Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 396: 26 billion rewards! A huge wave

" much is this?"

After a long time, someone finally groaned...

"5201314, more than 5.2 million carnivals..."

"Don't talk about more than 5.2 million carnivals, I don't even have 5.2 million yuan... ah this!!!!"

"I was shocked!"

"Is this Ye Shenhao's true strength? We all underestimated him before!"

"Isn't this so extravagant? I'm going to give you 5.2 million carnival coins as a reward. Let me go... this is... forget it, I can't figure out how much it is."

"I've calculated it for you. It's a total of 26,056,570,000 Chinese coins, which is 26 billion!"

"???How can you be so fast?"

"I have a computer!"


"Twenty-six billion, I'm so damn suffocated!!!"

"This is outrageous."

Ever since someone calculated the price in the live broadcast room, an unprecedented wave of shock swept through the minds of every viewer.

After all, this number is really terrifying!

Those who were shocked were not only the ordinary people watching the live broadcast, but also the Internet celebrities and Douyin bosses present. They were so frightened that they stood up and forgot to sit down.

"Let me go...what kind of terrifying monster is this!"

"Is this fake? I wouldn't believe it even if you beat me to death!"

"Does Ye Shenhao have a bug in Douyin? Can he generate any number of Douyin coins at will?"

"Maybe it's really cheating! How can it be possible to really reward more than 26 billion!? Then... that's more than 26 billion!!!!"

Everyone's mind went blank and they didn't know how to evaluate it at all.

Ye Yang shrugged. It didn't cost any money anyway. Half of it would go to Lin Xueer and half to the company under his name.

The most he can do is pay a tax to the country in the name of the company, but to him, it's only a mere two hundred million, and it's not a big loss if it's used to stage a shocking show.

It can be said that he can reward as much as he has cash.

He could even point out a reward worth hundreds of billions, but that would be unnecessary.

After all, that would be ridiculous.

Even if you are pretending, you have to do it just right so that you can shock Xiao Xiao and impress everyone.

For example, just like myself, low-key and choose to reward more than 20 billion, which can achieve the effect of shocking the whole audience without causing unnecessary misunderstandings because of being too ridiculous.

Ye Yang looked at the stunned expressions of the audience and nodded with satisfaction.

"This...this is simply impossible!"

Ouyang Zhiyu felt his mind go dark and almost fainted.

What does more than 20 billion represent?

If there are no bugs or some kind of modifier cheating, it proves that Ye Yang has at least more than 20 billion in liquidity!

And it has to be when he gets mad and uses all his working capital for rewards!

But that's impossible!

No one would choose to spend all their money on rewards. Someone who can do such a thing would not be able to make so much money by doing business!

In other words, if Ye Yang had not cheated, his liquidity would have even reached 40 to 50 billion!

What is this concept?

According to the normal ratio of liquidity and assets, even if it is the ratio of the smallest weighted financial company, Ye Yang's personal assets are at least three to four hundred billion!

In China, do individuals control 300 to 400 billion yuan of funds?

Even the former richest man Wang Silin couldn't do it!

Even when Wang Silin was at his peak, the amount of funds he could mobilize was only over 300 billion.

Doesn't that mean that this young man is more powerful than the richest man in China?

He has to be a fool to believe it!

"Cheating, pure cheating!"

Ouyang Zhiyu shouted directly: "Haha! Young man, you are so impatient! Are you crazy about wanting to be famous!? This is simply outrageous! You can fool fools with this trick, but I am a professional ! You definitely have a way to cheat!"

Others also looked at this scene with suspicion, not knowing what to say.

After all, more than 26 billion is enough money to buy several listed companies and use it directly for rewards. Even if they are senior executives of Douyin and stand in high-end and upper-class circles, they cannot understand this success at all. To what extent can you do this...

"Similar things happened in Dousha before. An ordinary person, relying on a card bug, got hundreds of millions of Dousha coins, and rewarded them all in one night. Then he was directly called the number one god by the entire network. It’s equivalent to a reward of tens of millions in one night, which makes all the big anchors of Shark Fighting lick him.”

"But it was later found out that he was just relying on bugs to earn so many shark fighting coins!"

"Is it possible that he and that person are in the same situation?"

Everyone present was doubtful.

"Boy, you are so arrogant! Haha, you want to step on me to become famous, and you want to support your little lover to become the new Douyin sister, right? Haha, you are so arrogant! I will completely ruin your reputation today! "

Ouyang Zhiyu pointed at Ye Yang angrily and roared without caring about his image.

Ye Yang looked at the people being led around him and looked at the people whose eyes were not right with him, and smiled slightly: "It seems that I was already the winner before I rewarded more than 20 billion, right?"


Everyone was stunned again. Yes, Ye Yang had already rewarded more than 300,000 carnivals before, which scared Ouyang Zhiyu so much that he dared not make any more moves. He had already won. If he just wanted to support the new No. 1 sister, there was no need to risk the exposure of bugs and cause more trouble.

"You young man, you want to steal the limelight! Haha... Do I need to say more about this kind of thinking!?"

Ouyang Zhiyu sneered. It was really the waves of slaps in the face today that made him angry.

In addition, he lost more than 1 billion yuan without any return, which made him want to ruin Ye Yang's reputation. He just attacked Ye Yang directly and called him a cheater.

However, he could not take back these words in front of all the audience. At this time, he could only bite the bullet and keep arguing for his previous statement.

At this time, the water army and black fans he cultivated also began to spray angrily on the Internet.

Most of them were about Ye Yang, who was just another fake rich man who relied on cheating to brush Douyin coins to pretend to be a rich man.

"Bullshit! I followed Ye Shenhao all the way here! Relying on a 100 billion bet, he acquired Jinyi and frequently appeared on the hot search. Which time was not relying on real money! Your fake Shenhao, show me the real estate certificate of Prince Gong's Mansion!?"

"That's right, he spends millions of dollars on a meal. I saw Xueer doing a live broadcast once and took a photo by the way!"

Among the huge number of viewers in the live broadcast room, the loyal fans who followed Ye Yang all the way here are, in proportion, a minority after all.

The voice was soon drowned out by various rhythms...

(First update)

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