Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 404: I'm happy today, so I'll just give out 1 billion to cheer you up.

"I'll go, it'll be gone in the blink of an eye, I didn't even grab it..."

"Haha, that's awesome, I'll go..."

"Isn't this the first time the stock has been sold out so quickly?"

"As expected of the newly promoted sister, she is really awesome!"


The barrages are all frantically calling 666.

Ye Yang originally wanted to take over Lin Xueer's goods.

But seeing how enthusiastic the audience was, it seemed like there was no need for him to take action...

"What I bring below is a very popular celebrity lipstick recently..."

Before Lin Xueer finished speaking, the lipstick was sold out again.

"I'll go, I'm jealous..."

"That's awesome."

"This ability to carry goods is even better than that of Sister Zhi'er back then!"

"Haha...that's so fucked up."

All the anchors who bring goods are full of envy.

For account owners like them who mainly rely on bringing goods to increase their income, if they could also have such great appeal and purchasing efficiency, they would make a lot of money.

Earning over 100 million a month is not a dream!

But when I thought that Lin Xueer was following Ye Shenhao and earning over 100 million a month, it suddenly became boring...

The amount of reward money that people randomly spend is in the tens of billions.

Instead of looking forward to earning over 100 million a month, it is better to look forward to having Ye Shenhao enter his live broadcast room once to give a reward...

"Oh, why don't I have such a good life?"



Lin Xueer's live broadcast of selling goods, the whole audience was selling like crazy. She had the shortest playing time in the entire selling process, and was the only one to exceed the target so far.

Even the senior executives were speechless.

Unfortunately, the grand occasion soon came to an end at Lin Xueer's place.

I thought it was getting better, but when I switched to the next anchor, the number of goods delivered was still relatively bleak.

Comparing them with each other, the anchor who came up later couldn't help but cry.

"Oh, there are still a lot of goods left that haven't been sold."

The organizer felt like his head was getting big.

If the signed orders cannot be sold, he will lose money to the company.

Although the first two links are very successful, big companies have too many competitors. They will seize the failure of the third link, magnify it infinitely, and make it difficult for them.

"I just hope that Ye Shenhao will be more powerful in the end."

When Ye Yang left his seat, everyone in the audience was paying attention.

After all, he is now the most affluent audience present, the most successful internet celebrity, and even the boss of all the executives.

No matter which group he is, he is a well-deserved number one.

Just sat on the chair with the goods.

The barrage in the live broadcast room filled the entire screen.

The whole screen is filled with Ye Shenhao who is awesome.

"Today is the day for us to repay Ye Shenhao. Brothers, no one is allowed to do anything!"

"That's right! Let everyone see the power of our Ye Shen powder!"

"Ye Jiajun, rush!"

"Go go go go go!!!"

"Ye Shenhao will put the products on the shelves soon, can't wait!"


This barrage made all the anchors drooling...

"Damn it, these fans are so enthusiastic!"

"I cried with envy..."

"If I had so many die-hard fans, my income would beat the entire internet celebrity world!"

"What's Ye Shenhao's identity, and what's yours? Do they care about this little income? I guess the red envelopes they give out are much more than what I earn as an Internet celebrity in a year."

" scold me again!!!?"


All the anchors sighed when they saw this unprecedented barrage.

"I'm here today to chat with you all and bring some goods..."

When Ye Yang said 'this', he put the electric shaver he was going to bring on the shelf.

Before the message was even spoken, the goods were gone.


Ye Yang turned his head and looked at the technician next to him with some confusion.

The technician couldn't laugh or cry: "That's right, sold out..."



"Anyway, Lin Xueer's one was gone in a blink of an eye. It was gone without even blinking!"

"This is too outrageous..."

"Do you want to hit people like this..."

Many Internet celebrities who had been carrying goods for a long time just cried without finishing any goods.

"Ahem, everyone seems to be very enthusiastic."

Ye Yang looked at the next item dumbfounded: "Then let's move on to the next item. This item is called..."

The earphones haven’t been exported yet, and the shopping basket has turned gray again...


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This really didn't give him any experience as a goods anchor!

I didn’t even say the name of the product and it was sold out in seconds...

At least it gives him a sense of ritual!

These fans are a little too enthusiastic...

The third time he became smarter and introduced the goods slowly, and finally put the goods on the shelves.

Sure enough, the moment I put it on, it was snatched away.

"This is a product brought by a super tycoon. If you buy it home, show the transaction records, it will be resold for ten times the price and people will buy it. Humph!"

"You are really a little business genius!"

"I am over-flattered."

"Ye Shenhao, please hurry up, I can't wait to buy it!"

"Oh oh oh!"

This level of enthusiasm and instant delivery is such that even Douyin’s first brother, Obuya Li, is so envious that he cries.

In order to extend the sense of ceremony, Ye Yang took out all the goods that the previous anchors had not brought out.

What adult plush toys, what sour plum snack packs, etc....

"It's quite fun."

Ye Yang smiled faintly and shook his head.

"Fuck! He actually said it's fun!"

A group of anchors who make a living by selling goods cried. Is this the legendary, you do your career to make a living, but others do it purely for entertainment?

"Why!!! The gap is too big!"

"I can't figure it out! Is it because he has money?"

"I don't quite understand it either!"


"Thank you all for your great help today."

Ye Yang gave a thumbs up to the camera: "I'm happy today, and I'm happy to send out 1 billion red envelopes."


A group of Internet celebrities were directly confused.

"He much!?"

"Did I hear it right? 1 billion!?"

"1 billion, 1 billion!"

"Isn't this much more than the total amount of goods he sold tonight?"

A group of anchors opened their mouths wide and exclaimed that I don't understand the world of the super rich!

"I didn't understand why his fans were so nice just now, now you know why his fans are so enthusiastic?"

"I understand... I understand everything! Woohoo..."


In the live broadcast room.

The fans are all celebrating.

"As expected of Ye Shenhao!"

"So generous!"

"It's so happy to be your fan!"

"Fuck, who else! I got more than 80,000 yuan... Oh my god! My New Year's pocket money is not as much as this!"

"Please call me Koi, I got 400,000 yuan, and I have the down payment! Wow~ Thank my father Ye Yang! From now on, my online name will be Ye Koi! No one is allowed to compete with me!"

"Awesome! Ye Shenhao is awesome!"

Soon, another wave of Ye Shenhao's awesomeness swept the screen again...

(First update)

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