Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 397 Boss, Zhang Ming is late

"What did he actually spend money on? It was all for promotion!"

"Maybe he is rich, but not that rich!"

"Where is his money in a 100 billion bet? In the end, he won. He got something for nothing and fooled fools. Do you believe it? Whether Jinyi has changed its owner or not, how can you ordinary people know?"

"Why did he become popular in the beginning? Didn't he become famous by giving out tens of millions of rewards in one night? His fans increased by 5 million in one night?"

"That's right! Think about it! Later, he made you feel rich, basically by sending red envelopes on Douyin! Maybe he got the money by using a bug! In fact, he doesn't have much money at all!"


The black fans only fabricate and attack things that can be distorted and twisted.

As for the property certificate of Prince Gong's Mansion, they didn't mention it at all, diverting the focus, distorting the facts, exaggerating the contradictions, and misleading passers-by.

It's their traditional art.


The quarrels on the Internet were fierce, and even more so in the venue.

Ouyang Zhiyu also directly ordered the technical department to start checking the data. Before proving that Ye Yang was innocent, the amount of his reward would be considered invalid.

In this way, the first place on the list of the king of talents is still Sister Waner.

Sister Waner is still the number one sister of Douyin.

He won the final game.

The scene became subtle for a while.

Just as everyone was waiting for the next development...

A group of people walked into the venue...

"What's going on? We shouldn't have been notified in advance when to arrive, right?"

At the entrance of the conference hall, a group of Byte Group executives just arrived and saw the whole audience standing up and stunned by the funny scene.

What's going on! ?

As a subsidiary of Ziji, Douyin is almost the top brand. It is natural for Ziji's executives to be present in person to show their importance when holding a super event like Carnival.

Especially this year, Zijie invested a huge amount of money to create an unprecedented super carnival, which made Douyin Internet celebrities the most valuable on the Internet, surpassing traditional platforms such as Dousha.

Zijie Chairman Zhang Ming frowned slightly. In order to achieve the effect of surprise attack, the schedule of Zijie senior executives was kept confidential. No one should know when they would arrive! ?

Why did the whole audience stand up in advance?

After a closer look, he realized that he had thought too much.

The whole audience stood up and was stunned, obviously not because of his arrival.

No one even paid attention to them at all...

He followed the gaze of the audience and looked over. When he saw the first reward value of the talent star on the big screen, even he was slightly stagnant...

The first reaction was...this is too outrageous!

However, when he saw the name of the anchor who contributed the most to the reward below: Ye Shenhao, he smiled slightly and was relieved.

This super boss who acquired Bytes, although he had never seen it in reality.

But his personal secretary Yu Momo had been in Hainan to discuss the handover with him a few days ago.

In the past few days, he also took great pains to understand his new boss...

I can only say that this person is an incredible super existence.

Whatever he does, it is not surprising.

This person can only be described in one word: unfathomable!

Let alone more than 20 billion in rewards, even if more than 100 billion in rewards, he would not be surprised.

Who let the entire byte belong to him now?

As long as you know this information, you can guess it.

In addition to paying taxes, half of the reward money belongs to the anchor who gave the reward, and half belongs to him.

Why not?

Coupled with the unruly character of this new boss, more than 20 billion, he really thinks this is a low-key way of playing.


He deliberately coughed a few times.

But he found that everyone in the audience was attracted by the quarrel between Ouyang Zhiyu and Ye Yang, and no one paid attention to his group at all, which made him very embarrassed.

"Attention everyone! Chairman Zhang Ming is here!"

Zhang Ming's personal secretary was very perceptive, and he didn't dare to let him continue to be embarrassed at this time, and announced it repeatedly.

Only then did someone notice the arrival of Zhang Ming and his group.

Especially the senior executives of Douyin, their faces were pale.

This is his immediate superior!

The immediate superiors came to inspect, but he didn't notice it at all! It was really too careless!

"Chairman Zhang Ming, you are here!"

All the senior executives went to greet him.

After Ouyang Zhiyu glared at Ye Yang, he also sneered: "You are so embarrassed today. These are the top executives of our Zijie Jumping Headquarters. Chairman Zhang Ming has a net worth of trillions. In front of him, you still want to show off? Humph~"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked Yu Momo: "Is he Zhang Ming?"

"Yes, boss."

Yu Momo nodded repeatedly.

"Haha, it's better to come at the right time than to come early, it's really wonderful."

Ye Yang laughed.

Yu Momo obviously understood the meaning of Ye Yang's words. Looking at Ouyang Zhiyu who was smart and proud, she almost laughed out loud.

"Brother Ye Yang?"

Lin Xueer was a little confused. She didn't know about Ye Yang's acquisition of Zijie.

She usually chatted with Ye Yang and never touched on Ye Yang's business field.

"Don't worry, just watch the show."

Ye Yang smiled faintly and shook his head.


Lin Xueer nodded obediently. Now she has become accustomed to believing in Ye Yang.

After all, this man is so strong that there is almost nothing he can't do...

"Look at this little bitch, she is still laughing! She will cry soon!"

Sister Wan'er sneered at the side.

"That's right, they will not be able to cry soon!"

Ouyang Zhiyu sneered. As the vice president of Douyin, the most outstanding subsidiary of Zijie, many of Zijie's senior executives are naturally his friends.

Any of these big guys is not much stronger than Ye Yang! ?

"Husband, you are awesome!"

Sister Wan'er smiled. No matter what Ouyang Zhiyu's purpose is, she is the ultimate beneficiary. Of course, she is very happy.

"What's going on?"

The jumping senior executives of Zijie followed a group of Douyin senior executives into the VIP area. Seeing the wonderful expressions on everyone's faces, they couldn't help but ask in confusion.

Only Zhang Ming didn't care about the atmosphere in the field at all.

With his intelligence, he could guess what was going on after just a quick glance.

At this time, he went straight to Ye Yang.

Just as Ouyang Zhiyu was adjusting his collar and preparing to greet Chairman Zhang Ming who was coming to shake hands with him.

But he saw Zhang Ming stopped in front of Ye Yang, shook his hand solemnly, and said in a deep voice:

"Boss, Zhang Ming is late!"

(Second update)

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