Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 387 You are not worthy of calling me daddy

"You're just a little internet celebrity, you're pretty good at pretending, and you even offered me 100 million? Are you trying to show that you're better than me? Are you better than me? How dare you target me! Who gave you the courage!"

Sister Zhi'er became angrier as she spoke, with anger welling up in her eyes.

"Xue'er, didn't you say that this suit is custom-made?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked. He didn't pay attention to Sister Wan'er at all. He just slapped her away like a piece of shit. He was still more concerned about Lin Xueer's affairs.

"Actually, no... I said it was customized because I didn't want you to worry about me!"

Lin Xueer stuck out her tongue.

Generally, those used for auction are unique masterpieces created by the world's top masters over many years of hard work.

The prices are extremely high, almost tens of millions or more.

Although private customization is relatively more expensive, most of them are priced below tens of millions.


Ye Yang patted Lin Xueer's little head.

Including what he gave to Lin Xueer, Lin Xueer only had this amount of money in her hand. It seems that she really put a lot of thought into tonight's carnival...


Lin Xueer also laughed happily while having her little head rubbed.


Sister Zhi'er saw that the two of them didn't take her seriously at all and were still flirting. She was originally here to teach newcomers in the industry, but instead she was stuffed with dog food. How could she endure this!

"You two, don't go too far! You really don't take me as the first sister seriously! Take off your clothes and give them back to me!"

Sister Wan'er glared and shouted angrily.

"Sister Zhi'er is really angry..."

"This is not going to end well."

"But this Lin Xueer is really rich. This evening dress is actually worth 100 million! Damn it..."


"Haha, you two are really a perfect match."

Ye Yang sneered and looked at Sister Zhier and her assistant.

"What did you say!?"

Sister Zhi'er didn't understand and subconsciously asked aggressively.

"I said you two, one has a disease in the lungs and the other has a disease in the brain, you two would be a perfect match."

Ye Yang sneered and said with a last strike.

"Damn, he is indeed Ye Shenhao. He shows no mercy to Sister Zhi'er!"

"It's awesome! Ye Shenhao did something that I've always wanted to do but didn't dare to do. Hehe... I've wanted to scold this damn old bitch for a long time. Day by day, why do I think I'm so awesome?"


"You...what did you say!?"

Sister Zhi'er couldn't believe what she heard.

"What? In addition to your brain, you also have something wrong with your ears?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "It seems that you are sick all over your body. Do you want me to register for you and cure the water in your head?"

"How dare you talk to me like that! Who do you think you are?"

Sister Wan'er was so angry that she almost went crazy.

"I thought I was your dad."

After Ye Yang said this, he regretted it. If he gave birth to such a stupid girl in the future, he would be angry to death. Thinking of this, he also changed his words again and again: "Bah, bah, bah, you don't deserve to call me daddy!"

"Pfft...I can't help it anymore..."

"Ha ha……"

"Ye Shenhao is too ruthless. If you have money, you are awesome, and when you speak, you have confidence!"


The anchors who were watching couldn't bear it any longer and burst out laughing.


Sister Zhier has been going smoothly since she was a child. She has never been humiliated like this before. She went crazy on the spot: "I know you, don't you just have a bit of money? This is my husband's territory! Who cares how rich you are outside!" You're on my husband's territory, please stop!"

"Your husband? Who is he?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked.

“Haha, I’ll scare you to death if I tell you, my husband is Ouyang Zhiyu, the deputy director of Douyin subsidiary!!!”

Sister Zhier sneered, crossed her arms, and looked proud, as if she had foreseen the change of color on Ye Yang's face.

"Have you never heard of this person? Who is he?"

Ye Yang looked at Yu Momo suspiciously.

As a personal secretary, Yu Momo naturally knew the boss's company very well. At this time, he also said: "Ouyang Zhiyuan, the deputy general manager of Douyin, a subsidiary of Bit Group, is male and is fifty-three years old. He is also a Douyin employee. A shareholder of a subsidiary and a member of the shareholders’ meeting.”

Yu Momo specifically emphasized his age.


Ye Yang nodded slightly with interest: "I said you are not only full of diseases, but you also have a very unique taste."


The anchors next to me were all trying hard to suppress their laughter. How could this Ye Shenhao tell the truth!

It is almost a consensus in the circle that Sister Wan'er, who is twenty-three this year, plays old man's fun with Deputy General Manager Ouyang. She pities her fans, who also think that this Douyin number one sister is pure and proud, pure and pure, and no one can compare with her.

Many old lickers squat in the live broadcast room every day to buy gifts just to meet this pure and touching beauty.

Little did he know that he had already been penetrated by Old Man Ouyang eight hundred times.


"You wait!"

Sister Zhi'er saw that the situation was over now. Although she was furious, she was still alone. She bit her lower lip and said angrily: "My husband will be here in a while, let him take care of you! Humph!"

"And you, don't think you can win the championship just by wearing a dazzling evening dress!"

Sister Wan'er chuckled: "Whatever belongs to me will be mine sooner or later. You can't take away the honor of being the star of the red carpet tonight!"

Lin Xueer smiled slightly: "I don't care at all!"

She just wanted to wear the most beautiful clothes and have an unforgettable experience with Ye Yang. The red carpet star and other messes were not within her consideration.

"Still stubborn! Haha! Let's wait and see!"

Sister Waner sneered and turned away with her assistant.

"It's really inexplicable..."

Lin Xueer pouted: "It's really unlucky. I just wanted to chat with Brother Ye Yang alone for a while, and this idiot ruined the atmosphere!"

"Haha, don't worry about it."

Ye Yang waved his hand. It was too easy to deal with such a girl who looked proud but was actually very fragile.

The source of all her pride was so fragile.

If Ouyang Zhiyuan was smarter later, it would be fine. If he was not smart, he would be cleaned out together.


Although the anchors had a great time watching it just now, they didn't dare to get close to Ye Yang and the others now. After all, they had completely offended Sister Waner just now.

That means offending the vice president of Douyin. Ye Yang has his own business and is not afraid of falling out with the boss.

These small anchors dare not stand in the wrong line. If they are hated by the petty chicken of Sister Waner, their future may be in jeopardy...

"Are you ready? The red carpet session will start soon!"

Just as everyone was thinking, the stage manager ran in and announced.

(Second update)

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