Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 407: The King of King Crabs

"Congcong~ Who is this! What a handsome little brother~"

The Internet celebrity Wang Xiaocong had just hooked up with coquettishly asked.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. Although the other party seemed okay, he still couldn't accept the charming look and snake face...

He couldn't compliment Wang Xiaocong's taste.

However, this is not a bad thing. After all, one of the important reasons why they can play so well is that they have completely different tastes in choosing girls.

The female Internet celebrity named Jing Mo was also extremely shocked at this moment.

She is just an ordinary little internet celebrity who is not even qualified to enter the general venue. I don’t know what kind of luck she had today, but she was actually spotted by Wang Xiaocong who was hunting.

Wang Xiaocong is naturally famous in the Internet celebrity world.

Everyone knows that his taste is for standard Internet celebrity faces. It can be said that most female Internet celebrities have dreamed that one day they would be attracted by him and fly up a branch to become a phoenix!

Therefore, they also checked a lot of Wang Xiaocong's information in preparation for that day.

Although Jingmo is just a small Internet celebrity, he also knows how impressive Wang Xiaocong's background is. His father is the former richest man in China!

The man who stands at the top of the entire Chinese business world!

His son was so respectful to another young man?

In the interview program, Wang Xiaocong was not so respectful to Wang Silin!

This is simply more intimate than meeting your biological father...

So this young man's that okay? !

The beautiful waiter on the side was also confused. What is going on!

A handsome customer whom I casually received could actually make Wang Xiaocong lower his posture and take the initiative to show his kindness! ?

This is simply outrageous!

Now when I think about Ye Yang talking about so many things with him just now when he said 20,000 pounds, I don't think he is bragging at all.

For such a big shot, he only has something worth twenty thousand per catty. It is just a waste of his time to introduce so much! ?

"He is the one I told you, whom I met in the capital, my good brother, Ye Yang Ye Shenhao."

Wang Sicong frowned: "You are an Internet celebrity on Douyin, don't you know Ye Yang Ye Shenhao's name?"

"Ah! I'm a new anchor! Meow, meow, meow?"

Jingmo was confused when he heard this, and had to pretend to be cute in an attempt to get through.

"Haha, don't embarrass other girls."

Ye Yang waved his hand.

There are hundreds of millions of Douyin users and tens of millions of Internet celebrities. You only have the attention of more than 50 million people. How can you force everyone to know you?


Wang Xiaocong laughed, waved his hand, and started shopping with Ye Yang: "I have been here before, and the top-notch ingredients here are indeed too expensive. Even if I come to eat, it will feel very painful! "

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Even you feel pain? Then I have to take a closer look."

The beautiful waiter resisted the urge to search Ye Shenhao on Douyin, and took Ye Yang to visit the top ingredient area.

Jingmo took advantage of this time and quickly took out Douyin and took a look. Because he met Wang Xiaocong at the carnival just now, he had no intention of watching it at all. He kept coaxing and offering sacrifices to the big Buddha, for fear that a bad waiter would offend Wang Xiaocong. Then he ruthlessly abandoned himself...

"I'll go, no!"

Jingmo was dumbfounded. When he opened Douyin, six or seven of the ten hot searches were about Ye Shenhao and Lin Xueer.

"A new brother on Douyin, a new sister on Douyin!?"


Jingmo was stunned. The two pillars of the live broadcast world were standing in front of her, and she didn't even recognize them!

Moreover, this Ye Shenhao relied on 26 billion in rewards to become famous in the live broadcast industry. If he could get such a large amount of money in rewards, he must have an extraordinary status!

It can be seen from Wang Xiaocong's attitude...

This, I am afraid, is a master whose true identity reaches the sky!

"Why are you dazed?"

Wang Xiaocong slapped her buttocks hard and tilted his head: "Hurry up and follow her."

"oh oh!"

Jingmo nodded repeatedly. She was a cute new anchor. What kind of luck did she have today? She unexpectedly met such awesome people one after another! ?

Sure enough, what kind of people can you follow, and what kind of circles can you come into contact with?

If Wang Xiaocong hadn't taken a liking to her by accident, a little person like her might never have had a chance to pry into the lives of truly top heroes...

"King Crab" is known as the "King of Crabs". The gourmet circles in Europe believe that the reason why the King Crab is king is not only because it is big and meaty, but also because it bleeds blue blood. The symbol of European medieval royalty!”

"This Australian king crab weighs 13 kilograms! Even among the Australian king crab categories, it is the undisputed king! We spent a lot of effort to auction it, and the auction price alone cost 200,000 Australian dollars."

The beautiful waiter tried her best to explain.

"The rule here is that the sales price is 1.5 times the auction price."

Wang Xiaocong was obviously very knowledgeable and explained.

Ye Yang nodded slightly. Two hundred thousand Australian dollars was equivalent to one million Chinese coins. If it was 1.5 times that, it would be 1.5 million.

One and a half million crabs are indeed worthy of the title of the world's top ingredient.

"Since we met today, let me treat you."

Ye Yang pointed at the king crab: "I want this, and let your chefs cook it with their best skills."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The waitress felt her heart tremble, 1.5 million!

For this dish alone, she can get a commission equivalent to her annual salary! Oh my god, is this the wonderful feeling of being a big shot on the list! It's so dreamy.

"For the five of us, one crab is probably not enough, so pick something else."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

More than 20 kilograms of king crabs sound a lot, but in reality, it's good to have 6 or 7 kilograms of pure meat. After steaming, frying, boiling and deep-frying, it will shrink again. It shouldn't be enough for five people, especially him, a martial artist, who has a big appetite.

So, Ye Yang picked a lot of side dishes.

In addition to precious meat ingredients, there are also top plant ingredients such as deep-sea golden algae.

All in all, another 700,000 or 800,000 was spent.

"Well, it's almost done, and there's only one hard dish left."

Ye Yang turned his eyes and saw a big guy...

"Good guy, Brother Ye, you won't be interested in... that!"

Wang Xiaocong said in disbelief.

"That's right."

Ye Yang smiled faintly and nodded slightly.


Wang Xiaocong gave a thumbs up: "Brother Ye is awesome after all."

Even the beautiful waitress was surprised for a long time before asking: "Are you sure you want to buy this ingredient!?"

Ye Yang shrugged: "Of course."

"Sorry! This, we saw it first! You, get out!"

At this time, several foreigners heard Ye Yang's conversation and were unhappy at the time. They started to quarrel in a mixture of Chinese and English...

(Second update)

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