Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 419: Let’s be honest, I am the president of the car club

You know, purchase restrictions and qualified purchases, these two means are the life of these top sports cars!

Without these two means, their cars would not be able to achieve such high prices, and their brands would be worthless!

It can be said that there should not be anyone who can allow such a super car company to break its most fundamental survival principle!

But looking at Ye Shenhao's confident look, it doesn't seem like he was aiming for nothing.

"Is it true that what this greasy guy said is just bluffing?"

"Haha, Greasy guy is amazing, you are really a little expert at naming names."

"Hey! Bonus, kudos!"


While everyone was discussing, Ye Yang had already walked up.

"Look, he's about to show his trump card."


All the onlookers also looked over curiously.

Not to mention them, even Wang Xiaocong, Mo Zhengzheng, and Tan Mingqian were staring at him.

"No, Brother Ye is so awesome that he can make super car companies change the rules?"

Wang Xiaocong murmured in his heart, a little unbelievable.

"You're not just a braggart, are you? Zhengzheng, your master, emmmmm..."

Tan Mingqian shook her head and looked down upon Ye Yang.

"Don't speak ill of my master! Otherwise, I won't be with you!"

Mo Zhengzheng snorted.

"Alas! You have really been poisoned by your master! After a while, he was as helpless as Huang You. When he was embarrassed, you will understand. He probably didn't expect that Huang You actually dared to agree to his bet."

Tan Mingqian shook her head, thinking she was extremely objective.

Yu Momo was the only one in the audience who was not worried and looked at Ye Yang with trust. She had followed Ye Yang all the way. There were so many miracles and legends in this man that could not be explained!

There's nothing this man can't do!

——As long as he says what he can do!

The car models next to them with fair skin and beautiful faces and undulating chests also looked over.


Although the beautiful saleswoman has a good impression of Ye Yang, rules are rules and she was just about to explain.

Ye Yang waved his hand: "Do you recognize this badge?"

"This is……"

The beautiful saleswoman took the badge in his hand, looked at it, and immediately became solemn.

The way he looked at Ye Yang was wrong.


"What kind of medal is this?"

"It's a bit far away, so I can't see clearly!"

"Why do you feel so funny! Look at the salesman being scared... this badge obviously has a lot of background!"

"Well, let's take a look..."

Huang You on the side immediately felt something bad and wanted to go over to see what kind of badge it was.

"Are you a member of the Global Car Club?"

The beautiful saleswoman said in disbelief.

Car buyers don’t have to recognize this badge, but all those who sell cars from super car companies must recognize this badge!

Especially this auto show, it was organized by the Chinese branch of the Global Famous Car Club! ! !

This identity is even more sensitive!

Beauty salesmen know that only those who spend more than 2 billion on luxury cars from the famous car alliance are eligible to join the International Prestigious Car Club!

There are very few such big men in the entire world!

After all, if you can spend 2 billion to buy a car, how much real estate will you get? How many assets will there be! ?

It’s unimaginable!

The above, and even secondly, the most important thing is that this identity is applicable to all super car companies in the world!

As long as you are a member of the Luxury Car Club, you can get a car at a 20% discount, and there are many qualifying discounts!

In every super car company, regardless of whether you have bought a car from this car company or not, you will be treated as an absolute top VIP!

The president and three vice-presidents of famous car companies have the highest level of licensing rights of the famous car association.

That is, when buying a car, you can let the world's super car companies give up all restrictions!

The 70-million-dollar Lamborghini Poison is limited to five units worldwide, and each person is limited to one?

As long as you are the president, this rule does not exist! One person can take down all five!

40 million Ferrari ENZO, must you have bought three Ferraris before you are eligible to buy it?

As long as you are the president and have never bought a Ferrari, you can pick up the car on the spot!

This is a unique privilege in the world prepared by global car companies for the president of the Famous Automobile Association!

It can be said that as long as you become the president of the prestigious car association, you will be recognized by the world's super car companies as: the only king in the car buying industry!


The beauty salesperson thought of Ye Yang's confidence just now, and couldn't help but have an incredible speculation in her heart... Could it be! ?

He opened the tablet repeatedly. Every super car company has a database of IDs of famous car association members.

"Please enter your car club ID."

Ye Yang casually entered eight eight.

"Please enter your password."

The beauty salesperson feels that this ID number is not simple at first glance! The suspicion in my heart became clearer.

Ye Yang entered another eight eights in encrypted form.

login successful!

The beautiful saleswoman looked at the dark gold word "President" on Ye Yang's identity column on the page, and almost choked with fear.

"Oh my God! The uncrowned king of the car buying world, the super being for whom many car companies have unlocked the highest privileges, is actually right in front of me!?"

For these salespeople, almost since they entered the super car company, they have heard the name of the legendary organization called the Automobile Club.

And now, the mysterious president of the car club, who had been imagined countless times, was right in front of her! ?

She subconsciously took a few steps back, and then bowed 90 degrees respectfully and straightforwardly: "Mr. Ye Yang, the president of the car club! On behalf of Aston Martin, I would like to pay my highest respects to you. You will enjoy the company's highest level of car purchase privileges and preferential treatment!"

"According to the rules, only the highest level reception is qualified to receive you, but since I am the highest level company salesperson at the auto show, I will be solely responsible for your car purchase."

Seeing the legendary figure, Xu Yuying felt an indescribable excitement and awe.


Ye Yang was stunned by her sudden formal introduction, and then smiled and waved his hand: "Keep a low profile, no need for so many red tape."

"Yes! The company will serve you according to your wishes throughout the process!"

Xu Yuying smiled.

This scene made the onlookers next to her dumbfounded.

Is it so awesome? !

"What the hell is that badge? Is it cursed? This beautiful saleswoman seems to be possessed."

"I just heard her call this Mr. Ye... President of the Luxury Car Club? What is that?"


The onlookers also burst into whispers.

And Wang Xiaocong was completely dumbfounded. Others didn't know, so how could he not know the Luxury Car Club?

Brother Ye, he is actually the president of the Luxury Car Club! ? !

(Second update)

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