Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 385 Diamonds like stars, evening gowns

"It turns out they have been treating us as fools!"

"That's it! Damn it, I'm so angry just thinking about it, fuck him!"

"You are no longer our queen! What a piece of rubbish! We don't have such a disgraceful spiritual leader as you!"

"What a shame! dream is shattered..."


Fans on both sides who had already paid for the course and were expecting to make a lot of money were extremely angry. Some of them were so angry that they rushed up to them and shouted with distorted expressions: "Mom, refund your money!!!" "


Many irritable brothers started fighting with each other with fists and kicks. Soon, the rich brother was beaten until his face was bruised and swollen by his fans, and Queen Cheng was scratched by her fans until all the good skin on her body was gone.

Soon, the ambulance and security personnel came over. After understanding the situation, they stood aside and watched the show for a long time.

When Brother Youqian and Queen Cheng were beaten to the point where they were barely alive, they stepped forward to stop them and instantly pulled them into the ambulance.

"Haha, you really deserve it. I got a beating... After today, my character has collapsed, so I probably won't even think about trying to trick people again."

"It's such a relief. Such idiots should be taught a lesson like this to tell them to lie!"

"Aren't those who are deceived willing to be fooled? It's not worth pitying. But any normal person will not believe in the so-called 'poisonous chicken soup' and 'courses that will lead you to the top of your life'. Those who have been deceived themselves It’s just a gambling-like fantasy, like a tortoise with mung beans and a rotten fish with rotten shrimps.”

"That's a perspective..."


The fans who bought tickets to watch the excitement were all talking about it.


In the main venue, the layout is almost complete.

The official opening of the carnival will begin later.

"The first project in a while is to walk on the red carpet. I wonder if Mr. Ye is in the mood to participate?"

The senior manager also rubbed his hands politely and asked.

Ye Yang is not just a simple anchor, after all, he is a super boss himself.

Other anchors come to the carnival because they want it, to gain popularity and increase their own exposure.

Mr. Ye came to the carnival purely to support him.

The identity is naturally extremely aloof. Whether or not to participate in these projects depends on whether the person is in such a mood.

"On the red carpet?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. He was still very curious about new things. Walking on the red carpet had only been done by celebrities on TV, but he had never experienced it in person.

Since it is something new that I have never experienced before, of course I have to try it.

"You can give it a try."

"Okay, okay."

Manager Gao glanced at Lin Xueer, who was standing aside, and naturally said in a very sensible manner: "In a moment, will we arrange for you two to appear together as partners?"

Lin Xueer blushed and looked at Ye Yang expectantly.

"Okay, it's settled."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.

"Brother Ye is so kind."

Lin Xueer chuckled.

She started working as an anchor out of interest. Anchors couldn't fall in love, otherwise they would lose popularity, and she didn't care.

As long as I can be with brother Ye Yang, it's completely OK to give up being an anchor.

After all, singing to the people you like the most is the most enjoyable.

She is considered a top student in her own right. She can go out to find a serious job, but she can't make much money. She can still afford ten thousand or twenty thousand a month. She can completely rely on herself in life. She can be regarded as a truly independent woman in the new era.

When walking on the red carpet, you need to wear a special dress.

There were many evening gowns prepared backstage. For those with more than 10 million followers, a set of ultra-high-standard evening gowns worth a million dollars. For those with less than 10 million followers, a set of high-end evening gowns worth hundreds of thousands.

However, most anchors know that they are going to walk on the red carpet, so they go to great lengths to prepare an evening dress.

Trying to get more eyeballs.

Because Ye Yang was in a hurry, he came with Lin Xueer as soon as he returned from the capital without making any preparations.

"Why don't you just pick a set here."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

With the two of them's innate conditions, even if they went up wearing the most ordinary clothes, they would still amaze everyone.

Lin Xueer chuckled: "No, Xueer is ready!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

Lin Xueer took Ye Yang into the side hall: "I ordered the evening dress before. I was afraid that the dress would get wrinkled, so I just asked them to take care of it and send it to the venue."

Ye Yang followed Lin Xueer into the side hall.


Ye Yang looked at the men's and women's evening gowns in front of him, his eyes lit up, and he joked: "Good guy, you have a plan."


Lin Xueer stepped forward: "I customized these two sets of dresses a long time ago. Every night in my dreams, I almost imagine the scene of brother Ye Yang and I wearing them and walking on the red carpet. Today, this dream finally comes to an end. Achieved."

Ye Yang looked at these two sets of evening dresses.

The white skirt is embellished with diamonds and rhinestones like stars, which is full of fairy spirit.

The black tuxedo is made of extremely luxurious materials, the collar brace is made of pure gold, and the tie is also embellished with diamonds. The black gold cane was deep and noble, and there was a huge gemstone on the top. Ye Yang was not a gem expert, so he didn't recognize what gem it was at first glance.

Even if it hasn't been worn yet, just putting it there, there is an indescribable sense of nobility.

"Hey, it cost a lot of money, right?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

Lin Xueer blinked her eyes and smiled sweetly, not wanting to talk about this issue: "Help me put on the dress, Brother Ye Yang..."

Ye Yang looked at the girl who was looking at him affectionately, and nodded slightly with a smile.

Soon, Lin Xueer's flawless body appeared in front of him without any cover, perfect like a work of art carved from mutton-fat jade.


Such a perfect work of art, just one look, makes people's hearts move.

Carefully and gently buttoned every button on Lin Xueer's body, and from time to time he could touch the wonderful elasticity and smooth back.


After putting on everything, Ye Yang let out a long breath. It was just putting on clothes, which was obviously not much exercise, but it was like running a hearty marathon.

"Now, it's Xueer's turn to help brother put on."

Lin Xueer exhaled in Ye Yang's ear like orchid.


"Hey, Xue'er, don't touch me... You can't touch me there. If you keep rubbing me, I won't guarantee your safety!"

Evening dresses are awkward to wear and take a long time to wear. It feels so wonderful to have such a beautiful woman helping me put on my clothes...

(Second update)

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