Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 428: Breaking the Theoretical Maximum Speed


Koenigsegg One1 made difficult turns all the way and flew at top speed.

The average cornering speed of nearly 400 kilometers is almost like a lightning!

Ye Yang was not very familiar with it at first, but on the way down the mountain, Ye Yang became more and more proficient in his lightning drift while cornering.

Today's average cornering speed is approaching the limit of 400 kilometers per hour! ! !


The coaches who originally thought Ye Yang was at his limit were completely dumbfounded at this time.

Everyone was stunned.

"This...this, this, this!"

"Why do I feel that his driving skills are improving rapidly!?"

"I feel the same's amazing!"

"Is it possible that he is still driving on the road... improving his skills?"

"This understanding and talent are so terrifying that it makes people transform!!!"

All the coaches were amazed.


"Even the king of cars would probably go crazy with envy..."


"But Huang You's Aston Martin Lagonda taraf has almost reached the flat straight track at the foot of the mountain... Even so, he may not be able to catch up!"

"We'll see!"


When Huang You's car drove to the straight track.

Koenigsegg One1 is also sparking with lightning all the way, and is about to go down the mountain!

"Hahaha! I told you to show affection and pretend to be cool! You should lose!!!"

Huang You looked at the rearview mirror and raised a victorious smile on his lips.

In the rearview mirror, Koenigsegg One1 has not yet appeared...

"One billion, one billion! It's mine!!!"

Huang You laughed wildly...


His voice stopped mid-laughing.

Because, in the rearview mirror, a thunder suddenly exploded from the runway on the top of the mountain.

There was a powerful roar, and the sound waves gathered the dust waves and attacked together.

“It’s Koenigsegg!!!”

Everyone in the audience exclaimed.

"Catching up!"

"Koenigsegg is catching up!!!"

"Here I am, one-third of the race behind, and I'm actually catching up!? Oh my god! What kind of god is this!?"

Everyone opened their mouths in disbelief, looking at the dust and smoke surrounding the edge of the flat track, and exclaimed in wonder.

"Buzz buzz..."

Koenigsegg One1 seems to be integrated with Ye Yang. The person is the car and the car is the person!

The man and the car are integrated into one, with extreme cornering performance and wild roaring sound.

"This speed..."

Several coaches stared at the speedometer: "The average cornering speed is 399km/h... 3h..."



"He raised the average cornering speed to an unprecedented level, the 400-kilometer line!!!!"

You know, before this, it had almost become a law in the racing world to make no more than 300 turns.

Even the best car can't drive an average cornering speed of more than 300 kilometers.

But Ye Yang not only single-handedly broke the devil's law of no more than 300 turns, he even broke the 400-kilometer line in one fell swoop! ! !

In one fell swoop, the ultimate level of human beings was raised by two levels! ! !

"My day... I can still do this!!!"

"I admire you! I admire you from the bottom of my heart!"

"What do you think that means? I can't wait to throw myself to the ground now!!!"


Several coaches looked at Coach Zhang in confusion.

"Ahem...just pretend you didn't hear anything!"


"Boom boom..."

In the blink of an eye.

Koenigsegg's ghostly lightning drift made it quickly enter the straight track!

Today, the Aston Martin Lagonda taraf has traveled a long way in a straight line! ! ! !

"Can we catch up!?"


"We must win!"

On the ring, Wang Xiaocong and Yu Momo were worried about Ye Yang.

Only Tan Mingqian looked at this scene coldly: "No matter how good the car is, no matter how outstanding the driving skills are, if you are so arrogant, you can't escape the fate of failure... This is the truth!"

Although she looks down on Huang You very much now.

But compared to Ye Yang, the stranger who stole his best friend, she still prefers Huang You.

"Sit tight and hold on tight. Now, we have to accelerate with all our strength!!!"

Ye Yang opened the throttle fully.


Koenigsegg One1 erupted with a terrifying explosion.

It seemed that the entire racing field was enveloped by this rumbling sound wave.

The car body constructed with the most perfect fluid mechanics seemed to be flying at this moment! ! !

"Chi chi chi..."

Some thin black smoke ignited on the tires.

"No, the tire speed limit has been reached..."

"If you force the speed to increase like this, the tires won't be able to bear it!"

Several coaches shook their heads.

When Koenigsegg One1 was manufactured, it was built according to the standards of a sports car emperor.

The theoretical speed is also the highest among the world’s standard manufacturers’ cars!

Full, 470km/h!

However, if you take a serious racing car, it can only drive to about 415km/h due to the tire speed limit.

If you ignore the tires, the Guinness World Record, Koenigsegg One1 once ran to a super speed of 450 kilometers per hour!

However, after that race, the tires were already extremely worn out.

But Ye Yang is obviously not a person who cherishes tires.

At this time, the speed of Koenigsegg really reached the extreme...

That kind of refreshing and passionate feeling made his hormones feel like they were about to burn!

Damn, it's burning!


"Still accelerating!"

"Can still accelerate!!!!"

"Can even be faster!!!!"


In the eyes of a group of coaches who couldn't believe it.

Koenigsegg One1 broke the highest speed notarized by the Guinness World Records: 450km/h under Ye Yang's terrifying advancement! ! !

"Oh my god! This is a miracle maker!!!"

"My shock in the past ten years combined is not as great as today..."

"Shocked my father for eighty years!!!"


"Fuck, no, he is still accelerating!!!"

"Such acceleration, infinitely close to the theoretical speed, will make the car scrapped..."

"This is a car worth more than 100 million! He doesn't feel sorry?!"


Ye Yang didn't care about these things anymore, he was enjoying the speed at the moment!

He only had one thought now...faster! Faster! Faster to the extreme!!!

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

The throttle roared, Koenigsegg's unique 500km full speedometer pointer was madly pressed towards the limit threshold of 500!




"Fuck fuck!!!!"

"Am I blind!"

"He directly broke through the factory maximum theoretical speed!?"

"What kind of operation is this!?"

All the coaches were stunned.

Everyone knows what theoretical speed means.

That is the fastest speed that cannot be approached in theory...

Ye Yang actually increased the speed of the car to exceed the theoretical fastest speed! ?

(First update)

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