Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 415 Reasonable Price: 5800w

"Famous car show?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "This is the first time I've heard of it."

"There is a famous car show in Hainan every year, which is held by the China branch of the International Famous Car Association. It is full of the latest sports cars from various major sports car manufacturers."

"Each one is a sports car worth tens of millions!"

Wang Xiaocong said repeatedly.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "I already have a lot of luxury cars, so it doesn't make sense to go or not."

"Haha, Brother Ye, going to a car show is not to see cars!"

Wang Xiaocong smiled and winked.


Ye Yang instantly understood what Wang Xiaocong meant, thinking that he really hadn't bought any luxury cars in Hainan, and it was time to buy some.

He wanted to go, but it had nothing to do with seeing big white legs!

"Let's go."

He waved his hand: "Are you going?"

"We need to study how to cook the remaining top-grade ingredients."

The three sisters obviously had no interest in luxury cars. In their eyes, fish meat was much more fragrant than luxury cars.

"Of course I have to follow the boss!"

Yu Momo said repeatedly, and then looked around: "Where is Xue'er?"

"Uh, she must have danced too hard last night! She hasn't gotten up yet."

Ye Yang said confidently.

"Huh? Dancing? Xue'er is also a singing and dancing anchor? I didn't know it before!"

Yu Momo smiled: "She is really hidden and unfathomable!"

"Ahem, let's not talk about this, let's go!"

Ye Yang waved his hands repeatedly.


Koenigsegg one1 carried Yu Momo, and Wang Xiaocong drove a Pagani worth more than 30 million.

It was a whirlwind of speed.

The Hainan Auto Show happened to be held in Sanya. He drove all the way and drove very fast. It didn't take long to reach the exhibition area.

The entire exhibition area is very large. After all, it is an exhibition area dedicated to luxury cars. If the brand does not have a super car model worth tens of millions, it is not qualified to join this auto show.

The exhibition area of ​​each car model is very luxurious and has a large space.

The decoration of the auto show is also extremely grand, and it is a high-end auto show at a glance.

Although the auto show is very high-end, the entry restrictions are very low. As long as you have a balance of more than 10 million, you can get an admission ticket.

It can be said that as long as you can prove that you can pay 10 million to buy the lowest-end sports car, you can enter.

Therefore, there are many ordinary people with assets of only tens of millions who come to the venue to admire these world-class luxury cars that are more expensive than their assets.

"This auto show is very luxurious. The auto shows held by the World Famous Car Club in various places every year are very luxurious, but this year's show in China can be said to be the most expensive and luxurious one held by the World Famous Car Club in the past ten years."

Wang Xiaocong obviously knows a lot of inside information, and he introduced it again and again at this time.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, and while talking, he also parked his Koenigsegg One1.

"Oh my god, am I not seeing things?! That's the Koenigsegg One 1!"

"Damn, it really is!"

"Damn, I have 10 million in total, and this car is more than ten times more expensive than my assets!"

"You already have a supercar king, why do you come here to pick a car?"

"Is it okay for people to collect luxury cars?"

"Is that what rich people are!"

"Ah... it's really ironic. Those who can afford supercars at the supercar venue are all rich people who drive supercars. Poor people like us who drive a Mercedes-Benz worth hundreds of thousands of dollars are just here to enjoy the sight."

"Yeah! I have to work hard to make money! The gap between us and the big guys is really too big!"

"Yeah, I also feel my poverty!"

After all, the rich are a minority. Most of the people present are ordinary people whose net worth barely reaches tens of millions.

They looked at Ye Yang's Koenigsegg One 1 and burst into exclamations and sighs.

Ye Yang is used to this kind of exclamation.

"Brother Ye, this way."

Wang Xiaocong obviously attended the Hainan Auto Show held by the Huaxia branch of the Famous Car Club for the first time. He took the initiative to act as a tour guide.

"Damn! Who is that? They actually let Mr. Wang be the tour guide himself! What a grand show!"

"I don't recognize him. He looks very young! That's awesome!"

"You don't know this person? Haven't been online for a few years? Didn't you watch the carnival yesterday?"

"Watch the Chicken Carnival. He's so busy making money every day. He still has time to watch that stuff? What? Is this person famous recently?"

"More than famous! He's so popular! He spent more than 26 billion in rewards at the carnival yesterday to support his woman! My dear mother, can you imagine how exciting that scene was!"

"I thought What, isn't it just... Hey? Wait, what the hell! What the hell, this young man is really awesome!"

"Look at you, you're busy as shit every day, but you've only made 18 million now, right? Haha, someone just gave out a red envelope yesterday and made 10 billion! You're working for nothing, and your life is not as good as the red envelopes they gave out."

"Hehe, stop talking, I'm going to cry if you keep talking, you're a lemon seller, right!"

"You're right, brother, would you like to buy some lemonade? My store is a chain store, and it tastes great!"

"Get out of here, you idiot!"



Wang Xiaocong led Ye Yang into the exhibition area.

Ye Yang looked casually.

The exhibition area is extremely high-end, and on the high-tech booth, in addition to the handsome luxury cars, there are also supermodels, which are dazzling.

Speaking of the supermodels next to the luxury cars, they are really beautiful, with two super large headlights and super white car paint.

It's so pleasing to the eyes.


Wang Xiaocong looked around and drooled at these luxury cars: "This car is so white! The headlights are so big!"


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You have so many beauties hidden in your manor, but they are not enough for you?"

"Hey, Brother Ye, what you said is that there is no such thing as too many good cars!"

Wang Xiaocong laughed.

"That's right."

Ye Yang nodded slightly and agreed deeply.

In addition to these pleasing car models, the commentators on the scene were all great commentators.

"This Aston Martin One87 perfectly inherits the advantages of its predecessor, the Aston Martin One77, and has been upgraded and remodeled, with a new generation of carbon fiber shell installed, and the acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h has been optimized from the previous 3.5 seconds to 3 seconds."


"The previous One77 was priced at 47 million Chinese yuan, and this new version has so many optimizations and improvements, but it maintains the most conscientious price!"

"Now I announce it! The official price of this latest Aston Martin One87 is not 70 million, nor 60 million, but only... 58 million!!!"

"Wow, so cheap! Much cheaper than I expected!"

Wang Xiaocong muttered: "I thought this One87 would sell for at least 60 million, this price is really conscientious..."

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