Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 413 Genetic Potion, President of the Global Luxury Car Club?

On the third floor of the Dragon King Palace, there is the main living room.

Ye Yang randomly picked up a ruby ​​apple and took a bite.

After placing a few girls, it was already very late when I looked at the time.

"It's time to see what effect this gene potion has."

He is still very interested in future black technology. After getting this potion, he has been thinking about using it, but he has never had a chance. Now it is finally time for no one to use it.

In the dead of night, I secretly drink a small potion, which is stimulating just thinking about it.


Ye Yang raised his head and drank the genetic potion in the test tube.

A strong stimulating taste directly filled his mouth.

Immediately, it exploded all over his body.

"Oh, this effect is really immediate."

Ye Yang soon felt a slight change in his body.


The body that had been transformed by the internal force of the martial arts had once again undergone many changes that he could not understand yet.

His original height of 1.8 meters was once again raised, and his body shape was reshaped, becoming extremely perfect.

The muscle lines are extremely well-proportioned, with the kind of muscular look that makes you look thin when you are wearing clothes, but you are muscular when you are undressed.

He felt that his strength seemed to become stronger.

Energy has also become more abundant.

If after the transformation of the martial arts, he felt like he could fight for seven days and seven nights without being defeated, then now, he felt that he had inexhaustible energy, even if it lasted for a month, it didn't matter.

"Ding! The host uses gene potions to strengthen his body, and it is now equivalent to the level of an advanced genetic warrior."

"... Just a high-level genetic warrior?"

Ye Yang originally thought there would be beginner, intermediate or something like that.

"The gene potion is modified based on the host's original physical fitness. The stronger the physical fitness before, the higher the improvement it can withstand. The host was proficient in Chinese martial arts before, and his physical fitness was already extraordinary, so after the transformation, he directly reached the level of a senior warrior. level."

"I don't have any idea about this. Maybe give me an idea that I can understand."

Ye Yang rubbed his chin and asked.

"The advanced genetic warrior is roughly equivalent to the physical fitness of Captain America in the Marvel movies on Earth. Of course, the host's current fighting skills are stronger than him."


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, feeling that he would become Captain America?

Invulnerable to bullets?

Can you jump ten meters high when you charge up? This is beyond the scope of ordinary people!

Moreover, his combat skills are rated higher than those of his opponent. Doesn't it mean that if he has more shields, he will be a real superhero?

It is indeed a black technology from advanced civilization, it is awesome.

He secretly praised himself and walked to the window, suddenly eager to test his current physical fitness.

"This place is about fifteen meters above the ground. Will you fall to death if you jump directly from here..."

Ye Yang hesitated for a long time, and after confirming with the system several times, he started testing from the window on the first floor. After feeling no pain on the second floor, which was ten meters high, he felt relieved and jumped directly from the window on the third floor. And down.


Before landing, Ye Yang also used Chuanwu's force-relieving technique to ensure accuracy.


Stepping his legs outward, most of the impact of landing was fed back to the ground.

The ground immediately cracked.

Ye Yang himself only felt a slight numbness in his feet. The numbness was not even as good as when he was an ordinary person and stamped his feet hard on the ground.

"This...this is too outrageous."

Ye Yang was prepared to be thrown to the point of grimacing, but this was the result! ?

Is this really a superhero?

In the rest area on the second floor, in the room assigned to the three chef sisters, Zhou Zhinan was stunned at the door after returning to his room after getting up at night.

"What's wrong Nannan?"

Zhou Zhiqian yawned and asked.

"Did you just see a black shadow outside the window? It flashed past in a flash!"

Zhou Zhinan asked again and again.

"What a dark shadow! Are you dreaming? Ah, I'm so sleepy. Go to bed and let my sister hug you, hehe."

Zhou Zhiqian said with a evil smile.

"What, I want to hold my third sister to sleep! Elder sister, go aside!"

Zhou Zhibei on the side kept saying.


While Zhou Zhinan was struggling, a black shadow quickly passed by the window: "Look, look!"

The two sisters quickly turned to look at the window, but saw nothing.

"Third sister is really scared because of her nightmare. Come and give her a hug!"

Both sisters smiled evilly.

"No, no, no, no! There was just a black shadow falling down, and then jumping up again!!!"

Zhou Zhinan said unconvinced.

"Oh, stop talking nonsense!"

The two sisters walked out of the bed, threw the third sister on the bed, and then jumped on her with a bad smile...

On the large open-air balcony on the third floor.

Ye Yang looked at the broken marble balcony floor under his feet.

He just tried his jumping ability again.

This ability is convenient, but it is a bit expensive!

"It suddenly collapsed for more than ten meters, and there was no one left."

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry. It seemed that the transformation ability of this genetic potion was indeed terrifying!

After testing the gene potion, he started researching the second item for today's reward.

This is a lottery ticket.

The whole body is golden in color.

"How to use the lottery ticket?"

Ye Yang asked repeatedly.

"You only need to open it with your mind. The instructions for use are explained in detail below..."

Perhaps because Ye Yang just spent 500,000 face value in the system mall, the system has recently forgotten the principle of silence is golden, and is very enthusiastic in answering questions.

"Eighty percent of the system is thinking about how to persuade me to apply for VIP. Don't be fooled and keep him hanging. Well, let's do it."

Ye Yang made up his mind and then ignored the enthusiastic system.


Ye Yang immersed his will into the lottery ticket.

A flash of light passed, and the lottery ticket disappeared in his hand.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for spending a lottery ticket and obtaining the identity of the president of the International Top Luxury Car Association."


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. The president of the International Top Luxury Car Association?

Just such a position is worth hundreds of billions?

It's too watery!

He opened his mobile phone and searched it. I couldn't help but look up. This association is equivalent to a large car club for world-famous cars.

With this identity, there are no restrictions or rules to buy any luxury car in the world.

For example, many rules of Ferrari or Rolls-Royce that limit a single person to buy only one car are not applicable to such an identity. If this model is limited to six cars worldwide, as long as Ye Yang wants to buy and has enough money, he can monopolize these six cars in his hands.

There are many other benefits. It is the dream identity of countless rich people who dream of luxury cars day and night...

(Second update)

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