"Why hasn't he arrived yet?"

Ivy frowned and finished a cup of tea, although the tea was obviously top-grade Longjing.

But it still couldn't stop his anxious heart.

As a star lawyer like a favored child of heaven, it was the first time for him to have to wait for half a day to visit.

Looking at the anxious Ivy, Fang Han shook his head. Ivy, this star lawyer, is good in everything except being too proud.……

"Humph, I won't wait any longer!"

Ivy put the cup back on the table and stood up to go out.

Just as Fang Han was about to yell at him to sit back down,


A low roar of a super sports car came from far away.

"The master has returned……"

Yu Momo smiled and said.

Ivy stood up and just happened to see the cool sports car outside.

"Koenigsegg One 1! ?"

Instantly, his arrogance was half defeated.

Although he claimed to have seen many big bosses and big figures, it was the first time he saw someone who could afford such a terrifying sports car emperor...

Fang Han and Caiqi also stood up and saw the Koenigsegg One 1

"Hiss... Boss Ye is really bold. Fang

Han laughed bitterly.

Although he was very rich, he couldn't afford to spend 100 million to buy a car. Otherwise, he wouldn't have driven in a Range Rover.


As soon as Ye Yang entered the room, Yu Momo and the maids had already stood side by side and bowed.

"This card……"

Although Ivy looked disdainful on the surface, he was extremely envious in his heart.

"It seems that I came back a little late."

Ye Yang smiled and shook hands with Fang Han.

"Sit down."

Ye Yang said casually. Fang Han and the other two also sat down.

Caiqi looked at Ye Yang carefully, while Ai Wei looked at him sideways and said nothing because he was so angry just now.

"Boss Ye, you have acquired our law firm. Do you have any direct needs from us?"

Fang Han asked tentatively.

"I don't have any requirements, I just want to buy my own law firm first, just in case I need it, and you can help me deal with the legal issues and contracts related to my assets on weekdays."

Ye Yang said


Fang Han sweated profusely. Just in case of emergency, he directly spent a lot of money to buy their famous super law firm in the Magic City! ?

The thinking of this rich man is really different

"What about our company's future plans and personnel changes?……"

Fang Han once again raised his biggest concern.

After all, he was the one who built up Jincheng Law Firm. If Ye Yang really wanted to seize power, it would be a huge blow to him.

If he just bought the firm for investment, then everything would be fine.

It's just that the proportion of the profits he gets might be less than before.

"I have no opinion on these for the time being."

Ye Yang spread his hands.

He didn't have time to play palace fighting and power games with these people. Normal people would have to rack their brains to make money and gain benefits. But he just needed to keep spending money. If he had time to fight for power and profit , wouldn't it be better for him to spend more money?


Fang Han felt relieved. Ye Yang's words also made his attitude clear and dispelled his biggest doubts.

After the doubts were eliminated, the atmosphere was obviously relaxed.

"I wonder if your company has any contracts that need to be drafted and managed, so we can connect with them.

Fang Han asked repeatedly

"There are two in the world, one is Lafite Winery and the other is Vacheron Constantin Watches."

Ye Yang thought for a while:"As for China, there are more. The property rights of the Empire Financial Building are mine, and there are also tenant contracts for ten school district houses in the University Town to be drafted, and the development non-compete agreement of Ziguangge Restaurant must also be worked out.……"


Fang Han was shocked.

One by one, from abroad to China, these seemingly unrelated industries were all owned by the same person! ?

Even the always proud Ivy was shocked.

"I also own Yida Group, so I need to take special care of it. But there is a special legal team there, so you don’t have to worry too much."

Ye Yang thought for a while and said,"There are probably some more, but I can’t remember them right now. I’ll tell you when I remember them."

He gets a new company every now and then, and this is also to explain why he will have an extra property when he is fine.


"What…what!? Yida Group!?"

"You mean, the Yida Group?"

The three of them were all stunned.

This is a well-known top group in China! The famous saying of its founder,"100 million is a small goal", has become popular all over the Internet, and everyone knows it.

"Yes, I just received it two days ago."

Ye Yang said casually


Fang Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He kept calling out"big boss" in his heart. If he had known Ye Yang earlier, he would have saved twenty years of hard work!

At this moment, he directly eliminated all the bad and negative thoughts from his mind.

This super boss was simply too terrifying.

As long as he could get any relationship with him, his career would be very successful in the future!

It would be too stupid to think about fighting for power now...

He couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, and the corners of his mouth flew up unconsciously.

"Well, we have talked about almost everything, it is time for dinner."

Ye Yang smiled and said,"Let's have a normal small state banquet."

A small state banquet is a meal for the emperor and his family.

Nine dishes and five soups are the standard meal rules for small meetings of ancient emperors.

"State Banquet?"

Fang Han's mind moved:"You don't have a group of state banquet chefs hidden in your villa, do you?"

Domestic chefs are divided into three levels: high, medium and low, and the top is the special grade.

The highest honor is the state banquet chef.

It basically represents the highest achievement of Chinese cuisine.……

"What is a rich person!?"

"This is it!!!"

Several people expressed this sigh at the same time.

After the dinner, the conversation with Ye Yang also completely conquered Fang Han and Caiqi.

Only Ivy was unhappy, but because of Fang Han's warning, he didn't dare to say anything.

"Why is this old man silent? What are you dissatisfied with me?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile

"Heh… Boss Ye is approachable and wins the hearts of the people with money, so naturally no one dares to be dissatisfied. However, I, Ivy, always respect the nobility and disrespect the local tyrants. No matter how rich Boss Ye is, he can't convince me."

Ivy shook his head, ignoring the Caiqi who was pinching his thigh to stop him, and blurted out the words that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time.

"How dare you! How dare you talk to Boss Ye like that! You forgot all the things I told you to do!"

Fang Han's heart trembled, and he stood up and shouted angrily.

He had just confirmed that Boss Ye was a real big shot who he could not afford to offend, so he could only try his best to make friends with him.

This Ivy would cause trouble for him!

If he ruined the bright future of Jincheng Law Firm, the loss would be too unacceptable.

At this time, Fang Han was also very anxious and angry.


Ye Yang smiled and understood that some foreigners do have deep-rooted aristocratic ideas in their minds, which is due to their history. It is completely different from the Chinese kings and generals.

"So, how can you convince me?"

Ivy is the top lawyer of Jincheng Law Firm. It is very important to make him convinced.

Seeing Ye Yang challenged,

Ivy did not show any weakness:"Nobles naturally have their own rules! Do you dare to accept the challenge?!"

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