Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 389 Crazy Sister Waner


Sister Wan’er was a little confused. In order to prove that she was absolutely confident, she didn’t even look at the rankings.

First, she knew that even if she didn’t show up, those licking dogs would push her to the front, so she didn’t need to look at it at all. In order to show her confidence, she deliberately didn’t look at the ranking screen.

Second, she was afraid that her fantasy would be unfulfilled. If someone really pushed her down, her pride would be shattered...

Her confidence was so fragile and weak.

“Ahem, there’s no one else in the field now…”

The assistant knew what Sister Wan’er was thinking, so he also advised her.


Sister Wan’er coughed and turned her head to look at the big screen.


She wasn’t the first!

She wasn’t the second either! ! !

She couldn’t believe it. She was the first sister of Douyin. There were no powerful opponents walking the red carpet today. How could she not even squeeze into the top two! ?

This was simply intolerable for her. She took a closer look.


A familiar name came into view, the first one was Ye Shenhao!

The second one was Lin Xueer.

And now Ye Yang's votes have soared to more than 15 million, while Lin Xueer's is more than 13 million.

And I don't even have 5 million votes, and I'm ranked third with a big score difference!

"This, this, this, this!!!"

She couldn't sit still anymore, and hurriedly got up, pacing nervously in the room, almost going crazy!

Outside the venue, the atmosphere was unprecedentedly high.

Such a pair of princes and princesses who looked like they came out of a fairy tale, wearing evening gowns worth hundreds of millions, walking on the red carpet, was really too eye-catching.

Especially the fans present, both men and women, are basically all face dogs.

Otherwise, they wouldn't pay attention to Internet celebrities. Nine out of ten men who pay attention to female face Internet celebrities are to see thighs, and the remaining one is to see breasts.

Ten out of ten women who pay attention to male face Internet celebrities are to see abdominal muscles.

Now, whether it is a male face dog or a female face dog, they are extremely satisfied and crazy about Ye Yang!

"I regret it so much! I shouldn't have voted for the guy before, wuwuwu, if I knew there was such a handsome guy who was so handsome that the world would envy him, I would give him all three votes!!!"

"Yes, yes, can I refund my vote? I want to vote for Brother Ye Yang!"

A pink-dressed girl waved a fluorescent stick and asked repeatedly.

"Hmph, traitor, we agreed to come together to see the abs guy!"

The girlfriend next to her snorted.

"Traitor is a traitor, I can't do it anymore, my child is about to fly out of his mouth because of his handsomeness!"

The pink-dressed girl said repeatedly.

"Ahem, actually I can't stand it anymore, I also want to defect from the organization and become a fan of Brother Ye Yang."

The girlfriend threw the cheering card with the words 'Mr. Abs' written on it on the ground, took out two large fluorescent sticks from her skirt, and waved them in the air: "Ye Shenhao, you are so handsome!!!"


The pink-dressed girl rolled her eyes and waved them...

The votes for Ye Yang and Lin Xue'er rose wildly.

Sister Wan'er was extremely desperate.

"No, I don't believe it!"

She went straight into her own dog group and sent a message: "What's wrong with you? You don't vote for me!?"

"Goddess, calm down! We have tried our best! I even paid someone to vote for you, but they would rather not get paid to vote for that Ye Shenhao!"

"Yes, yes, goddess, I mobilized all the aunts and uncles in my family to vote for you, and I voted for you with all my salary this month!"

"Me too, I spent a year's savings!!!"

A bunch of stupid dogs started to compare with each other.

Looking at these dogs frantically trying to please her, Sister Wan'er felt a little relieved and sneered: "Not enough, hurry up and vote for me, no matter what you say, I will be the red carpet star! Xiao Duzi, don't you have money? Sell your company shares for me and vote for me!"

"Ah this..."

Xiao Duzi typed an ellipsis with embarrassment.

"It's your honor to be qualified to spend money for your master, slaves like you! You can't even spend this little money, how can you be my slave?"

Sister Waner sneered.

These licking dogs are all masochists. The more humiliated they are, the more excited they are, and the more they work hard. She has figured it out.

At the beginning, she was not what she is now.

It can be said that a large part of her current appearance is due to her understanding of the temperament of these stupid licking dogs.

Before, she didn't believe that there were such garbage and waste in the world, but the reality is that she met so many iron licking dogs.

Once she accepted this setting, she found that she became popular so easily...

Many times, the confidence of the queen of poisonous chicken soup on the Internet was not given by girls at the beginning, but by licking dogs.

Licking dogs is also one of the original sins of the prevalence of poisonous chicken soup. The degree of hate is even more deadly than these poisonous chicken soup queens!

Now she looks down on these licking dogs from the bottom of her heart, and thinks that even if they give their lives to her, it is justified.

"Damn it, let's go all out. This 200,000 yuan was originally the money I prepared for my mother's medical treatment, but I gave it all to you, the goddess!!!"

"That's better."

Sister Wan'er doesn't care about the life and death of the licking dogs. The most important thing for her is to get on the charts...

After these iron licking dogs started to exert their strength, her votes really started to soar...

Soon it broke through 10 million.

However, there was still no way to catch up with Ye Yang and Lin Xueer. This feeling made her even more desperate, and she began to use more vicious words to ask for more in the dog-licking group...


"Oh, that's great. I wish my boyfriend could be one tenth of him in the future."

"Hmph, no matter what, I'm going to get my relatives to vote for Ye Shenhao!"

"This couple is locked for me! Haha, they are a couple of gods!"


The red carpet is neither long nor short.

Without arranging those moths, it will be over soon.

"No, don't stop me! I want to go up and give flowers!!!"

Many girls wanted to rush up to give flowers to Ye Yang and kiss the male god by the way, but they were stopped by the security guards next to them.

"Those girls were able to rush up before, but why didn't you have such great strength back then!"

These girls asked angrily.

"That was arranged... Of course we cooperated with the acting and didn't stop you. You really wanted to give flowers to your idol, so of course we had to stop you."

The security guards rolled their eyes and complained in their hearts.

"Oh! It's all your fault! The idol has already walked down the red carpet, woooo!"

"Oh, the goddess Xue'er is gone, I decided not to miss any of her live broadcasts in the future!"


Although Ye Yang has nearly 40 million fans, it is still very small compared to the user base of Douyin. This huge exposure instantly attracted a wave of fans for him...

(Second update)

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