Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 424 I would like to call him the hidden car god


The Koenigsegg One1 sped across the road in an instant, and the wind it brought with it instantly bent the grass on the roadside.


"Yes, overtaking!!!"

Everyone in the audience was very excited.

This is a 10-second late start, and it's catching up!

It's catching up so quickly! ?

"This is too amazing..."

Tan Mingqian opened her mouth in surprise.

Wang Xiaocong waved his fist, and his passion was ignited: "Come on, Brother Ye!"


Ye Yang stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the engine made a violent roar. The whole track was echoing with this terrifying echo.

Huang You in the Aston Martin Lagonda Taraf looked at the rearview mirror at first, and when he saw that Ye Yang didn't start for a few seconds, he thought that Ye Yang must be completely finished, just like those coaches.

He was directly scared.

I was too lazy to look at the rearview mirror.

It was not until the terrifying roar like thunder that reached his ears that he was shocked and looked directly at the rearview mirror.

"Damn it! What's going on!?"

In his eyes, the angry dragon-like Koenigsegg One1 behind him was only a few dozen meters away from him at some point.

Moreover, the distance was still getting shorter and shorter!

You know, his current speed was only 250 kilometers per hour, while Ye Yang had already maximized the performance of Koenigsegg One1, reaching a speed of 405 kilometers per hour!

The relative speed difference was more than 150 kilometers!

Even if Huang You regarded himself as stationary, Ye Yang was driving a sports car at more than 150 kilometers per hour and madly approaching him! ! !

This speed, even on the highway, is speeding!

That kind of visual impact, don't mention how terrifying it is.

"Damn it! Damn it! I forgot that this is a straight section in front."

Huang You cursed angrily.

The two cars were too different in price and grade. It was too easy for him to catch up with him in a straight line if he had the courage to step on the accelerator to the bottom! ! !


The Koenigsegg one1 finally, at a certain moment, surpassed the Aston Martin Lagonda Taraf with an extremely powerful speed difference, like a ghostly shadow.

At this moment, Huang You didn't even have time to see what the scene was like in the car. He could only vaguely see that a red flash seemed to burst out from the corner of Ye Yang's eyes...

"Damn, is it the refraction of the sun? It blinded my dog ​​eyes."

Huang You rubbed his eyes, spat angrily, and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

It was a pity that his car was too rubbish. The maximum speed was there. Even if he stepped on the accelerator to pieces, it was impossible to drive above the theoretical speed.

It was obviously wishful thinking to compare the straight-line speed with the now recognized sports car king Koenigsegg one1.

"Damn it, damn it!"

"Why did I pretend to be so awesome!"

Huang You had to drive with all his strength now, otherwise he really wanted to slap himself with both hands!

"I should have used a standard racing car to compete. In this case, let's see how he can pretend to be awesome!?"

He was so angry that his lungs exploded and his liver ached. But he gritted his teeth and continued to drive: "The straight track at the beginning will let you show off for a while, and then you will know what garbage is when you enter the complex curves of the track!"

"It actually surpassed!"

"If this were put on the track, it would be a miracle."

Yu Momo and Wang Xiaocong were both excited.

However, after the excitement, several coaches looked at the display on the electronic map, shook their heads, and sat down calmly.

"What do you think! That old Wang, do you still think that my brother Ye can't win?"

Wang Xiaocong winked at coach Lao Wang.

Coach Lao Wang smiled and nodded: "Of course, this will not be changed."


Wang Xiaocong was a little unhappy: "You saw it, my brother Ye drove ten seconds later and overtook directly!"

"But the track was a straight line at the beginning!"

Lao Wang explained with a smile: "On a straight track, as long as you have a good mentality and courage, keep the steering wheel steady, and rely on the difference of the car itself, it is natural to catch up."

"But the gap between professional players and normal people is in high-speed turns and handling complex tracks."

"At such a high speed, a normal person would roll over directly when entering a curve."

"I dare to guarantee that if Mr. Ye is not a lunatic, he will start to slow down after five seconds."

"I agree too."

The other coaches nodded in agreement.


Wang Xiaocong and others looked over again and again after hearing this.


Coach Lao Wang continued to shout.

But Ye Yang showed no sign of slowing down...

On the contrary, Huang You in the Aston Martin Lagonda Taraf had already started to change gears and slow down.

Even the top world-class super racing drivers only have an average cornering speed of 150-200km/h.

Once, the legendary cornering speed created by the world's car king reached 299km/h!

Curving at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour is still a limit that no one has ever broken.

And Ye Yang's current speed is 405km/h!!!

If you don't slow down to turn, it's simply impossible.

No matter how awesome he is, can he be even more awesome than the former car god! ?

Ye Yang curled his lips, and when he saw the first turn just around, he felt an indescribable passion in his heart.

Hormones burst out crazily.

His whole body subconsciously shifted gears, clutched, braked, and turned the steering wheel to the limit as if by instinct.

At this moment, Coach Lao Wang shouted out in embarrassment...

Ye Yang didn't slow down at all from the straight line to the turn! ! !

"Is he crazy!!!"

This thought flashed through his mind like lightning, but before he could shout it out, Ye Yang's Koenigsegg One1 had already answered him with actual actions! ! !

A lightning-like drift beyond his imagination! ! !

The sparks splashed on the ground by the tires, accompanied by the roar of the engine.

At that moment, it was like a flash of thunder passing through the border, and it was amazing at the turn! ! !


Coach Lao Wang's face was pale, his jaw was dislocated in surprise, and he collapsed on the seat at the back.

The other coaches were all in a deadly silence and suffocation.

"How... how is this possible!!!"

They looked at the average speed of Ye Yang's cornering calculated by the electronic screen...


"Not only did he break the devil's line of 300 not turning, but he also crushed so many!!!!"

"You told me this is an amateur!"

"Fuck... I would like to call him the hidden car god!!!"

Lao Wang's face was burning, but he felt an indescribable excitement in his heart!

(First update)

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