Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 406 Top-notch ingredients! Isn’t this a coincidence?

After buying the Neptune wine, Ye Yang took Yu Momo and Lin Xueer to inquire about the best local seafood restaurants.

"The best seafood restaurant? It must be Royal Fresh!"

After asking a few people, they all said this.

"Then let's go to this one."

Ye Yang didn't care at all. After asking about the place and the way to go, he took the two girls to Royal Fresh.

The decoration here is very original, like a village built with coconut trees.

However, the interior decoration is simple but reveals the meaning of expensiveness.

This decoration style can be said to be very strong.

The owner has great taste at first glance.

"really not bad."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.

"Handsome beauties, the menu is here. You can also go directly to the aquarium food area nearby and pick out delicious food. Our ingredients are all the freshest, super fresh ingredients that have been fished from the seabed for no more than a day!"

"You pick it now, we make it fresh."

The waiter introduced enthusiastically.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, no wonder it was called Royal Fresh, it was really fresh...

After saying that, he also stood up and walked towards the food area.

It would be a pity to come here once and not experience the characteristics of this place.

"Just recommend the best ingredients to me."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and said to the waiter on the side.

The waiter laughed: "Handsome guy, you don't know. Our store is the top seafood restaurant in Sanya, and the ingredients are also the top. If you want to eat the top ingredients..."

"money is not a problem."

Ye Yang waved his hand casually.


The beautiful waiter glanced at Ye Yang, who was extremely confident, and was too embarrassed to expose him.

When I came to Hainan and heard about the reputation, I approached Huang Xian. There were many young people like Ye Yang who would say this in order to show their generosity to beauties.

But in the end, before we even reached the final top-notch ingredients area, we were so scared that our legs went weak as soon as we arrived at the high-end ingredients area.

"Then handsome guy, please come with me~"

She smiled slightly. As a waiter in a high-end gourmet restaurant, she was very qualified and could see through things without telling them. Therefore, she patiently led Ye Yang and the others towards the high-end ingredients area.

As the saying goes, don't give up until you see the Yellow River. Once this handsome guy saw the prices of high-end ingredients, he naturally gave up.

“From here on, it’s the high-end food section.”

The beautiful waiter pointed forward with a faint smile: "The ordinary ingredients in the previous area were all fished from the local sea, while the high-end food area hired planes to purchase the top seafood ingredients from all over the world. On average, every day For one kilogram, the cost of shipping and the unique guarantee of active freshness alone is as high as several hundred yuan!”


Ye Yang looked at it casually.

In the water tank on the side, a big fish was swimming. The whole big fish showed a light golden color. Under the sunlight, it seemed to be like gold.

"This golden yellow-lip fish weighs twenty pounds. It is the largest among the yellow-lip fish."

"Because of the color of its body, it is also called the money lurch or the money fierce fish. It can only be caught at a depth of 50 to 60 meters offshore. This fish hides in deep sea caves all year round and does not eat any bait, and the number is extremely rare. In addition, its hearing is extremely keen and its swimming speed is very fast, so it is extremely difficult to hunt. Many fishermen have never seen one for three generations. "

"In the fishermen community, this kind of fish is respectfully called the 'golden fish'. When fishing methods were still very traditional, the price was as good as gold! A piece of such a golden fish can be called an heirloom of a wealthy coastal businessman's family!"


Ye Yang smiled lightly: "Let's just discuss the price."

He knew that the waiter told him this just to prepare him mentally when he heard the price.

"It's just this 20-pound golden yellow-lipped fish... sold in its entirety for 488,888 Chinese coins, no bargaining, and only sold individually."

The beautiful waiter said while studying Ye Yang's expression, fearing that he wouldn't be able to accept it.

Ye Yang was stunned.

"Sir, if you think it's expensive, we can go back to the general ingredients section and choose the ingredients. Generally, you can eat well with only 2,000 yuan per person!"

Seeing Ye Yang's reaction, the beautiful waiter was indeed shocked by the price, and she added again and again.


Ye Yang waved his hand, and after a while he said in disbelief: "That's it?"

"Um, sir, what did you say?!"

The beautiful waiter was a little confused.

"You said so much and exaggerated so much atmosphere, making me think it's so expensive. Is this all about feelings?"

"Twenty kilograms only cost more than 400,000 yuan, and one kilogram averages only more than 20,000 yuan. Are you telling me it's expensive?"

Ye Yang was confused, the waiter looked down on him too much...

"Um, sir..."

The beautiful waiter looked at Ye Yang in disbelief.

This was the first young person who came here. She was not shocked when she heard the prices in the high-end food section. Instead, she asked her why they were so cheap!

Learned a lot!

What a long time to see you!

"Is there any better ingredient? It can't be the famous Hainan Royal Fresh, the most precious ingredient, right?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

"Ahem, of course!"

Thinking of this, the beautiful waitress nodded repeatedly. Did she meet a real boss today?

This is so lucky!

Fortunately, he didn't do anything to make fun of the other party, otherwise he would have been really embarrassed!

Thinking of this, she led Ye Yang and the others into the top ingredients area: "This is the top ingredients area in our store."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. Wow, those who know this is a fish tank, but those who don't know would think it's simulating the deep sea.

The fresh and precious creatures are wandering in it.

Some look very strange, and Ye Yang can't name them.

Compared with the popular ordinary ingredients area, the high-end ingredients area is sparsely populated.

Not to mention the top ingredients area, there are only two groups of people besides himself.

He even recognized one of them.

"Xiao Cong?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. He had just said goodbye to Beijing a few days ago, and he met the other party in Hainan.

"Brother Ye!"

Wang Xiaocong was also very surprised to see Ye Yang, and greeted him enthusiastically: "Brother Ye, I just saw you showing off your prowess on the Carnival live broadcast, and I didn't expect to meet you!"


Ye Yang nodded slightly: "Just playing around."

"Haha! That 26 billion reward that swallowed the mountains and rivers scared me, Brother Ye, you actually said it was just playing around!"

Wang Xiaocong didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He himself pays the most attention to the movements of Internet celebrities. Douyin held the anchor carnival, and he was naturally like a cat stealing fish, and he came when he smelled the fish!

Just now, he had been looking for Internet celebrities who wanted to visit tonight outside the Carnival venue.

I also watched the live broadcast and was thinking about finding an opportunity to meet Ye Yang. Unexpectedly, I met him now!

This is not a coincidence!

(First update)

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