Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 400: The Miserable Sister Waner

"???What did you say!"

Ouyang Zhiyu didn't expect that just after his downfall, this little mistress whom he had cultivated would dare to change the world!

"What can you do? I am considered a public figure now, with tens of millions of fans. You have been stuck for several years, and I want you to pay hundreds of millions in compensation. What's wrong?"

Sister Zhier sneered.

"Do you think you are a bitch with gold and diamonds? You are worth hundreds of millions in a few years? Do you think too highly of yourself? Before I lifted you up, you were worthless. You couldn't go to the store for more than one night. A thousand yuan thing, what makes you lose your self-awareness?”

Ouyang Zhiyu laughed in anger, and couldn't help but angrily said: "Also, don't you feel happy about you sleeping with me? You wanted to, but now you see me fall and come over to demand compensation? What did you say in the first place? Don’t tell me! Why don’t you say something old and disgusting when I communicate with you every night?”

"Now that there is no money to support you, why are you pretending to be so decent?"

"How can you, a creature that is even meaner than a dog, have the courage to say these things!"


Ouyang Zhiyu was so angry that he couldn't even breathe.

Today is truly the most unlucky day in his life...

Sister Zhier sneered: "So what? Anyway, you don't want to take your money back. What can you do to me? Yes, I am not a good person. For these 500 million, I will become a rogue. What can you do?" how?"

Ye Yang didn't bother him. Watching dogs bite dogs was quite interesting sometimes.

"Haha, if I can't deal with you, I've spent all these years in vain."

Ouyang Zhiyu sneered: "I know your handle very well. If you dare to do this, tomorrow I will post our nightly video online to see how you behave!"

"Do you think I care?"

Sister Whier burst out laughing: "How much money can I make by being an Internet celebrity? With these four to five billion, I can be free for the rest of my life and have a worry-free life. You can do it if you want, I won't wait for you anymore!"


Ouyang Zhiyu's face suddenly darkened: "Don't force me."

At his age, he had experienced the turbulent times in China, and had done a lot of dirty things in his early years. Once this woman dared to completely anger him, he promised to let her take his hundreds of millions and disappear from the world forever.

"Whatever you want~"

Although Sister Zhier has seen a lot of tricks, she is too young after all and has not seen the chaos and darkness in the early years. At this time, she looks like an idiot who doesn't care and has never been beaten up by society.


Ouyang Zhiyu laughed angrily, and without saying a word, he directly found someone to upload the video to the Internet...

By the way, I also compiled a set of embellished copywriting, about how the former No. 1 sister of Douyin used tricks to seduce Douyin's vice president, etc...

Put all the sewage on Sister Zhi'er's head.

In fact, at the beginning, they were just a stinky fish looking for a bad shrimp, and a bastard looked at the mung bean. They looked at each other and got together in a tacit understanding.

There is no distinction between who comes to whom first.

Soon, the image of a serious money worshiper who, in order to get ahead, was willing to trample on his personality, sell his underpants, and play old man's fun at night with old men, became popular all over the Internet.

Later, one big melon led a bunch of small melons, and Sister Wan'er's bad habits and bullying of other anchors were exposed one after another, like a hornet's nest.

Wave after wave of popularity pushed her directly to the top of the popularity list.

How difficult is it to be on trending searches very quickly?

This matter is already popular and attracts attention. If you spend a little money, you can get it on the hot search.

You think you are playing tricks on Weibo, but in fact it is just the financial backers behind Weibo who are playing tricks on you. Of the hot search lists you see, eight out of ten are hot search spots bought by others.

In this era of seemingly advanced information, wealthy people only need to spend 10 million to fill ten hot search positions and blind the eyes of hundreds of millions of ordinary users.

You think you are paying attention to what you want to pay attention to, but you don't know that you are only paying attention to what others want you to pay attention to.

This has to be said to be an irony.

"I told her a long time ago that she is not a good person, haha. You licked her for a while before, making her look like a cold goddess! How about it, now you are so big, right?"

"It's really not a good bird."

"Haha, damn, how can a fifty-three-year-old man be able to speak like this?"

"Brother upstairs, how did you know this person is a subordinate?"

"The old lady upstairs approved it!"


Sister Zhi'er looked at the voices scolding her on the Internet. With her arrogant temperament of being arrogant about everything except money, she was naturally angry. However, thinking that a little scolding could be exchanged for 500 million, her face also improved a lot.

"about there."

After Zhang Ming thought about it in his mind, he also raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Since he decided to abandon Ouyang Zhiyu and make Ye Yang feel comfortable, he naturally had to consider Ye Yang's perspective completely.

The most important thing about being a subordinate is being able to guess what the leader is thinking.

Let the boss get things done without having to express his thoughts clearly.

Now Ye Yang obviously wants to completely disgrace Sister Zhi'er.

Everything that happened now was within his plan.

Now it seems that Sister Wan'er's reputation is basically irreversible, and what follows is the straw that breaks the camel's back that he has prepared!

"Well, the company has already punished Vice President Ouyang just now. Now, it will punish the anchor's wrist."


Sister Zhier was confused: "Why does it still matter to me? Why should I be punished!"

"You are suspected of using your own internal personal relationship in the company, maliciously competing, suppressing other anchors, and causing extremely bad influence!"

"And your own behavior is not decent, and now you have become a tainted Internet celebrity. We, Douyin, cannot allow anchors like you who have incorrect values ​​and bring bad atmosphere to settle in!"

"From now on, your account will be banned, and the funds that have not been released will also be investigated and confiscated. As Douyin's reputation loss fee!"

Zhang Ming said with reason.

"Why! You are breaking the law!"

Sister Wan'er shouted angrily.


Zhang Ming smiled lightly and said: "Otherwise, you can sue our Douyin's legal department? Let's see who wins?"


Sister Wan'er was immediately speechless: "Then I will use my public resources..."

"Please, your account has been blocked... Are you still thinking about it?"

The anchors who were bullied by Sister Wan'er were all sneering at this time.

"I didn't expect that such a money-worshipping lady would have such a day!"


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. He had to say that Zhang Ming played this trick brilliantly!

He is indeed an old player. This move really pleased him.

When the dividends are distributed at the end of this year, give him some chicken legs!

"You, I gave you face!!!"

Sister Wan'er yelled at the anchors in a cowardly manner...

(First update)

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