Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 403 Final stage! Sold out in half a second

"Just buy this."

Ye Yang directly bought the black technology company.

"Congratulations to the host, please name the black technology company."

Ye Yang thought for a while and confirmed: "Let's call it Future Technology Company."

"Sorry, the company name has been registered..."


Ye Yang scratched his hair: "How about calling it a super technology company?"

"Sorry, the company name has already been registered..."

"Damn, why have they all been registered! Damn it..."

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry: "It's called a shit technology company. It can't have the same name, right?"

"This name has not been registered. Are you sure you want to use this name?"

The system beeps.


Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry: "Forget it, I'll think about it again... let's call it Ye Shen Technology."

He was rewarded for the company with the name Ye Shenhao. The first two characters happened to be used as a kind of commemoration.

"Congratulations to the host for acquiring Ye Shen Technology Company."

"When purchasing a company for the first time, you can receive a random item as a gift. The item has been sent to the storage space, please pay attention to claim it."

After that, the system placed all the company's relevant qualifications, materials, etc. in the storage space.

"Bonus items?"

Ye Yang glanced at the storage space and saw a reagent bottle with packaging and instructions outside. It should be the gene potion he saw before.

Now, it seems a bit difficult to explain that this long stick-like object was suddenly taken out from an inexplicable place at the venue.

Ye Yang also suppressed his temper and prepared to use it after the carnival.

After coming back to his senses.

The competition for the King of Talents has completely ended.

Lin Xueer deserves the title of the King of Talents.

"Originally, there was a bit of suspense, but now Sister Wan'er is cold, and a new sister is born!"

"Haha, yes, congratulations on the birth of a new sister!"

Many fans posted words of celebration on the public screen.

"The next step is the final stage, the ability competition!"

After the beautiful host came on stage, her eyes couldn't stop looking towards Ye Yang.

After all, beautiful women yearn for capable men, and in society, the most powerful things are power and money.

It sounds vulgar, but people themselves are vulgar, and the world must have a standard of measurement after all.

Noble taste needs to get rid of low-level taste, but what can be done to get rid of low-level taste? After all, it still depends on being rich and powerful enough...

Interpret the vulgar with the vulgar, and only then can you achieve elegance.

The VIP area where Ye Yang was located was the place where all the beauties in the room focused their attention the most.

"Nowadays, with the rise of e-commerce, bringing goods has become a new trend for anchors. In order to reflect the professional business capabilities of anchors, and also to help the circulation of goods and facilitate thousands of households, the final part of this carnival is to bring goods Goods link!”

The beautiful host said with a smile.

Ye Yang almost wanted to applaud her. Good guy, it was indeed a business carnival. The first part was to attract people, and the second part was to create a character and attract rewards.

In the third step, you start to officially sell goods and make money naked!

But it’s true: The company’s routine is so deep, I want to go back to the countryside!

"So, which anchor will come up first to test the waters?"

The host held the card, but the order had already been decided within the company.

It's just that Lin Xue'er suddenly emerged as a new force today, and Sister Wan'er is now completely cool again.

The plan was disrupted.

Ye Yang has no interest in bringing goods, and plans to just be a bystander like the second link.

However, when I looked at the comments on Douyin’s background, they all begged him to start broadcasting and bring goods...

"Ye Shenhao won't be able to get up for a while!"

"Ye Shenhao, I'm embarrassed to have snatched so many red envelopes from you. Let's give something back to you! Even a little bit!"

"Yes, otherwise our conscience will be uneasy!"

"Yes, that's right, Ye Shenhao, please start broadcasting and bring goods! 嘤嘤嘤~"


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. When other fans saw that the Internet celebrity they followed started to bring goods, they all shouted to "unlock, unblock, uncheck." Why, when it came to his side, his own fans even actively shouted for him to bring goods! ?

Is it possible that his fans are not normal?

By the way, I took another look at the number of my fans, and I saw that it had reached an astonishing 50 million!

“This rate of increase in fans is really amazing.”

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry.

This speed was the envy of all the other anchors watching, but when they thought that Ye Yang was so rich and didn't care about these fans at all... they were even more envious!

"Haha, let's start broadcasting then."

Ye Yang is still very interested in communicating with fans. Since fans want him to start broadcasting and bring goods, how can he refuse because he loves his fans?

"Boss, do you want to bring the goods in person?"

Zhang Ming was surprised after hearing this: "With your identity, there is no need..."

"Being spontaneous is my rule in life."

Ye Yang waved his hand: "No label can restrain me. Who said Shenhao can't go out and bring the goods?"

"Listen to the boss!"

Zhang Ming nodded repeatedly and said nothing more, but sighed in his heart: "Maybe, this is the boss!"

The organizer of the carnival was overjoyed at this time. It was great that Ye Shenhao was willing to come down and bring the goods. He would probably make up for the vacancy of the upper sister.

Because before Ye Yang's identity was revealed, he had already been recognized as at least a billionaire.

His status is too special, so although he was invited as a host, the organizers did not dare to consider Ye Yang in their plans.

After all, he is a billionaire and came here to show his support. If he is not willing to lower his status to bring goods, he can't order him around.

Wan'erjie originally planned to appear at the end, so after Ye Yang got the order of appearance, he was not in a hurry and waited casually.

This carnival has been hyped to a very high level.

Many fans of each company are watching.

In order to win face for their own hosts, they sell goods very well.

However, the first round of ticket swiping and the second round of reward swiping have already emptied the private money of most of the hosts' fans.

Now, if they want to spend a lot of money to bring goods, they are willing but unable to do so.

Therefore, in the end, each host is far from the final live broadcast.

The organizers of the carnival are also a little anxious.

If the final target is far from the target, the third step will be a failure...

Soon, it was Lin Xueer's turn to go on stage.

As soon as this new Douyin queen came on stage, she received a warm response.

"What I bring to you today..."

"No need to introduce, just put it on the shelf! Helping you is helping Ye Shenhao!"

"Hehe, go, go!"


The enthusiasm of the audience made Lin Xueer's words for bringing goods, which she had prepared for half a day, difficult to say, so she had to put it on the shelf directly.

As soon as it was put on the shelf, the title of the goods turned gray in less than a second...

0.3 seconds, sold out!!!

(Second update)

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