Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 388 Red Carpet Star Ranking

"It's about to start."

"Hurry up."

The anchors were busy.


The Internet celebrities were looking forward to the red carpet.

They all knew that this was the most important Internet celebrity carnival of Douyin, and they had invested a lot in it.

Now there are a lot of people on the Internet who are paying attention to this event. As long as they can stay on the red carpet for a while longer, they don't know how much traffic they can increase.

This traffic is extremely precious to them.

After all, Internet celebrities live on the number of fans.

There is a big screen in the hall, which broadcasts the live broadcast of the red carpet outside in real time.

"Let's start in the original order."

The director nodded slightly and waved his hand.


The first one to go up was Xiaobawang. Although her name is domineering, she is a lively dancing girl.

Compared with the red carpet of celebrities, the red carpet of Internet celebrities has fewer rules.

It is more friendly and casual.

The little bully walked to the end and improvised a few dances. He grinned at the audience before leaving.

"Fuck, using dance to get more time, great!"

"Why didn't I think of that... Alas, it's useless to think of it, I can't dance!"


Next is a pair of brothers from Northeast China, who are also very popular on Douyin by cooking hometown dishes and have millions of fans.

"Hello everyone!"

These two are very honest and have no intention of getting traffic. After waving, they walked to the rest area at the back honestly.


In the following time, Ye Yang also saw that some of these Internet celebrities, in order to get more time, can be said to have hundreds of tricks.

Some deliberately fell down, and some hired people to rush out of the crowd with flowers and forcefully kissed her to create a scandal.

At first, Ye Yang thought it was a coincidence, but there were too many coincidences.

Ten people went up, and three were arranged in this way. The scenes were almost exactly the same, and the audience was simply treated as fools.

He wanted to see if the three people would be extremely embarrassed when they met each other in the rest area.

"It's almost our turn, Brother Ye Yang."

Lin Xueer said with a smile.


Ye Yang nodded slightly and also tidied Lin Xueer's clothes.

Lin Xueer smiled happily and straightened Ye Yang's tie with her backhand.

If it weren't for the fact that the Internet celebrities next to them were nervous about how to perform or how to get more time, this dog food would probably make them unable to walk for a while.

The ranking popularity of the red carpet stars was also displayed on the other side of the screen in the hall.

Sister Waner and her assistant sat in the best position in the hall, and the other Internet celebrities were staring at the red carpet star ranking popularity list. After all, as long as they could stay in the top ten of the popularity list for one more minute, they could increase a lot of traffic and fans.

The qualification for this popularity list is very simple, that is, it depends on fan voting, and the higher the number of votes, the higher the ranking.

Everyone has three votes, and they can vote for one person or three people separately.

"Haha, a bunch of trash, all looking forward to some hopeless fantasy."

Sister Wan'er wanted to laugh when she saw these Internet celebrities staring at the ranking board.

Is there any need to watch?

The final champion must be her!

She was too lazy to look at the big screen. After all, no one could compete with her, whether in terms of strength or connections. In her opinion, these people present were just trash.

These trash still wanted to compete with her for the red carpet star?

No matter how you think, it's ridiculous.

However, when she sneered, she always felt that there was a thorn in her heart that made her extremely uncomfortable.

When she thought of this feeling, she would glare at Ye Yang and Lin Xue'er fiercely. It was all because of these two people. If it weren't for these two trash who scolded her, how could her good mood disappear!

Soon, there were only a few people in the hall.

Sister Wan'er used her connections to make herself the last one. The reason for this was that she had infinite confidence and believed that no one could match her.

Even if she doesn't show up, those male fans who are just licking dogs outside will help her to top the list of red carpet stars.

There is no doubt about it.

She appeared last, which not only showed her status, but also showed her confidence. It was killing two birds with one stone. It was really powerful!

She smiled lightly, as if she had seen what it would look like after this honor fell on her, and even thought of her acceptance speech.

Her confidence and pride originally came from false reputation.

Therefore, she had to fight for all the false reputations desperately, to establish her identity as the number one sister of Douyin, so that she could show her identity and status in the anchor world and let everyone face her inferiority.

In this way, she could hide her true mentality of extremely inferiority.

People who really make money and are powerful will never want to show off when they see people, nor will they lose their composure when they fail to show off and are ridiculed by others, because they know that they really have this thing.

Those who always rely on their illusory status to bully others, and those who jump up and want to kill others after being criticized by others, are actually very empty inside.

However, she obviously didn't understand this.

Ye Yang was too lazy to compete for a ranking, very Buddhist, the ranking just put him and Lin Xue'er's combination in the second to last place.

"It's our turn."

Ye Yang bowed gentlemanly: "Ms. Xue'er, please?"

"It's my honor~"

Lin Xueer also smiled and bent down in cooperation, put her hand on Ye Yang, and walked out of the door together.

The afternoon sun shone on them, bright and warm.

Almost the moment they appeared, the whole audience was in an uproar.

Those fans who had their own idols couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw Ye Yang and Lin Xueer.

"This is what I dream of, the couple looks like!"

"This is what we call a perfect match!"

"Does the world really have such a perfect male god and female god? I like both of them!"

A girl said with starry eyes.

"Hehe, girl, are you bisexual!?"

The boy next to him asked curiously.

"Yes! What's wrong! Bisexuals eat your rice!!!"

The girl said.

"No, actually, I am also..."

The boy laughed.

"Bah... You are so disgusting."

The girl rolled her eyes.

"... You are too double-standard."

The boy shook his head with a smile.


Almost the next moment, in the room, on the red carpet star rankings, Ye Yang and Lin Xueer's rankings, like riding a rocket, broke through all obstacles and rose to the top, and the numbers were still jumping wildly! ! !

"How is this possible!"

Sister Wan'er's assistant exclaimed.

"What's wrong, why are you so noisy and startled!"

Sister Wan'er snorted coldly.

The assistant swallowed silently: "Sister Wan'er, you... look at this ranking..."

(First update)

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