Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 386 Girl, you are sick and need treatment

"Get dressed!"

Lin Xueer carefully set up Ye Yang's collar, then hugged Ye Yang, looked up at Ye Yang, and said with a smile: "Brother Ye Yang will definitely be so handsome tonight!"

"The same to you."

Ye Yang scratched Lin Xueer's little nose and smiled lightly.


Lin Xueer let go of Ye Yang and held his hand: "Let's go."


Ye Yang nodded slightly and led Lin Xueer out of the side hall. In the dressing room, there was a large mirror. Ye Yang looked at the two people in the mirror and was extremely satisfied.

Lin Xueer's custom-made evening dress is really beautiful.

Lin Xueer, who was already beautiful, looked like a fairy descending to earth under the backdrop of this evening dress.

Not to mention himself, he is so handsome!

He smiled at the mirror and almost fainted with his handsomeness.

"Oh my god, look, what kind of gods are these two!"

In the hall, many anchors and service staff who were almost ready were amazed.

"Tonight's red carpet star, the most popular one was Sister Wan'er before. I had no doubt about it before, but now, I have changed my mind."

"Me too! This is so handsome and beautiful! I'm afraid that when they appear on the stage, the whole place will explode!"

"looking forward to……"



While everyone was discussing, a slight cough came.

Everyone looked in the direction where the coughing sound came from.

"Everyone, please pay attention, he is Sister Zhi'er's assistant!"

"Sister Zhi'er is probably arriving soon, so let's be careful what we say."

"That's right, that's right..."

Everyone who was originally admiring Ye Yang restrained themselves a lot and became more cautious in their words and actions.

Sister Wan'er is also a popular Douyin female anchor recently. Apart from the big stars, she has the most fans among Douyin-born female Internet celebrities, and now she has nearly 30 million fans!

She is very beautiful and sings well. In addition, she has a deep relationship with the top management of Douyin, which gave her a lot of traffic support, and she soon became Douyin’s current number one sister.

All anchors who often hang out in the anchor circle are basically in awe of her.


Sister Wan'er came in and looked around the whole place with disdain, letting out a satisfied hum from her nose.

She liked the feeling of the queen's presence very much. After all, she had felt that she was extremely noble since she was a child, and that everyone was lower than her.

Used to being proud.

Coupled with her own family, even if she is arrogant, at least in the anchor circle, no one dares not to give her face.


She raised her head slightly and saw a man and a woman who didn't pay attention to her at all. Their playful smiles did not change at all because of her arrival.

This made her quite unhappy.

She is recognized as the top sister of Douyin!

Nowadays, most of the people in the hall are Douyin anchors. How can someone be so disrespectful to themselves?

Her eyes darkened slightly and she looked at the two people carefully.

When she saw Lin Xueer's evening dress, a cold light suddenly flashed in her eyes, and she quickly walked up to the two of them on silver high heels.

"Hiss... Although Xue'er has been very popular recently, she only has more than 10 million fans after all, and I haven't heard of any serious relationships. Isn't it a bit bad to not give sister Zhi'er face like this? "

"I guess I'm going to be taught a lesson by Sister Zhi'er."

"Isn't Xue'er beside Ye Shenhao? I'm afraid it won't be that simple today."

"The new Douyin brother who has gained 40 million followers like crazy in just a few months?"

"People have their own business, and they just shoot Douyin for fun. What do you call Douyin Brother? It's a bit of a loss for others."

"That's true, but Sister Zhi'er is not someone to be trifled with. After all, she is on Douyin's territory now. With Sister Zhi'er's relationship, even Ye Shenhao would not dare to offend her."

"Well, the analysis makes sense."


Almost all the eyes in the audience were attracted. It is human nature to eat melons, let alone those in the Internet celebrity world. Eating melons is simply their nature.

If you are not sensitive to eating melons and can’t keep up with hot topics, why should you be an internet celebrity?

Ye Yang didn't pay any attention to Sister Zhi'er's approach and continued chatting with Lin Xueer.

"Cough cough cough!!!"

Sister Zhi'er's assistant was coughing and her throat was broken, but she didn't attract Ye Yang's attention.

"Cough cough cough cough!!!"

Sister Zhi'er's assistant tried her best to suck the milk and started coughing again.

"I'm telling you, girl, if your throat feels uncomfortable, go buy some Watermelon Frost Throat Lozenges. If it doesn't work, you can't stop the fat sea."

Ye Yang frowned and turned to look at Sister Zhi'er's assistant with disgust: "But if you cough so badly, it may not be a problem with your throat. Maybe there is something wrong with your lungs. You should go get a check-up."

"Yes, it is very irresponsible of you to do this in public. What if it is an infectious disease and is transmitted to others?"

Lin Xueer also advised: "It's better to go see a doctor."

"You have the disease!!!"

Before Sister Zhi'er's assistant started to attack, the two of them scolded her for being sick and made her whole body feel bad.

"You're not sick. Why are you coughing so loudly?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, then ignored the coughing sister and turned around to chat with Lin Xueer in a different place to avoid being infected.

"Hey!? Are you showing my face!?"

Sister Waner felt a nameless anger in her heart. In her opinion, this was clearly a sign that the two of them didn't give her face!

After all, she was the top sister in the entire Douyin live broadcast circle!

Who doesn't know her assistant?

Pretending not to know her assistant? Isn't it just to show her displeasure?

If Ye Yang knew her thoughts, he would probably mock her for being a shameless and self-righteous idiot... After all, he really just thought that this assistant had lung disease.

"Hey! Is the evening dress you are wearing the 'Diamond Like Stars' that Master Stewart auctioned a few days ago?"

Sister Waner frowned, looked up and down at Lin Xueer, and asked in a very impolite voice.

"Yes, why are you asking this?"

Lin Xueer saw Sister Waner at this time. She knew Sister Waner. Unlike Ye Yang, her main income now is still as an anchor, so she knows more about the anchor circle.


Sister Waner sneered. It seems that if you don't show your power, you really don't know who is the top girl on Douyin: "Do you even need to ask? This evening dress is mine! Take it off!"

"I bought it with my own money. Why do you say it's yours?"

Lin Xueer frowned.

"I also made an offer at the beginning, but you always beat me. Haha, I thought I was competing with some big shot, but it turned out to be a 'little' internet celebrity like you!"

She deliberately emphasized the word 'little' and said with a sneer.

(First update)

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