Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 408: Solve all problems with one kick?


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at the people who came.

The clothes of these people were very elegant. It can be seen that they were all very old-fashioned European aristocratic clothes. I thought I had traveled to the Middle Ages.

There were three foreigners and a Chinese tour guide.

"What did you say?"

Wang Xiaocong frowned. He was originally a straightforward person. He asked unhappily at this time.

"My name is Wei Ba. I am the tour guide of several nobles. These nobles have already taken a fancy to this bluefin tuna. You can go and choose other ingredients."

The Chinese tour guide had a matter-of-fact expression on his face, and his tone did not sound like he was negotiating, as if it was a matter of course to be polite to them.

"What the hell? Who do you think you are? Are you qualified to show off in front of me?!"

Wang Xiaocong frowned. He had a straightforward personality since he was a child. He would fight if he didn't agree. This tour guide obviously didn't take him and Brother Ye seriously at all. When he spoke, he made them look like masters.

Damn, I've been spoiled by these bastards.

"What is he saying!"

The foreigners obviously don't understand Chinese very well and speak haltingly.


The tour guide looked very unhappy, and kept saying: "I know you dare to come here to choose ingredients, you must not be ordinary people in China, but these few are foreigners! If you dare to treat them badly, be careful to sue you for disrespect!"

"Damn, I don't know how many foreigners I have beaten since I was six years old studying in England! What's the difference between you and me?"

Wang Xiaocong sneered: "China is our territory, don't be too arrogant, I can make you unable to leave China with just one phone call, believe it or not?"

"Haha, you are provoking international disputes!"

The tour guide directly raised the issue: "Can you bear it! Can China bear it!"


Ye Yang frowned: "Aren't you Chinese?"

"Haha, Chinese? Who cares! I changed my nationality a long time ago! Now, I am a noble citizen of France!"

The tour guide stiffened his neck and sneered, his words full of pride.


Ye Yang nodded meaningfully: "So he is a banana man, no wonder he has no bones."


The tour guide shouted angrily.

Before he could say anything, he flew up into the air.


He flew more than ten meters away and landed directly in the simulated ocean. He couldn't swim yet, so he immediately floundered. If no one rescued him, he would drown in a while.

"Oh! Oh! What if he fell into this simulated ocean! Such good simulated seawater will be tainted by him!"

The beautiful waitress on the side was very anxious.

These seawaters are specially formulated for top ingredients. High-end seawater with high trace element content costs thousands of yuan to make one cubic meter.

Every time the seawater pool is changed, it costs millions.

It's not worth changing the water for such a scumbag!

"Gurgle... I xxx... Gurgle Gurgle..."

The tour guide was completely confused. He didn't expect that the other party didn't even say a few words and started to beat him up!

This is totally different from the cowardly and fearful Chinese people he had in mind!

Wang Xiaocong blinked his eyes: "I've heard that you, Brother Ye, are a master. You're really awesome! This kick must have taken twenty years of practice, right? Teach me afterwards? When I meet this kind of boneless dog thing in the future, I'll kick him a thousand times!"


Ye Yang smiled and shrugged. He never indulged idiots. Idiots like this from the heart are simply hopeless. It's meaningless to waste saliva with such people.

If you meet such an idiot, if you can beat him up, beat him up on the spot to vent your unhappiness.

If you can't beat him up, just ignore him completely.

There is no point in any communication. This kind of pure idiot is not worthy of normal communication with people - it's too embarrassing.

It's just like seeing a mad dog. If you can beat it, kick it a few times to make it subdue, otherwise just take a detour.

It was obviously the first time for several foreigners to encounter such a thing. They were so scared that they dared not move on the spot and started to speak softly.

"Sir, we can discuss it! No, don't use force!"

"Yes, yes!"


"Oh? You are so scared that you can speak Chinese so fluently?"

Wang Xiaocong mocked from the side: "It is true that crisis makes people progress."


Several foreigners scratched their heads in embarrassment.

Foreigners value personal heroism and have admiration for the strong.

If you can kick people away and conquer them with strength, they will naturally be in awe of you and dare not despise you.

There was an old saying in China.

Villains fear power but not virtue.

That is to say, there are some people in this world. No matter how well you reason with them, it is useless. As long as you beat them up with a punch, they will immediately regard you as the truth.

If you are upright and modest to him, they will regard it as a sign of cowardice.

The reason why Bruce Lee was so famous in foreign countries was that he relied on his fists to beat all the foreigners who opened martial arts schools one by one.

Finally, he gained everyone's respect!

Obviously, Ye Yang's kick frightened them and made them respect him, so they naturally became polite.

"Heh, this foreigner is really weird."

Ye Yang shrugged. Logically speaking, shouldn't he be angry about the person who kicked them away?

"Okay, I'm not bullying you, I just don't like him."

Ye Yang glanced at the tour guide who had been rescued and said lightly: "Since you all want this fish, then follow the rules. Auction it on the spot. Whoever bids the highest will win."

"Rules are made by the strong. This is the truth from ancient times. We respect your choice!"

Several foreigners said repeatedly.

This is their world view and outlook on life.


The tour guide looked at this scene in disbelief. These foreigners were all very arrogant. They thought they were of noble descent in France. They were usually very arrogant, but they were scared like this by a kick! ?

This directly broke his impression of the noble, beautiful and tall foreigners. It turned out that they... were such people! ?

Some things that look tall and noble are just because they have not been thoroughly understood.

Once you understand it thoroughly, you will find that it is just the difference in appearance caused by two thinking habits...

There is no such thing as innate nobility, and there is no such thing as fairy-tale beauty.

We all live in the same world.

You can be envious, but there is no need to worship blindly.

"How much does this fish originally sell for?"

Ye Yang asked casually.

The beautiful waitress originally thought that the matter was going to get out of hand, and was still worried about how to deal with it step by step. Unexpectedly, this handsome guy solved all the problems with one kick! ?

This is too handsome! ?

(First update)

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