"If you don't believe me, can this Centurion Black Gold Card be faked?"

Ye Yang casually took out the Centurion Black Gold Card from his pocket and shook it in front of Su Hong.

"Oh my god! Centurion Black Card!"

"This is truly a world-class top rich man!!!"

"Oh my god, I remember now! Isn’t that girl also a streamer named Xue Er on Tik Tok?!"

"Ahhh, yes, yes, yes, yes, the carnival battle in her live broadcast room a few days ago made me very excited!"

"That boy, couldn’t he be Ye Shenhao who was famous for his vibrato that night!!!"

"Shit, the real God was right before my eyes, and I was blind... I’m so sorry!"

"Is it really him? I followed him on Tik Tok, but I didn’t expect to see him in real life. He’s really handsome.……"


In the live broadcast room, a group of toxic chicken soup girls simply forgot that they had just mocked others.

After seeing the Centurion card and the outfit worth hundreds of millions, they all sent messages frantically, asking for Su Hong and Ye Yang's contact information, and trying their best to date him and have a baby.……

"Sisters, I remember now! Isn't this the piano man in the Ziguangge video that day?"

"I was wondering why he looks so familiar! These days I have been dreaming about him as my prince charming, ahhhhh!!!"

"I actually mocked my own idol just now, wuwuwu... I regret it so much!"


But at this time, Su Hong was so embarrassed that her face was burning with pain. How could she still stand in front of Ye Yang? She had already quietly run away in shame...

The matter came to an end.

Ye Yang also continued his happy shopping trip with Lin Xueer.

After buying a few top luxury bags.

Ye Yang took Lin Xueer, who was full of luxury goods, out of the luxurious Rainbow District.

After spending so much, these luxury goods were naturally delivered to her home by the store owner.

Naturally, there were constant rewards for spending along the way.

But most of them were deposit rewards.

Today, he spent tens of millions and received about 18 billion in deposit rewards.

However, Ye Yang now has more than 100 billion in his bank card, trillions of assets, and 18 billion in deposits, which can no longer make him fluctuate.

After sending Lin Xueer back to Fuhua and driving on the road for a while, Lin Xueer reluctantly went upstairs.

Until Ye Yang sat back in the Koenigsegg one1.

The system prompt sound came

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for spending over 5555w today, triggering the hidden reward for the day: Sports All-Around!"

"Get sports omnipotence, you will be proficient in all known sports on earth, and your proficiency will be comparable to that of Olympic champions and human ceiling level"


Ye Yang smiled. The system has many tricks. He triggered the hidden reward inexplicably.

Now he has triggered the hidden special reward three times. Once for mastering Chinese martial arts, once for mastering musical instruments, and this time, it was mastering sports again!

How could there be hundreds of sports in this world? What does it mean that each of them can reach the level of an Olympic champion? It's simply too powerful!!?

Today, Ye Yang is not as touched by tens of billions as by this special reward!

"Hahaha, not bad, not bad."

Ye Yang was also very satisfied with this reward. He looked at the sky and it was almost time for dinner.

"It's time to go back."

He stepped on the accelerator, and the Koenigsegg One1 started up, and flew directly towards the Yundingshan Villa like an angry dragon...

Yundingshan Villa District.

A top-level Range Rover stopped at the entrance of the community.

This Range Rover, the landing price, is as high as three or four million. If it were in an ordinary place, it would definitely be treated as a luxury car owner.

But in the Yundingshan Villa, it seems a bit cheap.

"A small Range Rover? Has the babysitter come back from shopping?"

"This license plate is not on the registration form.

Several security guards walked out of the security booth in confusion.

"Hello, we are here to visit Mr. Ye from the First Villa at Genting.

Fang Han leaned out of the car window and said with a faint smile.

"Genting Villa?"

The security guard looked up and down at the Land Rover and smiled:"Are you sure you are the King of Genting Villas! ?"

The No. 1 villa in Genting, the current market price has been hyped up to more than 2 billion, what kind of status!?

A Range Rover driver is worthy of meeting him!?


Seeing the security guard's half-smile, Ivy said unhappily,"What? You look down on us?"

"Yo? Foreign friends? No, it's mainly because the owner of the first villa is of a very high status. We dare not let you in easily if you want to visit us. Let's call Sister Momo to confirm first~"

The security guard laughed.

"Humph! Really pretentious!"

Ivy, who was arrogant, immediately had a bad impression of the entire Yundingshan Villa District and was filled with anger.

As a super lawyer, he was always surrounded by bosses and greeted cautiously wherever he went.

But he was stopped by the gatekeeper here.

The key point was not that he was blocked on purpose, but because they really looked too low-end in this Yundingshan Villa District.

After a few minutes, they finally confirmed that these people were Ye Yang's guests.

Several security guards immediately turned back to their respectful smiles, opened the gate and let Fang Han and others in.

"Damn, this guy is really arrogant! Are they trying to show us their power?"

After passing the gate, Ivy said indignantly

""Say less, have you forgotten my advice?"

Fang Han snorted.

Perhaps this was the new boss's warning to them...

The Range Rover was traveling through the vast Yundingshan villa complex, surrounded by lakes on both sides, with layers of green mountains and beautiful scenery.

In the city of Magic City, where steel buildings make people breathless, this kind of villa area is simply a paradise.

"The top rich people really enjoy themselves……"

Ivy was already full of anger, and now he was even more sour.

Caiqi looked at the beautiful scenery that was like a paradise with sparkling eyes.

At this time, the sun was setting, and the evening clouds were red.

The red clouds were half-fallen outside the clear sky, and the green water and green mountains were three thousand pavilions.

"Damn, how big is this villa area? I’ve been driving for a long time but still haven’t arrived yet."

Ivy sighed.


After driving for a while, they finally reached Yunding Mountain.

Yu Momo was waiting at the door with a few maids.


Even Fang Han and Ai Wei, who have seen the world, couldn't help but exclaim in amazement when they saw all these top-notch maid costumes.

"Hello, distinguished guests. I am Yu Momo, the housekeeper of Genting First Villa. The owner has not returned yet. Please go into the villa and have a cup of tea and wait for a while."

Yu Momo said politely with a smile.

"I understand, I understand. A big shot like Boss Ye must be busy with work every day. He must be busy with some big project, right?

Fang Han thought with a smile.

Yu Momo smiled, but rolled her eyes in her heart. He's busy? No way!

Seeing so many beautiful women, Ivy's anger dissipated a lot. He went straight into the living room with Fang Han and Caiqi to wait.

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