Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 414: 10 billion Ru0026D funds per month

"In this case, such a reward is worth the money."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded. This kind of world-class status is extremely rare.

You can draw lottery tickets worth hundreds of billions, which is already considered a profit.

Ye Yang was still very satisfied with the result of the lottery.

"Nowadays, only black technology companies are left without inspection."

Ye Yang dug up relevant information about black technology companies in the system's storage space.

Just as he was about to call the other party, he received a call from the Black Technology Company.

After understanding.

Ye Shenhei Technology Company is located in a deep mountain. The company operates fully intelligent AI and robots, realizing a worker-free factory.

The only biological managers are biochemical humans who are absolutely 100% loyal to their master.

It can be said that it is indeed a very black technology.

However, the company's relevant procedures and documents are all complete, so there won't be any problems.

It was opened deep in the mountains to make it easier to collect relevant raw materials.

Because they are both robots and biochemicals, he does not need to pay a salary. He pays the company's electricity bills regularly every month, and there are no other problems at all. It can be said to save worry and effort.

However, now, there is still one biggest problem...

That is, although the company has it, the relevant production lines do not yet...

"Damn, relationships are a shell company."

Ye Yang had a dark look on his face.

"The company has a dedicated R\u0026D team and by investing in the R\u0026D team, it is possible to develop its own production line."

Watson, the person in charge of the biochemical people over there, kept saying.

"invest funds?"

Ye Yang had a bad feeling in his heart. After all, it was a high-end gadget created by the system. Once it involves investing money, it might not be a small amount.

"Self-researched technology, climbing the technology tree according to the world's current technological level, requires an investment of 10 billion per month in the initial stage, and the research direction is random. With an investment of 100 billion per month, you can choose the direction for research."

Watson continued to introduce.


Ye Yang was confused: "Does your R\u0026D department have nothing to do every day, sitting there and burning money?"

"Master, the R\u0026D department is full of top-notch scientific research biochemical people. Climbing the company's technology tree is the most fundamental core of every successful company's success!"


Ye Yang sighed, this is still the initial stage, it is only 10 billion a month and 120 billion a year, which is really scary.

If after decades of research nothing comes out, he will become a pauper again...

He suddenly understood the psychology of some rich people: the second generation of rich people can eat, drink, whore, gamble, and do anything except starting a business... Starting a business can be said to be the most money-hungry hobby.

However, since he had spent most of his face value to buy a black technology company, he couldn't just leave it unused, so Ye Yang had no choice but to agree to invest money in random self-research and development.

He still doesn't know the efficiency of the R\u0026D department. If he invests 100 billion a month in targeted R\u0026D, if there is no results in a year, then the cash in his hand will be drained.

"Click, click, click..."

Just when he was thinking about the problems of black technology companies.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

He waved, and the door opened via gesture and voice control.

After the door opened, the first thing that came in was a black stick.


He raised his eyebrows, where did this song come from?

It turned out to be Lin Xueer.

After she entered, she directly erected the black steel pipe in the center of the hall.

"Ah, this is it?"

Ye Yang looked at Lin Xueer with some confusion.

"Xue'er is here to fulfill the promise of the carnival!"

Lin Xueer leaned against the black steel pipe and smiled shyly at Ye Yang.


Ye Yang frowned and thought for a while.

"Oops! Brother Ye Yang is so bad, I have to explain!"

Lin Xueer stamped her foot: "Didn't I tell you when that Wan'er sister was pole dancing that I would do it for you alone!"

Ye Yang suddenly realized that there was indeed such a thing. He made a joke at the time, but he didn't expect Lin Xueer to take it seriously.

"Can you do this? You have to be a professional to do this, right?"

Ye Yang asked with raised eyebrows.

"Don't underestimate people! Bad brother!"

Lin Xueer smiled, walked to the side and turned on the soundtrack.

As the Dragon King master bedroom in the Dragon King Palace, it is naturally extremely luxurious. It comes with fully immersive top-level audio equipment, and the atmosphere is immediately in place.


Ye Yang's eyes lit up.

Lin Xueer looks innocent, but when she dances this dance of pure desire, she is also extremely on point and very sultry!

When the innocent beauty becomes sultry, the contrast becomes even more touching.

Dark lights, immersive soundtrack, passionate dance.

It didn't take long for Lin Xueer to get excited about dancing. She threw off her clothes while dancing.

The perfect body was displayed in front of Ye Yang bit by bit.


Ye Yang felt a little eager in his heart.

He couldn't help but walked up and danced a pas de deux with Lin Xueer.

Dance is a kind of soul interaction, but the highest state is the dance of body and soul.

Pole dancing is extremely hot and refreshing.

Lin Xueer has obviously studied dance and overpasses, and she knows every word at her fingertips.


The morning light shone into the master bedroom of the Dragon King Palace. Ye Yang and Lin Xueer danced all night long. Now she was so tired that she fell asleep and probably wouldn't wake up before noon.


After dancing all night, Ye Yang didn't feel tired at all.

The body transformation of the gene potion seems to be very powerful.

Now he even feels energetic and full of energy.

After stretching his body and practicing a set of Awei Thirty-Six Styles in the courtyard, the three beautiful chef sisters and Yu Momo also woke up and ate a simple and delicious meal of bluefin tuna meat dumplings with king crab meat porridge. It was seven or eight in the morning.

The ingredients from yesterday were not completely eaten up, and the remaining ingredients were naturally placed in the Dragon King Hall, waiting to be cooked.

"Hmm~ So comfortable!"

Several beauties were facing the morning sun, showing their perfect S-shaped curves, which made Ye Yang feast his eyes.

Soon, Wang Xiaocong came.

"It's worthy of being the Dragon King Hall. Even with my father's status, I can't buy it. It's awesome inside!"

Wang Xiaocong looked all the way and was amazed.

"Haha, it's okay."

Ye Yang waved his hand: "Some facilities are refreshing, but compared with Prince Gong's Mansion, it's a little smaller."

"Well, that's right, haha..."

Wang Xiaocong obviously exercised too much last night, with dark circles under his eyes. After having breakfast at Ye Yang's place, he was obviously in better spirits.

"By the way, Brother Ye, the Hainan Famous Car Show will be held soon, do you want to go and see it together?"

(First update)

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