yang's live broadcast at all, and big data recommendations will not recommend Ye Yang to them.

Naturally, they didn't know what Ye Yang was like, and Queen Cheng and Brother Youqian only knew that Ye Yang was famous for his character "Shenhao".

So these two people set the pace, and the fans next to them will follow suit.

Now that the high manager came out to greet Ye Yang in person, with this face and pomp, no matter how stupid the fans on both sides were, they now knew that something seemed to be wrong.

"High, high manager..."

Brother Rich and Queen Cheng both twitched their mouths, embarrassed and wanted to say hello to the senior manager.

"who are you?"

Manager Gao glanced at Brother Youqian and Queen Cheng, then frowned and asked in confusion.


Brother Rich and Queen Cheng were stunned in embarrassment.

Fans on both sides realized something was wrong even more. Didn't they say that these two are big bosses? Why didn't the manager even recognize them?

The beautiful assistant next to the senior manager whispered a few words in his ear.

The senior manager suddenly realized that he was not interested in these anchors who sold courses and cut leeks. After all, they basically made no contribution to Douyin itself. Fans reacted to being cheated and scolded Douyin in turn.

In other words, Douyin can get half of the money for the gift that was painted by the idiot in the live broadcast room, which is some benefit.

However, people are afraid of comparison.

The real gift from these two people's live broadcast for one year, together, is only ten to two hundred thousand in income. Everything else is just operations and flow, fake.

Ye Shenhao’s account, just from the rewards, Douyin gets hundreds of millions from it every year!

Not to mention that Ye Shenhao sends out super big red envelopes when he has nothing to do. The handling fee that Douyin gets from it is many times more than the money contributed by Brother Qian and Queen Cheng to Douyin!

As Douyin's top anchor, Ye Yang is naturally very valued.

He has personally learned about Ye Yang's background. This man is a real tycoon, with assets worth at least hundreds of billions!

As for his acquisition of Bit Group Corporation, the senior executive has not received news yet.

But even so, Ye Yang's status in his eyes was extremely high.

It can be said that even if Ye Yang farted, it would be a hundred times heavier than the rich man and Queen Cheng combined!

Now that these two trash have offended Ye Yang, he naturally knows who to protect easily.

"How dare you two dare to mock Mr. Ye for being a traffic account? You are just some rotten shrimps! How dare you mock a real boss? Are you afraid that the anchor has done enough and wants to blow himself up?"

The senior manager shook his head, feeling that these two people were hopeless.

"No, senior manager, he is also an anchor who packages his characters to make money. You can't protect him just because he has many fans! Once we run it properly, it will be very simple to reach his level!"

Seeing Manager Gao's attitude, Queen Cheng suddenly became anxious.

"That's right, Senior Manager, he's clearly here to steal our limelight..."

The rich brother also muttered.


The senior executive shook his head: "This Koenigsegg One1 is here, do you have cerebral palsy? Do you dare to say that he is a fake god?"

"Isn't it just for rent..."

"It's just that we both rented luxury cars. At most, his car is a little better than the one we rented... well, it's just a lot better."

Queen Cheng and Brother Youqian said something to each other, and they were extremely unhappy.

The senior manager laughed angrily: "You hang out with fools every day and fool fools every day. Are you fooling yourself as well? Open your big bulingbuling eyes! This is Koenigsegg! Koenigsegg One1! There are only six of this model in the world! Why don’t you rent one for me?”

Even the senior manager who showed himself to be elegant and easy-going was so angry that he exploded.

What these two idiots said is simply outrageous!

"Do you think Koenigsegg One1 is that crappy Porsche 911 you rented?"

The senior executive sneered: "Even if you rent a global limited-edition supercar worth tens of millions, is it something that ordinary people can rent?! Use your stupid brains, you need special channels to rent a car worth tens of millions. This is the 150 million supercar king, Koenigsegg One1! Rent it, rent your horse!”


"This...this, this,, Mr. Ye really owns a sports car worth 150 million yuan...!?"

Brother Rich and Queen Cheng were stunned for a moment. Both of them started to tremble, knowing that they were in big trouble today.

They are just ordinary people who are more vicious than ordinary people. They have no contact with the upper class. Maybe they know that Koenigsegg has hundreds of millions, but they don't know that this kind of car cannot be rented.

When you really communicate with knowledgeable upper-class people, one sentence will reveal their social level and cognitive level.


Fans on both sides fell silent, obviously stunned by the huge amount of information.

"Mr. Ye gives out hundreds of millions in red envelopes just for one live broadcast. He is a serious super tycoon with assets of more than 100 billion. I think you really don't know how to write the word "death". You are a garbage anchor who sells courses to deceive fools. It’s really boring to dare to touch porcelain people.”

Manager Gao sneered and shook his head: "Okay, I don't think you two need to attend any carnival. The invitation letter is invalid. Go back to where you came from."

"Mr. Ye, please."

Manager Gao waved his hand enthusiastically and invited Ye Yang to enter.

He was just the manager of the anchor branch. Even if his annual salary plus bonus could get tens of millions and his assets were hundreds of millions, he was just a worker after all.

When talking to a real rich man like Ye Yang, a real boss with assets of at least hundreds of billions, he naturally had to be polite.

"Let's go."

Ye Yang also nodded slightly, and walked towards the door with Lin Xueer and Yu Momo.

Seeing that it was the manager who came out to receive them personally, the guard didn't even dare to ask for the invitation letter, and smiled and invited the few people in.

"I should have known not to print the invitation letter earlier, haha..."

Ye Yang shook his head and laughed.

"Mr. Ye is joking."

Manager Gao also smiled again and again.

Seeing the figures of several people walking away while laughing, Brother Youqian and Queen Cheng both collapsed on the ground.

It's over, completely over.

They originally made money by creating a persona and selling courses.

As a result, the general manager of the Douyin anchor branch exposed their true colors in public. This is considered a collapse of the persona, the three views are swept away, and they are completely finished.

"It turns out that I am the idiot!?"

Although the fans are stupid, they said it so clearly, and they also understood what was going on with themselves.

It turns out that the big man they have always admired and fantasized about making a lot of money for them is just a jumping clown who sells courses...

(First update)

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