Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 399 This wave, this wave is called turning the tables

He thought that his previous scoundrels were ruthless enough, but he didn't expect that his former boss was the most ruthless!

The recovery of equity directly caused him to lose his financial support.

By proposing a non-compete agreement, he will not be able to gain a foothold in the industry or change jobs in the future!

It completely eliminated both his past wealth and his future hopes.

In a few words, you will destroy yourself!

Most of his funds had just been rewarded, and the remaining money, based on his original living expenses, would probably be stretched out soon.

But even so, he is confident that he still has about one billion in hand. With his knowledge and connections, even if he cannot succeed to the extent he is now, he will not be unable to survive by opening a small company in other industries.

But after that sentence, he is the enemy of Zijie Company, which is too serious!

This is the Internet age. As an Internet giant company, it is sanctioned as a public enemy by everyone in the ranking. It is afraid that it will not survive in almost any industry!

"You are so cruel! After all, I have been with you for so many years, and you don't miss the old relationship at all!?"

Ouyang Zhiyu shouted angrily.

"I have never had any friendship with you, it's just an exchange of interests."

Zhang Ming snorted coldly. Now that Ouyang Zhiyu is becoming more and more popular on Douyin, he is like a rich man. He has long been unhappy with him and wants to get rid of him.

This kid actually dared to offend Ye Yang today, so we just took the opportunity to eradicate him completely!

"Put away your ridiculous ideas and prepare for the funeral."

Zhang Ming waved his hand impatiently and said calmly: "This is what I, as the executive director, have listed as the company's treatment of you. As for your offending Mr. Ye, naturally it is between you and Mr. Ye."


Ouyang Zhiyu was immediately confused. Zhang Ming completely regarded him as a tool to please Ye Yang!

"Boss, do you think the company's handling of this is okay?"

Zhang Ming rubbed his hands and asked with a smile.

Ye Yang nodded slightly: "It's okay."

All the Douyin executives around me twitched their lips. They are so ruthless. Is this okay with you? How harsh is your usual behavior? !

It seems that whatever you do, don’t provoke this new boss!

Zhang Ming's answer was unexpected. This boss's usual behavior was not something ordinary people could understand.

A group of internet celebrities were also whispering nearby about this kind of power struggle between super bosses.

These little internet celebrities couldn't get a word in at all, so they could only sit back and watch the fun.

"Chairman Zhang Ming's attitude is worth thinking about!"

"Yeah... to be aware of the identity change so quickly, to be so respectful to Mr. Ye... no matter how you think about it, it doesn't feel right."

"Yeah, something's wrong!"

"Maybe this Mr. Ye... is even more unfathomable than what we see now!"

"Hiss... you mean, he is not only a boss of a certain rank, but also has other identities that make Chairman Zhang Ming extremely fearful!?"

"That's right!"

"Hiss... If this is really the case, then his status must be as high as the sky?!"

These Internet celebrities were all amazed and looked at Ye Yang with something wrong.

“Isn’t this too awesome!?”

"Fortunately, I didn't seek death to get involved when Sister Wan'er was arguing with him in the red carpet preparation hall, otherwise I would probably be doomed by now."

"People probably don't even bother to deal with little ants like us..."

"That's true."


Ye Yang turned his head lightly and looked at Ouyang Zhiyu.

Ouyang Zhiyu gritted his teeth: "What else do you want? I have nothing left!"

"Is there really nothing left?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

Ouyang Zhiyu's heart trembled. He could see things that these Internet celebrities could understand more clearly. If this was really the case, then the power behind Ye Yang was a bit too terrifying.

If I don't satisfy him today, and I am hated by such a vindictive and powerful boss, my future life will be terrifying!

"what are you up to……"

Ouyang Zhiyu finally sighed and had to give in.

He was just out of anger, but now he has regained some sense and knows what to choose.

"It's nothing."

Ye Yang glanced at Sister Zhier next to him: "I just want you to disclose your relationship in front of the camera."

"that's all?"

Ouyang Zhiyu was a little surprised.

"What do you mean it's like this!!!"

Sister Wan'er was anxious.

Ouyang Zhiyu is already fifty-three years old, so he is naturally shameless. At least he still has some money in his hand, so he will have enough food and clothing for the rest of his life.

But she just relies on her face to create the perfect goddess persona online to attract lickers and make money!

If he announced that he was the lover of Douyin's vice president, a man in his fifties, his life would be completely over!

What else are we talking about, Douyin’s first sister! ?

There is no need to be an internet celebrity anymore.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"You really think about your female companion..."

Ouyang Zhiyu was able to get to this level and he was also a smart person. Naturally, he understood Ye Yang's intention instantly.

It's nothing more than completely stinking sister Zhier and making her fall completely from the altar of Douyin's top sister.

Let Lin Xueer completely secure this position.

In his opinion, this is just a pure transaction, with no loss to himself. A big CEO is just keeping a lover. Is it considered a scandal?

This has nothing to do with gender. If a female CEO worth tens of billions of dollars is exposed to have more than a dozen male lovers, the same principle applies.

The world will only blindly condemn the weak, and will not delve into the root cause.

What's more, this sister Wan'er is indeed not a good person. He is just greedy for her body. As for true feelings... there is no real feeling at all.

Just now, he fought for her to protect his own face, and he didn't really want to help sister Wan'er maintain any status.

"I don't agree!!!"

Sister Wan'er screamed.

"You are not qualified to refuse."

Ouyang Zhiyu sneered: "Everything you have is given by me. Now I want you to give it back to me and use it to eliminate disasters for me."

"Haha, all given by you!? That's all earned by my own beauty. It's none of your business, old bird!"

Sister Wan'er turned her face and refused to admit it.

Ouyang Zhiyu's face darkened: "Don't be ungrateful."

"You're done now! Do you think I'm still afraid of you!? Do you think I'm willing to tolerate you, an old man!? I've hated you for a long time! I've been disgusted by you for a long time! So what if I don't want to be an Internet celebrity!? The more than 1 billion yuan you rewarded me this time, I can at least withdraw 400 to 500 million yuan next month! Don't even think about this money!"

"It's all mine! You owe me!!!"

Ye Yang wanted to applaud Sister Wan'er: This wave, this wave is called turning the tables!

(Second update)

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