Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 393: Being extremely rustic is luxury

"No way!"

"Then what should we call him? Old Shenhao? Or Shenhao Fifty-Three?"

"I don't know... maybe I can call him Old Monk."

The audience was all chatting enthusiastically.

"Thank you, old monk, for giving my goddess a gift at the carnival. I'll thank you on her behalf!"

"Yeah yeah……"

"Ha ha……"

A group of licking dogs started licking together.

Ye Yang laughed so hard when he saw these licking words, why are you here to thank me?

Your goddess has to play old man fun with others every night, and even if your goddess doesn’t get a cent of the reward money, she has to give it back to Ouyang Zhiyu.

It can be said that the money spent by licking dogs is divided into 37 accounts, and the rich people's money is returned in full!

That's it, these licking dogs are still here. Thank you Ouyang Zhiyu?

Ye Yang laughed so much that his stomach hurt.

"I really want to know what the expressions of these licking dogs will look like if the camera turns away later and the scene of Sister Wan'er clinging to Ouyang Zhiyu is broadcast."

Ye Yang tapped the back of the chair with his fingers, and a sinister smile appeared on his lips.

With these two waves of super rewards, Sister Wan'er's ranking has jumped directly to the first place, and she has lost countless times to the second place.

After all, although the eldest brother is generous, he is not an idiot. It is rare to find a reward worth millions on the Internet.

No one is so mad as to actually spend tens of millions just to get a female internet celebrity.

Ouyang Zhiyu did this purely because he was the vice president of Douyin and could get a lot of dividends, so it was not a big loss.

"Although it's not over 100 million, it's still not as awesome as Ye Shenhao, but it's still pretty awesome!"

"Haha, from now on this old monk can be the second son of Douyin."

"Why does it sound weird? Ye Shenhao is the boss, and he is Shenhao's second child..."



Ouyang Zhiyu's face became even uglier. He spent 80 million, but his nomination was not as high as that of others who didn't spend a penny. Instead, he became a foil.

If an ordinary anchor made him so embarrassed.

No matter how many anchors have tens of millions of followers, they are all dead.

But who made him Ye Shenhao?

What makes people awesome is not the tens of millions of fans on their accounts, but their huge wealth in real money.

The awe that other people have towards him is due to his absolute strength! ! !

Even he didn't dare to offend him too much before breaking his skin.

"Damn, what a bad luck."

He muttered, 80 million is almost enough. He could see that Ye Yang had the same goal as him, and also wanted to make the girl next to him popular as the top Douyin sister.

He didn't believe it. After Ye Yang saw him praising sister Zhi'er so much, he still ignorantly continued to praise Lin Xue'er.

He didn't believe that Ye Yang dared not give him face like this!

After all, this is his territory after all...

"Even if your assets are hundreds of billions, I'm not bad, and you're on my territory, so I don't believe you won't give me face!"

Ouyang Zhiyu sneered. He expected that Ye Yang would not dare to reward her too much for a while. In his own territory, even if he wanted to praise Lin Xueer, he could only give her second place.

If he doesn't give himself this face.

He doesn't mind letting him know whose territory this is!

A group of Douyin executives nearby also praised him.

"As expected of Vice President Ouyang, he is awesome!"

"The CEO is so courageous. He is really serious about this skill and has spent a lot of money on it!"

"That's right, that's right..."


"Humph, just so-so, after all, it doesn't mean much to me."

Ouyang Zhiyu waved his hand, his face was calm and calm, and his heart hurt like blood.

"It's my turn to take the stage."

Lin Xueer stood up. She is a street photographer and a singing anchor. Singing is not difficult for her, and she is extremely confident at this time.

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.

"Hey, isn't this the goddess Xue'er?"

“Today’s red carpet stars among female internet celebrities.”

"I envy her so much that she can walk on the red carpet with Ye Shenhao, woo woo woo..."

"The goddess is so beautiful!"

"My face is countless times better than the plastic surgery before. I love it so much!"

"Lick the screen, lick the screen~chi luo chi liu~"

"That one above is so disgusting, get out!"


The popularity of the red carpet has not subsided yet, and Lin Xueer caused a wave of exclamations and discussions as soon as she took the stage.

"For nothing else, just for the amazing red carpet show just now, a carnival, you're welcome!"

"Haha, let me do one too~"

Lin Xueer's fans were obviously very enthusiastic about giving rewards. Even before Ye Yang took action, she was promoted to the second position.

Others rely on their big brothers, but Lin Xueer's live broadcast room has basically no big brothers.

Because everyone knows that Lin Xueer's live broadcast room has the biggest brother in the entire Douyin. With that person here, who dares to show off in her live broadcast room?

Knowing that there is no hope at all, naturally I won't pay too much in this live broadcast room.

It can be said that it was purely because there were so many people giving rewards that Lin Xueer was forced to take the top spot.

Soon, Lin Xueer started singing. Her sweet voice and beautiful rhythm soon caused a wave of gifts to burst out in the live broadcast room.


Ye Yang became interested, counted the numbers casually, and handed out rewards.

Next, two prompts popped up...

"Congratulations to anchor Lin Xueer for receiving 5210 carnival points from user Ye Shenhao!"

"Congratulations to anchor Lin Xueer for receiving 13,140 carnivals from user Ye Shenhao!"

"Oh my god..."

"Isn't this too romantic!?"

"A confession worth 100 million... I'm crying with envy! Fuck! Day, day, day!"

"Isn't this the pure stench of money? Damn, it smells so fucking good!"

"It's said that confessing with money is tacky, but Ye Shenhao has vividly proved the following sentence with facts: tacky to the extreme is trendy!"

"More than trendy, it's so trendy, it's directly leading the international trend!"

"I think that's called tacky to the extreme, and that's the god of wealth!"


At this moment, nearly 20,000 carnivals were given out, with a total value of nearly 100 million.

Originally, Lin Xueer's base was higher than Sister Wan'er, and Ye Yang, the "big brother", was even more powerful than that old man Le, and he quickly pressed Sister Wan'er under him and became the first on the talent king list! ! !

"He actually dared...!!!"

Unlike the revelry audience, Ouyang Zhiyu's eyes flashed with a gloom. He was so confident before that Ye Yang would not dare to hit him in the face.

This guy doesn't care about his face at all!

He doesn't care about his idea of ​​supporting Sister Waner at all!

"Okay, you are good, Ye Yang!"

Ouyang Zhiyu gritted his teeth: "Anyway, I can get back nearly 60% of my money with tips. You are rich, but on my turf, I don't see how you can compete with me!"

(Second update)

Weekly no prize guessing game: How much did Ye Yang tip to Carnival in the end?

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