Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 425 No way! Can we still play like this?

"This is definitely not amateur, this is a hidden car god!"

Several coaches groaned in disbelief.

"Damn, this top-level lightning drift, even the former car kings can't get rid of it so neatly!"

"This can no longer be described as awesome... I can only say that he has directly raised the upper limit of human racing to a higher level!"

"And such a hidden strong man is so low-key, and I haven't even heard any legends about him on the racing stage!"


Several coaches were completely convinced.

"Couldn't it be just luck?"

Tan Mingqian frowned and doubted.

This Ye Yang was exaggerated by these coaches too much. Didn't they still think highly of him just now?

And how could Master Mo Zhengzheng really be so awesome?

According to what Mo Zhengzheng said, he is also a world-class master in playing the guzheng. He is so rich and has an absurdly high status. His music is world-class, and he is also a top-level car god in driving! ?

Is this still a human being!

Only Yu Momo was secretly relieved, and was genuinely happy. Believing in Ye Yang has become a habit for her.

"Trick me!"

"This is lightning drift! No one can do this in the race at a speed of 400 kilometers per hour, throughout the history of racing!"

"You really don't understand anything!"

"Today I witnessed a miracle of mankind here!"

"I originally thought that an average speed of 300 kilometers was the limit of mankind. I really didn't expect that it could be improved so much!!!"

"And I have a vague illusion that it is not that Mr. Ye's technical limit is this, but... the maximum speed that Koenigsegg can exert is this..."

"Gulu... I think so too."

Several coaches all agreed.

They were all fantasizing that if Koenigsegg's maximum speed is 500 kilometers, then is it possible for Mr. Ye to achieve the dream speed of turning at an average speed of more than 400 kilometers! ?

"It's so awesome, I can't even describe how I feel right now. The video of this race must be preserved. This is a milestone in the history of human racing!"

The boss was confused by these coaches: "Is it that awesome?"

"Boss, listen to me, preserve it. If this video is publicized, it will have a far-reaching impact on the entire racing world. By then, we will be completely famous!"

"That's not just a small amount of money of one million..."

When the boss heard this, he was also very excited, and repeatedly instructed the technicians to preserve the entire process of this race.

Huang You in the Aston Martin Lagonda taraf was confused.

He couldn't believe what he saw.

What the hell, it was like lightning, and it turned in a flash! ?

He was just a second-level racer, and he couldn't turn at a high speed at all. He reduced the speed to 180 kilometers before he dared to turn.

The average speed of turning was only more than 130 kilometers.

This time, he was left behind by Ye Yang, and he couldn't even eat dust behind his buttocks.

He never expected that he was trash on the straight line, and he was still trash after entering the curve...

"Fuck!!! What the hell! He is plotting against me!!!"

At this moment, he finally understood why Ye Yang agreed to him so confidently.

He had practiced secretly!

Moreover, it was not just ordinary practice!

This is a car god-level player!!!

"Oh my God! Since I was born, why was he born!!!"

Huang You felt that he was extremely unlucky today.

"Am I going to lose 3 billion? And I have to kneel on the ground and learn to bark like a dog!!!?"

"No, no, no, I can't accept it even if I die!!!"

He roared.

He firmly believed that people's physiques could not be generalized. When he was extremely angry, he could even do it...

Enter the curve at 200 kilometers!!!

He surpassed himself!

At least in this extraordinary state, he performed at an extraordinary level...

At this moment, his level broke through directly in danger, from a second-level racer to a first-level racer.

But it was useless.

Ye Yang is a car god-level existence!

Even if the former world champion came, he couldn't win, let alone him, an 'ordinary person' who fought hard and finally broke through to the professional threshold...


He suddenly felt that Koenigsegg slowed down.

"There is hope!!! Go, go, go!"

After several beautiful turns, he couldn't believe that he had made such beautiful and perfect operations!

This was something he couldn't do at his previous level!

"Damn, I'm awesome!"

He made seven perfect turns in a row, and a strong sense of confidence rose inexplicably.

Finally, he caught up with the Koenigsegg One1 in front of him, which had dropped sharply in speed.

However, the Koenigsegg accelerated the moment he caught up, just keeping a relatively static speed with him.

In this way, the two sides looked at each other as if they were both stationary.

He also saw Ye Yang and Mo Zhengzheng in the opposite car clearly.

Ye Yang was seen leaning on the car window with one hand and turning the steering wheel with the other. He was even yawning out of boredom. When he saw that he had finally caught up, he raised his eyebrows and gave him a middle finger with the hand leaning on the window.


Huang You had a face full of question marks. When turning, you should use both hands to change gears, right? ?

How is this done! ?

Are you still pretending to be driving with one hand and mocking yourself? !

Damn it, I'll kill you if you don't overturn the car, you pretentious boy!

But he immediately understood what was going on. Mo Zhengzheng, who was sitting next to the co-pilot, was operating the gear shift!

From his perspective, the two people overlapped somewhat.

Mo Zhengzheng's hand seemed to be doing a trick for Ye Yang...

"Holy shit!!!"

Huang You felt like he was holding a mouthful of blood in his chest on the spot: "How the hell can you play like this!!?"

If he hadn't been Ye Yang's enemy, he would have wanted to give Ye Yang a round of applause!

"Is that so?! Or is that so? It's my first time, so I'm not very good at it, Master!"

Mo Zhengzheng looked very flustered all the way, moving her hands back and forth and asking anxious questions on her face.

Ye Yang smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, it will be like this for the first time, and you will become proficient in it soon."

He controlled the steering wheel, brake clutch, etc., and kept the speed at more than 200 kilometers, deliberately waiting for the other party to come over. Naturally, everything was under his control.

"Oh okay."

Mo Zhengzheng manipulated the gear lever wholeheartedly, only obeying Ye Yang's orders.

When Ye Yang proposed this idea just now, she was shocked. It was so exciting!


After actually doing it, I found that it doesn’t seem to be that difficult!

Sure enough, Master is still strong!

It's simply too strong!

(Second update)

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