Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 392: Is this another Ye Shenhao coming?


Ye Yang smiled faintly and glanced at the two tired people beside him.

Fifty-three years old, I don’t even know how old the child is, but I can really hold back my nausea and move forward...


Soon, the anchor of the first performance program came on stage. He wanted to stand out among the fierce competition on Douyin and become the only one among the hundreds of millions of Internet users with more than 5 million fans. people.

These Internet celebrities are all talented.

However, those who edit movies like Poisonous Tongue don’t have much talent that can be displayed on the spot. You can’t edit a movie on the spot, right?

Therefore, although they also want to go on stage to show off themselves and attract traffic.

But because there was nothing to perform, I had to sit in the audience depressed. Similar to this, there were some game anchors and the like.

This resulted in almost all the people performing on stage being girls.

After all, if a man can't sing or dance, he basically has nothing to watch behind the stage.

As for female Internet celebrities, even if they don’t know anything, if they go on stage and twist a few times and the music atmosphere is in place, it can be called: slow rocking art.

In this aspect, male internet celebrities are inherently at a disadvantage, but they readily accept this.

Wouldn't it be nice to enjoy the beautiful girls dancing and singing in the audience with peace of mind?

Although they earned a lot less reward money, they all felt very happy in the audience.

Ye Yang couldn't help but nod. For a girl to become a highly popular internet celebrity, she basically has both beauty and talent.

Fan Sisi, Peng Shiliu, etc. are all quite eye-catching.

The big white legs dangled in front of my eyes, causing waves of excitement in the scene.

Indoor tickets for the talent show are still very expensive. Those who are willing to pay this price to come in, except those who are extremely fond of a certain Internet celebrity, are basically senior perverts.

The reward list on the side is also constantly rising.

Each of these beautiful anchors has many big brothers.

These big brothers naturally wanted to give face to such activities and contributed a lot of reward points.

"This great god is so awesome. He actually rewarded him with millions of dollars. It's so embarrassing!"

"Today is really a war between the eldest brothers. I'm going...a big brother suddenly appeared and it was a fierce fight."

"That's awesome..."

Each barrage passed by, and everyone was amazed.

Today’s Douyin live broadcast unit, the prompt message of the tipping carnival announcement has not stopped.

Congratulations to anchor xxx, the news that user xx brother rewarded xxx carnivals passed by like water.

"It's really awesome..."

“There are still many rich people!”

"That pretentious brother has already rewarded you with nearly 10 million, right? This is not how you spend your money!"

"That's awesome."

"It would be great if I could have the amount of property he rewarded me with."

"Yeah yeah!"


Regarding these barrages, Ye Yang smiled slightly and felt nothing in his heart...the amount of rewards was really too low.

On all the live broadcast platforms on the Internet, if one offers a reward of 10 million in one night, it will become a hot search item the next day.

Respected as a god.

But, he was going to tell them today that Shenhao didn’t reward him like this!

During this period, Sister Whi'er also got up, went on stage, and performed an extremely sexy pole dance.

"She's so slutty."

Lin Xueer complained in a dumbfounded voice.

"How about you come for a while too?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"What! Such a naughty dance! I...only danced for Brother Ye Yang to see."

Lin Xueer snorted and said.


Ye Yang gave a thumbs up: "That's it."

"Hey! I was just kidding!"

Lin Xueer blushed, feeling excited and shy.

After all, Sister Wan'er is the former No. 1 Douyin sister. As soon as she appeared on the scene, she aroused cheers on the barrage, although many of them were fake...

Of course, there are also a lot of girls on the hot search list who have had plastic surgery in order to mock her crooked nose and slanted eyes.

Suddenly, the barrage was polarized, and a group of demons danced wildly... Dog lickers and anti-fans flew together, spit and rewards danced together.

Those who were in the dog-licking group before were even squeezed out of the money for my mother's medical treatment, so now they have no stamina. Seeing that sister Wan'er can't even enter the top three of the talent list.

Suddenly a horizontal screen floated across, causing everyone present to shout in shock.

“Congratulations to the host ‘Sister Wan’er’ for receiving 6,666 carnival points from user ‘Lao Na is fifty-three this year’!”


"Holy shit! Damn it! Damn it!"

"Isn't the carnival free? Or am I blind? 6,666? I'm so frightened that I'm paralyzed."

"Five thousand each, 6,666, even with discounts and activities, it still costs 30 million, right?"

"Thirty million reward, I'll go, awesome! This 'fifty-three' is probably going to be popular."

"Except for Ye Shenhao, no one in Douyin dares to reward like this."

"I don't know if Ye Shenhao is a contestant. If he is a contestant and rewards himself, the scene will probably be interesting..."

"Indeed... I only accept Ye Shenhao's rewards from Douyin."

"I've been able to grab hundreds of thousands of red envelopes since I was in his live broadcast room. With the money from the red envelopes, I just bought myself a car. Thanks to Dad Ye for the reward! That's hundreds of millions of real money." What a super red envelope!”

"That's right, Ye Shenhao..."

Ouyang Zhiyu, who was sitting on the side, had just given a reward with great pride, and was about to accept the envy and surprise of the whole network.

But before he could get enough praise, the wind direction completely changed.

Almost everyone was discussing Ye Shenhao.


He was also very upset. Thirty million was not a small amount of money for him. In addition to using it to praise Sister Waner, he also wanted to show off.

As a result, the limelight was snatched away by Ye Yang, who had not given a penny yet.

This made him feel worse than eating a mouthful of flies.

"Damn, I'm so fucking!"

But Ye Yang really made a name for himself with real money, and Ouyang Zhiyu couldn't say anything.

He is now the vice president of a subsidiary of Douyin, and has a 5% stake in the subsidiary of Douyin. In total, his assets are also several hundred billion.

"Anyway, half of the reward given to Wan'er will eventually return to my pocket, and the half that Douyin takes away, and a small amount can become my own dividend. A reward of 100 million is equivalent to a reward of less than 50 million."

Ouyang Zhiyu looked at Ye Yang who was calm on the side, and felt a little unhappy inexplicably: "Haha, don't blame me for stealing your limelight today, blame your fans for being too ignorant."

After that, he also made up his mind and marked out a bunch of carnivals.

"Oh my god! Awesome!"

"Fuck, how much is this, am I dazzled?"

"Ten thousand carnivals? Fifty million?! This is more than 80 million rewarded to Wan'er sister!"

"Is this the rhythm of another Ye Shenhao?"

(First update)

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