Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 398: When the Wall Falls, Everyone Pushes Back

"What...what's going on?"

Ouyang Zhiyu was stunned, his hands trembling slightly as he adjusted his collar. He couldn't believe what he saw.

Even Sister Wan'er, who was ready to laugh at Lin Xue'er, was stunned.

What on earth is going on?


The other Douyin executives and Internet celebrities in the scene had not offended Ye Yang before, so they were not in a state of panic, but the impact of this scene was too terrifying and it happened too suddenly, making them all stunned.


Even if this scene was incredible, everyone was not stupid and could still see what was going on.

However, this speculation was too absurd and they couldn't believe it at all!

"Chairman Zhang Ming actually called Ye Yang...boss?"

"This is...too fake!"

"Isn't Chairman Zhang Ming the biggest boss of Zijie? Zijie is already one of the largest companies in China, why does he need to call someone else boss?"

"It's incredible."

"Could it be that Ye Yang is actually the ultimate boss of the entire Zijie?!"


Almost everyone took a breath.

General Manager Gao tilted his head, looking at Ye Yang for a while and Zhang Ming for a while.

Although he had long felt that this Ye Yang seemed not as simple as he seemed, now it seems that there is something a bit too scary behind this!

As the general manager of the live broadcast department, General Manager Gao had noticed Ye Yang a long time ago.

It can be said that he knows Ye Yang better than his fans. Basically, they will watch Ye Yang's live broadcasts and videos.

He had long felt that Ye Yang's identity must be extraordinary. The property certificate of Prince Gong's Mansion alone is worth one or two hundred billion.

Not to mention the relationship and property behind it.

So, he took the initiative to go out to greet Ye Yang just now, and he was so attentive.

But what he didn't expect was that Ye Yang could make Chairman Zhang Ming call him boss...

Zhang Ming looked at the shocked expressions of the people around him and smiled faintly: "There's nothing to be surprised about. Originally, after this carnival, the company would also announce that our Zijie has now been acquired by this Ye Yang, Mr. Ye."

"Now Mr. Ye Yang is the controlling shareholder of Zijie and the actual big boss. A few days ago, his secretary and I have completed the handover, but I am still the executive director of our company and concurrently the executive chairman."

Everyone was shocked... It's true!

In short, Zhang Ming's words mean that the company is now someone else's. Although he is still the chairman, he is only responsible for doing things. Although Ye Yang usually doesn't interfere in the company's affairs, he has the highest decision-making power.

He does all the work and Ye Yang gets most of the money.

"This... How is this possible!"

Ouyang Zhiyu collapsed in his seat, and his high spirits collapsed in an instant.

Even if he offended other trillion-dollar bosses, he was a Zijie man and couldn't do anything to him.

But Ye Yang is now his boss's boss's boss!

If you offend him, the consequences...

Just thinking about it makes him shudder!


Ye Yang also nodded with a smile, confirming Zhang Ming's statement.

Zhang Ming looked around, and the shock of the people around him was completely within his expectations.

During the acquisition, he collected a lot of Ye Yang's deeds. With his identity, he could naturally collect information that ordinary groups could not collect.

After reading the information, he made up his mind that he would never disobey Ye Yang, and only by hugging his thighs could he go smoothly.

Ye Yang is an international super boss with a promising future!

If you turn against such a super boss for a momentary gain or loss, it would be too much of a loss...

In other words, if others want to spend one trillion to get on the ship of such a big boss, they may not be willing to take you!

Now that Ye Yang has taken the initiative to acquire Zhang Ming's company and tied his own interests to Zhang Ming's company, Zhang Ming can't wait to be happy.

"Just now I saw everyone gathered together, what happened?"

Although Zhang Ming had guessed about 70% of the matter, he still had to find a topic to support Ye Yang.

This is now Zijie's immediate superior, his new boss!

The carnival held in his own company was still ridiculed and suspected?

That was simply ridiculous!

No matter who provoked Ye Yang today, Zhang Ming decided to make him remember the wrong decision of this day for the rest of his life!

"Chairman, it's like this!"

Now, everyone present saw the situation clearly. A vice president of a subsidiary and a new boss of Zijie, anyone with a brain knew how to stand in line.

At this time, the guy who had sworn allegiance to Ouyang Zhiyu and was his lackey jumped out first and exaggerated what had just happened.

In between the words, of course, it was all Ouyang Zhiyu's fault.

In their narration, the image of Ye Yang, the new boss, was so glorious and righteous, he was simply the embodiment of justice, the heir of light!

"You! You guys!?"

Ouyang Zhiyu covered his chest, almost having a heart attack from anger.

It really fits the saying...When something happens to you, the people who usually flatter you the most are the ones who throw the most stones at you when you are down.

"That's how it is!"

The people who complained nodded righteously: "I guarantee with my personal integrity that this is how it is!"

"That's right, we also testify! Vice President Ouyang... No, this old guy Ouyang is too unruly. He dared to talk to Mr. Ye like that! It's simply against the sky!"

"This old guy must be severely punished!"

The executives next to him were also indignant.

Just now, Ouyang Zhiyu had offended Ye Yang to death. There was no chance of turning things around. They took this opportunity to lick the new boss well, and there were great benefits!


Ouyang Zhiyu couldn't bear the grievance any longer. His throat felt sweet and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

These guys thought he was dead!

Every word was whipping his corpse!

"Oh? There is such a thing!"

Zhang Ming shouted angrily and looked at Ouyang Zhiyu angrily: "Arrogant and lawless, do you really think that Douyin is yours!?"

"I... I'm not... Chairman, listen to me..."

Ouyang Zhiyu forced himself to calm his breath and tried to defend himself.

"What the hell is the explanation!"

Zhang Ming didn't even have the patience to listen to him, and waved his hand directly: "All your shares will be taken back, and you don't have to come tomorrow. From now on, you are the enemy of the entire Zijie, and we will do our best to ban you in the industry!"

"With the non-compete agreement, don't even think about developing in other companies in the same industry in the future!"

With every word Zhang Ming said, Ouyang Zhiyu's face became paler...

(First update)

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