Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 420: Do you dare to bet with me again?

"This... is too scary."

Wang Xiaocong felt unbelievable. His father had privately revealed Ye Yang's known identities to him. Those identities alone were enough to shock people. Of course, the most outrageous one was what he revealed in the Centurion Club, the controlling shareholder of the Centurion Company...

"Now it has been revealed that he is also the president of the Global Famous Car Club!?"

This feeling made Wang Xiaocong feel deeply afraid. After all, Wang Silin had tried so hard before, but he only found out some of Ye Yang's industries. The various identities that he had hidden deeper were revealed one by one as the contact time got longer!

Now it seems that he is not only the controlling shareholder of the Centurion Club, but also the president of the car club!

These two identities are now gathered in Ye Yang, which is enough to prove his terrifying influence in the world!

But Ye Yang is only in his twenties!

How did he get to this status and power at such an age? !

Even he had to doubt whether those nonsense on the Internet were true.

Maybe there really is a super family in the world? ,

And Ye Yang is the descendant of China's super family?

He thought about it, shook his head and sneered. He was the son of China's former richest man. He had seen everything. He had never heard of any super family in his life. They were all made up by those novelists...

He shook his head and could only attribute all this to Ye Yang's own awesomeness.

"I can't find it!"

"Is this thing so awesome that it can't be found?"

"But it is said that this car show is organized by the car club, and it is the Chinese branch, so it has this super privilege!?"

"I don't know, there may be a lot of water in it. Don't ask nonsense!"

"It's you again, brother conspiracy!"


A group of people were talking.

Just as they were talking, many beautiful saleswomen and supermodels squeezed in.

"Wow, this is the legendary president of the car club, the uncrowned king of the global car buying industry! He is so young and so handsome! This is too outrageous!"

"Mr. Ye, can you sign for me!"

"I got here first, you go to the back and queue up!"

"Hmph, if you want to sign for me first, you can sign directly on my bra!"

"Haha, who cares so much when seeing an idol! I also want an autograph, just sign it directly on this big white thing! I don't plan to take a shower here in the future!"


Ye Yang underestimated the enthusiasm of the salesperson on the scene, and actually asked him to sign there...

"Okay, stop making trouble, the president still has to buy a car, you are here to delay his car purchase, go back and wait to be punished by your respective car companies!"

Xu Yuying scolded.

"Alas! I am so unwilling!"

"Then let's wait on the side!"

After getting the autograph of the president of the famous car club, you will receive preferential treatment and envious eyes from your colleagues when you return to your respective super car companies in the future!


No matter how stupid Huang You was, he could see that something was wrong.

At this time, a trace of panic appeared in his eyes: "Don't you have a minimum requirement? How can he buy a car? Did you just secretly accept money from this guy?! I warn you! Believe it or not, I will report you!"

"It's up to you."

Xu Yuying smiled lightly: "This is a global super car company, jointly recognized! Not only our Aston Martin, but also any super car in any booth at this auto show, for Mr. Ye, there are no restrictions at all!"

"If you dare to be disrespectful to Mr. Ye again, I will ask the security to kick you out."


Huang You stared in disbelief: "You still want to kick me out!? I am a member of your Aston, a VIP of the auto show! You kick me out!"

"He is Aston's top VIP and the founder of the auto show. Disrespecting him and kicking you out is a natural and reasonable thing everywhere."

Xu Yuying said lightly.


Huang You was so angry.

"What do you mean by you? I'm just stating a basic fact. If you don't agree, you can go away."

Xu Yuying casually spread her hands and ignored Huang You. She smiled and said to Ye Yang: "Mr. Ye, what payment method do you use?"


Huang You felt even more suffocated by the contrast between the two extremes.

He was not feeling well.

Mo Zhengzheng on the side said to Tan Mingqian: "What do you think? I said he is unreliable!"


Tan Mingqian didn't want to talk anymore. This kid had really let her down today.

Why did she agree to bring him to see Zhengzheng!!!

However, Zhengzheng's master is really awesome!

Although she didn't know much about the car club, once she showed this identity, the salesperson immediately gave up all restrictions and even said that the whole car show was like this...

This identity is probably awesome!

She looked at Ye Yang carefully. It seemed that she needed to re-examine him.

At first, when I heard Mo Zhengzheng talking about Ye Yang’s amazing guzheng playing, I didn’t take it seriously. I just thought that Ye Yang was a guy who learned a few tricks to pick up girls and came out to deceive girls. He was so proficient in guzheng that he might have already set his eyes on Mo Zhengzheng...

Now it seems that my thoughts are not right!

This guy is really talented!

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Wang Xiaocong to call him brother.

Just when he was trying to figure out Ye Yang's identity, he suddenly saw Ye Yang randomly pull out a card from a pile of black cards in his wallet...

"Fuck, a Centurion Black Card!"

This top-level Centurion Black Gold Card, if you don't have a net worth of one trillion, you don't deserve it!

Ye Yang took out the Centurion Black Card and swiped it casually, and swiped out 58 million.

After paying for this luxury car, the seller will naturally help the buyer solve those trivial and messy things with the fastest efficiency, and you can drive on the road directly after a while.

"Okay, now it's time to deal with the bet just now."

Ye Yang turned around casually and saw Huang You, who was trying to sneak away but was blocked by Wang Xiaocong, and was laughing awkwardly, and said lightly.

"How is it? Are you willing to accept the loss?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.


Huang You cursed inwardly, how could he know that Ye Yang had such an identity! ?

Even if he knew, he would still bet, after all, at his level, he had never heard of what this organization does!

Damn it!

His brain was working at full speed. Where could he get 1 billion? It was unrealistic...

If he asked his father for it, his father would beat him to death!


After thinking for a long time, his eyes finally brightened, and he regained his confidence. He sneered and stood up straight.

"You, dare to bet with me again!?"

(First update)

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