Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 412: Buying the King of Buildings in a Joking Moment

"This area is the best luxury property park in Hainan. Only those with assets exceeding 30 billion can purchase it."

Wang Xiaocong laughed and was quite proud: "Actually, based on my own assets, I am not even qualified to buy the house here. Therefore, my father helped me subscribe for the house here."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, this rich second generation is different!

"What's the name of this park?"

Ye Yang asked.

"The name here sounds quite vulgar. It's called Dragon King Palace. This kind of specially approved community cannot be found through normal channels on the Internet. After all, it is not prepared for ordinary people."

Wang Xiaocong waved his hand: "You also know that the rich people of the older generation have very vulgar names, haha..."


Ye Yang quite agrees with this point.

I have to say that this kind of villa area that cannot be found online is really high-end and classy. The garden settings and the 24-hour fully automatic cleaning robot inside make you think you have stepped into a science fiction movie.

Adding these wonderful girls and big white legs is just the finishing touch.

The entire park was suddenly filled with a wonderful atmosphere.

"This is great."

Jingmo, who had just entered the garden, sighed with emotion. Before today, she couldn't believe that there was such a kind of residence in the world that exhausted people's imagination.

"Brother Cong, how much is your house worth!?"

Although she knew that the numbers she was about to hear would probably make her doubt her life, Jingmo still decided to ask to make herself give up.

"Haha, if it were me, I really couldn't afford it. Let me tell you, my father spent 1.8 billion to buy this for me."

Wang Xiaocong laughed.

"One hundred...eighteen hundred million, just to buy a place to live...Oh my god!!!"

Jingmo felt that his world view had collapsed!

She felt that the surprises she received today were as much as those in the previous twenty years combined!

Another tens of millions to eat a meal, and another two billion to buy a house or something. For an ordinary person, it is really too shocking! ! !

"It's nothing to me. I'm telling you, Brother Ye, there is a Prince Gong's Mansion, which was where the ancient princes lived!"

Wang Xiaocong laughed and said: "My little villa is nothing compared to his Prince Gong's Mansion!"

"What?! The palace?! How much is that worth?"

Jingmo felt that his world view was destined to be shattered into pieces today.

"How much is it worth? I'm not going to brag about it. If I buy it all, it's probably... between two thousand and one hundred million!"

Wang Xiaocong did a casual calculation and said.

"More than 200 billion!? My biological mother!"

Jingmo felt like he was almost scared to death...

"Ha ha……"

Wang Xiaocong seemed to be very satisfied with Jingmo's surprised look. One of his interests in discovering ordinary Internet celebrities was that these Internet celebrities generally had never seen much of the world.

Just taking them to see their ordinary life is enough to make them so surprised that they can't close their legs, and they are also very sincere to themselves.

This feeling of being able to capture all of her at just a small price made him feel very comfortable.

"Hey? Brother Ye, who are you calling?"

Wang Xiaocong asked in confusion.

"Okay, that's it."

After Ye Yang hung up the phone, he smiled at Wang Xiaocong and said, "Oh, it's nothing. I called Zijie to buy me a set of Louwang from Neptune Palace."


Wang Xiaocong was confused: "Have you finished buying it?"

"Yeah, I'm done buying it."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

"No, I was just bragging, and you bought the whole building king directly!?"

Now, it was Wang Xiaocong's turn to doubt his life.

"If I remember correctly, the building king of the Dragon King's Palace costs 2.5 billion, right? It comes with a private lake, it's like a private castle!"

Wang Xiaocong didn't dare to enter the channel: "And the requirements for purchasing qualifications there are even higher. At the beginning, several of China's richest men competed for all the qualifications for building kings, but they all failed in the end."

"Oh, I told their person in charge to add another billion, and they sold the house to me directly, and immediately organized a top-notch welcome team to pick me up."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.


Wang Xiaocong suddenly realized it and gave Ye Yang a thumbs up in a dumbfounded manner: "As expected of me, Brother Ye!"

Ye Yang shrugged.

As long as it is a product, there is nothing difficult to buy. The difference is at most how much it costs and how much extra it costs.

As for why the big guys can't buy it, some of them are just because the price of the product itself has been increased to the point where they feel it's not worth it, and it doesn't fit in with their business logic.

Soon the professional team arrived outside Wang Xiaocong's mansion, waiting for Ye Yang.

"I'm going to check out my new house first, and I'll come back here tomorrow morning to see you happy."

Ye Yang waved his hand casually and left with the three sisters Yu Momo, Lin Xueer and the chef.

The entrance to Wang Xiaocong's villa.

The professional team of the villa estate lined up neatly.

It was more grand than when I first settled in Yunding Mountain.

On the left is a dazzling array of long legs in white stockings, and on the right is a stunning array of long legs in black stockings.

The beauties in maid costumes on both sides stood up and bowed: "Congratulations to the owner of the building king for moving in."

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry. If both of them were men in suits, they would be almost exactly the same as the video on the Internet welcoming the return of the Dragon King.

All that was missing was Wang Xiaocong coming out of the villa to greet the Dragon King, and then he smiled crookedly.

After wandering around the villa complex with the professional team for a long time, he finally saw the building king of the Dragon King Palace: the Dragon King Hall.

Next to the Dragon King Hall was a lakeside. The entire Dragon King Hall was built next to the lakeside. It was indeed like a small castle as Wang Xiaocong said.

The entire Dragon King Hall had three floors and looked very grand.

"This castle door has an absolute confidentiality procedure. It can only be opened with the consent of the castle owner. It can be said that this place combines the world's top confidentiality and privacy protection methods, and can provide you with the world's safest living environment. Please feel free to live here."


Ye Yang was surprised. It can be said that this is the most security and privacy-conscious of all the houses he has bought.

"Yes, there is a nuclear bunker at the innermost part of the castle, which can avoid the attack of armor-piercing shells."

"Important residential areas are equipped with infrared scanning and video surveillance, which can monitor any movement within a three-kilometer radius around the villa at any time."

The team leader introduced repeatedly, and his eyes kept looking at Ye Yang curiously.

Yu Momo looked at the team leader's eyes, and couldn't help but think of the scene when he first met Ye Yang, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


The more Ye Yang listened, the more black lines on his face he had. To be honest, this villa is as good as a war fortress, but it is not armed...

This kind of castle, what kind of imaginary guests did the builders build it for in the first place...

(First update)

q.i.v.n.: 1054/117/329

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