Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 429 Relatives of the director of Jiangnan Leather Factory?

"What the hell is this!?"

"I'm confused, how about you!?"

Several coaches were a little numb.

Ye Yang is more than awesome, he is simply awesome!

This race brought them too much shock and surprise!

"This is the first time I heard someone drive a luxury car and break the fastest theoretical speed of a luxury car!!!"

"It's like it's the first time for everyone..."

Several coaches licked their lips, feeling extremely dry.

"Still accelerating!"

"Still accelerating!"

Ye Yang was too lazy to look at the speedometer.

Because that would only delay his takeoff.

He just wanted the speed he controlled to be faster!

This kind of free and unrestrained sense of freedom is really cool!

On the speedometer.

The speed of Koenigsegg One1 is still climbing!

The whole car creaked under the weight.

"Oh my god, I feel so bad... Every sound is money!"

"Speeding so fast, the internal parts of the car must have problems. I estimate that after this drive, the repair fee alone will cost several million..."

"Oh, I feel so bad for Mr. Ye."


Several coaches shook their heads and discussed, and they were completely numb to the rising speed.



Finally, the 500km speedometer, the needle directly pressed to the end, the meter exploded! ! !

There is no speed display after that.

But Ye Yang didn't care about these things.

Just speeding all the way, I felt like I was really flying.


The car body, which was originally made of the highest-grade materials, made a sour sound at this time because it exceeded the highest theoretical speed.

It was like the feeling of the Wuling magic car when it was speeding at 200 kilometers per hour, and the car was about to fall apart, but it actually didn't fall apart at all.

Mo Zhengzheng tightly grasped the seat belt between her chest, and the whole person was trembling. This was too exciting!

"Ahhh! Too fast! Really too fast!!!"

"Master! I can't stand it! I'm really going to fly!"

"But! It's so exciting!!!"

Mo Zhengzheng finally couldn't help but shout out.

"Haha, don't worry, it will be over soon. Soon... it will reach the finish line!"

Ye Yang raised a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth.

Now he is speeding on a pure straight line.

There won't be any accidents. It's okay if the speed exceeds a little bit.


"Aston Martin is about to approach the finish line!!!"

"But Koenigsegg's speed is now extraordinary and will soon catch up!"

"It depends on who can be faster!"



Huang You looked at the Koenigsegg approaching at a high speed in the rearview mirror, and he felt like he had seen a ghost: "Damn it! What the hell! How can it be so fast!?"

"Fuck! No matter! Go, go, go!"

For him, this involves a bet of 20 or 30 billion, he would rather die than lose!

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and simply ignored the Aston Martin's body limit.

He exploded directly and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

The theoretical maximum speed of the Aston Martin Lagonda Taraf is 280 kilometers per hour, but he was forced to drive it to a speed close to 300 kilometers! ! !

"Two crazy people who don't care about their lives!"

"I have watched so many professional races, and this is the most passionate racing I have ever seen..."

"It's too outrageous..."

Several coaches complained.

"It's getting closer! It's almost the finish line!"

"It's getting closer, almost catching up!!!"

Everyone became nervous.

Staring at the two speeding cars with sharp eyes.


Finally, at a certain moment.

Ye Yang's raging Koenigsegg, carrying an indestructible gust of wind, swept past the window of the Aston Martin Lagonda Taraf!

"Fuck!!! The finish line is just around the corner! Ahhhh!!!"

Huang You couldn't accept the psychological damage brought by this moment at all, and stepped on the accelerator frantically with hatred.


This time, the cylinder really exploded...


The speed of the Aston Martin Lagonda Taraf suddenly dropped.

The oil in the tank burst and splashed all over the place, splashing all the way for hundreds of meters...

In the end, the Aston Martin Lagonda Taraf just stopped an inch away from the finish line...

And the Koenigsegg One1 had already stopped safely behind the finish line.

However, black smoke was already rising from the four wheels. After getting out of the car door, Ye Yang could even smell the smell of burnt rubber.


Ye Yang laughed.

And Mo Zhengzheng's hands and feet were weak. At this time, she helped Ye Yang out of the car with her whole body shaking. She was so weak that she looked like she had just finished a whole night...

"The winner this time! Koenigsegg One1, driver, Ye Yang, Mr. Ye!!!"

The referee waved the black and white checkered flag in his hand and announced the result.


"It's finally over! My old heart has been frightened so many times today..."

"Excellent, absolutely wonderful!!!"

The coaches all applauded.

Even Coach Wang, who was not optimistic about Ye Yang at the beginning, applauded crazily at this time, and was the most enthusiastic among all the coaches!


Wang Xiaocong breathed a sigh of relief and burst into laughter: "My Brother Ye is awesome!!!"

"As expected of the boss!"

Yu Momo also laughed happily.


Tan Mingqian shook her head: "He is really a... incredible person."


Because of the explosion of the Aston Martin Lagonda taraf.

Many on-site repairmen rushed to do emergency treatment to prevent sparks from burning the spilled car oil and causing an explosion.

Huang You, on the other hand, was sitting blankly in the driver's seat, completely stunned.

It's like he has lost his soul.

"Come out quickly! There is danger inside..."

Several emergency repair personnel waved at him repeatedly.

But Huang Youdu seemed not to have seen it, and his mind echoed with three billion, three billion...

"Okay, stop hiding in the car and be a coward."

Wang Xiaocong sneered into the car and said, "Come out and pay off your debt!"


The words "repay debt" were like thunder, bringing Huang You back to reality. He walked out tremblingly and looked at Ye Yang, who was looking at him leisurely: "Um...can I...can I do it again?" One extra game, I will definitely beat you this time! We bet this time..."

"But shut up!"

Wang Xiaocong couldn't wait to kick him up: "You are so shameless! If you want to open a leather factory in the future, you will definitely run away with your sister-in-law carrying buckets, regardless of the employees."

"That's my second uncle you're talking about."

Huang You denied it repeatedly.

"???I bet you and the director of Jiangnan Leather Factory are actually related..."

Wang Xiaocong complained in a dumbfounded voice.

(Second update)

Douyin Yi Jiuyang

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