“Congratulations to the anchor Lin Xueer for receiving the carnival reward of 100,000 from user ‘Ye Shenhao’!”

"One Hundred Thousand Carnival! Just one more than the fifty-three! I'll go, great!"

"Hahaha... the ruthless ridicule from Ye Shenhao."

"This is the real five hundred million! Those sunspots from before are calling again now!?"

"Yeah, why didn't you scream!? Either Ye Shenhao doesn't take action, or once he does, you will be speechless!"


"Oh shit!"

Ouyang Zhiyu slammed the table and was so angry that he couldn't breathe properly.

“Damn, this young man!!!”

"You're really slapping me in the face! You don't give me any face at all!"

Ouyang Zhiyu clenched his fists.

Although he has a net worth of tens of billions, most of his assets are held in the stocks of Douyin subsidiaries. The funds he can mobilize are actually only 20 to 3 billion.

Investing 500 million in rewards has already strained his muscles and bones. It would be too rash to follow up again...

"Young and energetic, you make a little money and you're gone! Damn it!"

Although Ouyang Zhiyu is furious now, he really has no means to counterattack. He can only vent his dissatisfaction with harsh words.


At this time, Lin Xueer also finished her performance and sat next to Ye Yang.

"Brother Ye Yang, isn't this a bit too..."

Lin Xue'er was a little worried for Ye Yang. She didn't want her reputation as Douyin's No. 1 sister to be bragging, but she was also worried that Ye Yang had invested too much in her, which would be too...

Ye Yang shook his head, smiled lightly and leaned close to Lin Xueer's ear to whisper a few words.

Lin Xueer suddenly realized, and said with a relieved smile: "It turns out that brother Ye Yang is teasing fools, hahahaha... then I can rest assured."

"Husband! Look! Everyone is already smiling in victory! They simply don't take you seriously at all!"

"Look at this, you and me, it's so disgusting!"

Sister Zhi'er couldn't stand the sweet look between Lin Xueer and Ye Yang, and attacked angrily.

"Husband, you can't be compared to him! Look at that bitch's mouth!! It seems to be saying that you are a fool!"

Seeing that Ouyang Zhiyu's face was gloomy and uncertain, Sister Zhier continued to practice the fire way.


Ouyang Zhiyu had already begun to hesitate, but when he said this, a bit of anger surged in his heart again.

"A mere junior really doesn't take me seriously!!!"

He gritted his teeth. If he really lost today, wouldn't he be a laughing stock? How would he be able to raise his head in the business district in the future?

"Damn, give it a try."

Ouyang Zhiyu gritted his teeth, and finally started to count the numbers with trembling hands.

After finishing his harsh words, he hesitated for a long time.

After all, he is just a reward anchor, fighting for face, if it is to buy a house, he can spend the one billion without feeling distressed.

But now...

But now that he was riding a tiger and couldn't get off, he cursed in his heart and rewarded him again.

"Look, Fifty-Three is following again!"

"Awesome, how much money does this new tycoon have? Let me go!"

"Awesome! This wave really shows me off..."

"Twenty thousand carnival?! One billion!!!! One billion!"

"Ten small goals... I have been striving for one small goal all my life, but ten small goals are spent just like this..."

"Is this the world of rich people!?"

"too strong."


Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth: "Very good."

After that, he followed up directly.

"Twenty thousand and one, another one beat, Ye Shenhao is too good."

"I would like to be called Xiu Emperor!"

"Haha, five words floated from the sky: Ye Shenhao is awesome!"


Ouyang Zhiyu was depressed.

This Ye Shenhao is really bottomless and unfathomable!

It’s as if no matter how much money you can take out, others can fill it in at will...


He sighed. Although he had more than 3 billion working capital in hand, there were still many places that needed to be used. Spending half of it as a reward was already outrageous.

He really didn't dare to reward anymore.

If all three billion were smashed down, and this young man Ye Yang didn't care at all and directly followed up with three billion, wouldn't he be unable to find a place to cry?

"Husband, look at people laughing at you openly! Look at how happy they are laughing! I can't bear it!"

Sister Zhi'er continued to make fire on the side.

"Damn, it's all about face. Only young people like to fight. I don't care about it. Be obedient. I won't fight with him. He's just like a fool."

Ouyang Zhiyu comforted Sister Wan'er.

"No, no!"

Sister Wan'er acted coquettishly again and again, and the fear in her heart that she was about to lose the title of Douyin's first sister made her become more and more demanding.

"Shut up!"

At the end, Ouyang Zhiyu shouted impatiently: "You stupid old woman, do you really think my reward is for you?"


Sister Zhi'er was stunned in disbelief, but she didn't dare to say anything more and quietly shut up.

Willfulness and pride are both relative.

How dare she act like a child when facing her top financial sponsor?

If the sponsor is unhappy, she will have nothing...

"Hmph... let you have fun! You are a young man who doesn't know how to restrain himself. Let's see how long you can have fun!"

Ouyang Zhiyuan glanced at Ye Yang fiercely, took a deep breath, and had to give up.

Although he said the harsh words beautifully, he knew that he had been timid in front of Ye Yang. The shameful act of losing in a financial competition with a young man would probably accompany him for the rest of his life and become a big black spot.

When he thought that he had lost more than 1 billion yuan and got nothing in the end, he was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

"That's it?"

Ye Yang sneered: "It's not lasting."

"In that case... it's time to make you despair."

The playful look in his eyes suddenly disappeared, and a trace of coldness came out of his eyes.

"You want to provoke me, you are not qualified!"

After saying that, he directly typed a number and sent it out.


In an instant, the entire Douyin background was paralyzed.

In such a short period of time, the influx of such a huge amount of funds was really too terrifying!

A prompt banner that no one dared to believe appeared in everyone's eyes at this moment.

Even Ouyang Zhiyuan was so scared that he stood up and looked at the big screen in disbelief.

Almost everyone present stood up subconsciously at this moment.

Just because that number was too shocking!!!




The entire live broadcast room was silent. Everyone was so frightened by the number that they couldn't even type.

That message, arrogant and arrogant, pierced everyone's eyes:

"Ye Shenhao, rewarded anchor Lin Xueer, Carnival: 5211314!!!!!!"

(Second update)

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